SALARIES AND PREMIUMS. It is agreed that the salaries set forth in the schedule hereto attached and named Appendix A shall prevail and continue during the term of the Agreement.
SALARIES AND PREMIUMS. It is agreed that the salaries set forth in the schedule hereto attached and named Schedule A shall prevail and continue during the term of the agreement.
SALARIES AND PREMIUMS. 22:01 Attached hereto and forming part of this Collective Agreement is Schedule “A” which sets out the classifications of and salaries to be paid to employees. 22:02 An employee will be paid a shift premium of 55 cents per hour for each hour worked when the majority of such hours that are worked falls between 1500 and 0800 hours the following day. Effective January 1, 2016 an employee will be paid a shift premium of 60 cents per hour for each hour worked when the majority of such hours that are worked falls between 1500 and 0800 hours the following day. Effective January 1, 2017 an employee will be paid a shift premium of 65 cents per hour for each hour worked when the majority of such hours that are worked falls between 1500 and 0800 hours the following day. An employee will be paid a weekend shift premium of 50 cents per hour worked between 10:00pm Friday and 10:00pm Sunday. Effective January 1, 2016 an employee will be paid a weekend shift premium of 55 cents per hour worked between 10:00pm Friday and 10:00pm Sunday. Effective January 1, 2017 an employee will be paid a weekend shift premium of 60 cents per hour worked between 10:00pm Friday and 10:00pm Sunday.
SALARIES AND PREMIUMS a) The salary scale appearing in article 63 for group 38 shall apply. b) A minimum contract of thirty percent (30%) shall be granted to every foreign correspondent. At the end of one year, the minimum contract shall be thirty-five percent (35%). All foreign correspondents are self-assigning and, for the lack of a definition of the workday or work week, the basic salary scale, to which is added a minimum contract for each correspondent, is designed to compensate them for all professional services and operational requirements of the job. This contract may be negotiated at a higher rate than the minimum to reflect the workload and other conditions. Negotiation shall take place annually or twice a year and shall occur individually between the foreign correspondent and the Employer. It is agreed that these additions shall take effect on April 1 each year or on the foreign correspondent’s assignment date. c) Depending on their choice and whether it is legally possible to do so, foreign correspondents shall be paid in local currency or in Canadian dollars. In the latter case, their salaries shall be paid into their bank accounts in Canada, in proportions as per their instructions. d) There shall be no payroll deductions or premiums without prior notice.
SALARIES AND PREMIUMS. Attached hereto and forming part of this Collective Agreement is Schedule “A” which sets out the classifications of and salaries to be paid to employees.
SALARIES AND PREMIUMS. First Aid Premium for Designated Holders of Industrial First Aid Certificates
SALARIES AND PREMIUMS. Effective 1997 April 1 Effective 2000 April 1
SALARIES AND PREMIUMS. 00 Recognition of Previous Experience When a Nurse has produced proof or evidence of their previous satisfactory recent nursing experience, placement on the salary scale in Appendix "A" shall be in accordance with the following provisions. Recognition of previous experience will only be deemed as satisfactory and recent where the Nurse has not been away from active nursing for more than five (5) years. One year of satisfactory recent nursing experience for the purpose of initial placement of a Nurse on the salary scale shall be equivalent to 1950 regular hours paid.