AND SALARIES Sample Clauses

AND SALARIES. (a) The salary rates for plumber helpers admitted to the University’s apprenticeship program, upon submission of a certification recognized by the Bureau des examinateurs des plombiers, are based on the salary difference between the rate of a licensed apprentice and the rate of a helper. (b) The salary rates for helpers admitted to the apprenticeship program are determined as follows: Upon obtaining the apprenticeship booklet: 81% of the licensed plumber’s rate. One (1) year after obtaining the apprenticeship booklet: 85% of the licensed plumber’s rate. Three (3) years after obtaining the apprenticeship booklet: 87% of the licensed plumber’s rate. Four (4) years after obtaining the apprenticeship booklet: 90% of the licensed plumber’s rate. Five (5) years after obtaining the apprenticeship booklet: 94% of the licensed plumber’s rate. Upon obtaining the plumber’s qualification certificate: 100% of the licensed plumber’s rate. (c) An employee who does not obtain a plumber’s qualification certificate issued by the Ministère de la Main-d’oeuvre et de la Sécurité du Revenu, or a certification, shall remain a plumber’s helper at the 4th year rate. (d) As of the date of signature of this collective agreement, employees who are apprentice plumbers and electricians and who hold a qualification certificate or experience certificate pursuant to the Regulation respecting the vocational training and qualification of manpower covering electricians, pipe fitters, elevator mechanics and electrical machinery operators in sectors other than the construction industry, shall be paid the same salary rate as an employee in a designated electrician or plumber position.
AND SALARIES. 22.01 For the purpose of the salary schedule, Members of the Collegiate Unit shall be classified according to Manitoba Department of Education regulations.
AND SALARIES. Positions shall be classified according to Appendix “ A and salaries shall be paid according to the rates applicable for the periods specified therein.
AND SALARIES. The schedule of wages, classifications and salaries for all the employees of the City covered by this Agreement, shall be in accordance with the Schedules attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement. Payment of wages shall be issued on a Friday. Payment of wages for vacations, general holidays, paid leave of absence, sick leave, or other paid authorized leave, shall be at the employee's regular classified rate of pay and shall not include any type of premium pay. Temporary appointments of more than a duration of six (6) continuous months in a calendar year shall result in the employee receiving benefits at the higher rate for that period of time while in the higher classification.
AND SALARIESAnnual salaries shall be determined according to Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this agreement. For all purposes in this agreement "salary" shall be defined to be the total amount as determined by this schedule, for part-time employees. A part-time employee shall be paid all salary, allowances and benefits, in the same ratio as the part-time employment bears to full-time employment. All employees shall be paid throughout the year. Alternative payment plans may be at the Employer's discretion, if requested by an individual employee. No Professional Student Services employee shall be newly hired in a range higher than that being paid to an incumbent employee in the same job classification. The Employer shall have sole prerogative to establish the starting rate for a newly hired employee within the salary range established for the classification of that employee. Unless the Employer decides against it, an annual increment shall be granted on the first day of January in each year to each employee until maximum of that employee's salary range has been reached. In the event that an employee is not granted an annual increment, that employee shall be informed in writing of the reason for withholding the increment. The employee may grieve the decision of the Employer to withhold an annual increment. No employee shall be entitled to an increment during the probationary period.
AND SALARIES. All Full-time or Temporary or Part-time employees in the employ of the Board on the 1st day of January, shall be paid salaries and wages, as the case may be, in accordance with the rates of pay for their respective positions, effectiveJanuary as set forth in Sched- ule “A” hereto annexed. Upon giving to the accounting office at least three weeks notice prior to the last pay date before vacation, employees may receive any cheques which may fall due during the period of their vacation. The Board may set rates of pay for any new or changed classificationsand shall advise Local of such new or changed classifications and, if Local or any employee is of the opinion that the rate of pay is unfair or improper, Local or the employee, as the case may be, shall have the privilege of filing a grievance in accor- dance with the procedure set forth in Article Whenever a Full-time or Temporary Employee whose normal work week consists of thirty-five (35) hours, is assigned to perform the regular duties of a position, the classification of which is higher than the classification of the position to which such employee has been appointed, for a continuous period of ten (10) working days or more, other than for the purpose of serving as a replacement during the vacation of the regular incum- bent, such employee shall be paid the minimum of the rate of the experience grade in her new classification which will provide an immediate increase over her previous salary rate or awarded an increase of one experience grade equivalent, whichever is the greater, for all such time so worked. When a Full-time Employee is promoted to another classification and such promotion would not otherwise result in any increase in salary at the time, such employee shall be placed in an experience grade in her new clas- sification which will provide an immediate increase over her previous salary rate or a four hundred and fifty dollar ($450) per annum minimum increase, whichever is the greater. The date of promotion to the new classification shall become the anniversary date for salary increments.
AND SALARIES. 31.01 CLASSIFICATION AND REMUNERATION AT THE TIME OF HIRE The employee, from the date of hire by the University, is classified according to the nature of the work and the characteristic elements which are fundamental to the position and are exercised on a regular basis. The classification of the position corresponds to one of the two classes which appear in Appendix A. The employee is integrated into the salary scale which corresponds with her/his class. 31.02 The University determines where the employee fits on the salary scale according to scholarity and experience as per the terms of this article. 31.03 A step normally corresponds to one (1) year of pertinent experience. It indicates the level of remuneration within the salary scale for each class. 31.04 The employee who has no more than the minimum required by the class is hired at the first step of the class. 31.05 However, the employee who has more experience than the minimum required for the class will be granted one step for each year of additional experience as long as the experience is considered to be pertinent as per the attributes described for the class. 31.06 Likewise, an employee who has successfully acquired more scholarity than the minimum required will be granted a step for each year of scholarity which exceeds the minimum required. This scholarity must be both pertinent and greater than the minimum scholarity for the class.
AND SALARIES. Schedules "A" and hereto attached headed "Classifications" and "Salary Scales" are hereby made of this Agreement. Classificationsof staff are based on the job descriptions of the Society. The Society undertakesto ensure that alljob descriptions are accurate and up-to-date. At the time of implementationof this Agreement, the parties acknowledge that the job classifications specifiedinSchedule "A" are based on a formal system of job evaluation undertaken by the Society. At the time of hiring, each new employee shall receive a letter stating her starting salary and classificationaccording to Schedules"A' and and a statement including a general of the job for which she has been hired. Such description is not to be misconstruedas a job description and is not Failure to provide such a letter is g monetary benefits to which a regularpart-time employee would be otherwise entitled under the terms of this Agreement shall be prorated in the same ratio that the hours of work for the position are compared with the hours of work for a regular full-time position. Any employee who is eligible for and received benefit coverage or pay in lieu thereof pursuant to the terms of this Collective Agreement shall not be eligible to simultaneously receive both benefit coverage and pay in lieu thereof pursuant to terms of one Collective Agreement while working under the terms of any other Collective Agreement. on the Grid and Anniversary Dates
AND SALARIES. 53.1 An Employee will be employed by SSA in one of the classifications specified in Schedule A and will be paid a salary within the salary range assigned to the classification. 53.2 Classification descriptors relating to the salary levels of Commercial Roles will be as set out in Schedule A. 53.3 The classification descriptors will be the primary determinant of the classification of positions. 53.4 No Employee will refuse to perform duties reasonably required, consistent with that Employee's classification and which the Employee is competent toperform. Ordinary hours may be worked by an Employee in the Retail Stream between the following hours: Monday to Friday, inclusive 7.00am – 9.00pm Saturday 7.00am – 6.00pm Sunday 9.00am – 6.00pm Employees may work up to an average of 38 ordinary hours per week, which may be arranged as follows: a. working 38 hours per week; or b. working 76 hours over 2 consecutive weeks; or c. working 114 hours over 3 consecutive weeks; or d. working 152 hours over 4 consecutive weeks; or e. working an average of 38 hours per week over a longer period agreed between the employer and the Employee. The maximum number of ordinary hours that can be worked on any day is 9, but for one day per week, which may be worked up to 11 hours. If an Employee is regularly rostered to work on Sundays, they must be rostered in such a way that they have 3 consecutive days off (including Saturday and Sunday) per 4 week cycle. The minimum daily engagement of a casual employee is 3 hours. Employees in the Food and Beverage Stream may work ordinary hours at any time of day, Monday to Sunday.
AND SALARIES. (a) The salary rates for plumber helpers admitted to the University’s apprenticeship program, upon submission of a certification recognized by the Bureau des examinateurs des plombiers, are based on the salary difference between the rate of a licensed apprentice and the rate of a helper. (b) The salary rates for helpers admitted to the apprenticeship program are determined as follows: 1st and 2nd years: 30% of the difference between the rate established for a helper and the rate established for a licensed apprentice. 3rd year: 50% of the difference between the rate established for a helper and the rate established for a licensed apprentice. 4th year: 75% of the difference between the rate established for a helper and the rate established for a licensed apprentice. 5th year: 100% of the difference between the rate established for a helper and the rate established for a licensed apprentice. (c) An employee who does not obtain a plumber’s qualification certificate issued by the Ministère de la Main-d’oeuvre et de la Sécurité du Revenu, or a certification, shall remain a plumber’s helper at the 4th year rate. (d) As of the date of signature of this collective labour agreement (June 28, 2001), employees who are apprentice plumbers and electricians and who hold a qualification certificate or experience certificate pursuant to the Regulation respecting the vocational training and qualification of manpower covering electricians, pipe fitters, elevator mechanics and electrical machinery operators in sectors other than the construction industry, shall be paid the same salary rate as an employee in a designated electrician or plumber position.