Salary Advancement Unit Requirements Sample Clauses

Salary Advancement Unit Requirements. The following regulations pertain to units to be used for class advancement on the certificated salary schedule: 1. Units of credit for upper division and graduate courses from accredited colleges and universities in the unit member's teaching field or other professional assignment may be submitted for a class advancement without obtaining prior approval. 2. Units of credit for upper division and graduate courses from accredited colleges and universities outside of the unit member's teaching field or other professional assignment submitted for a class advancement must have the prior approval of the campus evaluation committee.
Salary Advancement Unit Requirements. The following regulations pertain to units to be used for class advancement on salary schedules C: 1. Units of credit for upper division and graduate courses from accredited institutions recognized by the U.S. Department of Education in the unit member's assignment may be submitted to the college evaluation committee for a class advancement without obtaining prior approval. 2. Semester units of credit for upper division and graduate courses from institutions recognized by the U.S. Department of Education outside of or not directly related to the unit member's assignment submitted for a class advancement must have the prior approval of the college evaluation committee. 3. Lower division semester units: a. Lower division semester units may be applied to class advancement only when approval has been obtained prior to the onset of the course and the particular semester units are one (1) of the following: i. required for a degree fulfillment, ii. required in connection with preparation for a specific institutional assignment, iii. part of an in-service training program, or
Salary Advancement Unit Requirements. The following regulations pertain to units to be used for class advancement on the academic salary schedule: 1. Units of credit for upper-division and graduate courses from accredited colleges and universities in the unit member's teaching field or other professional assignment may be submitted for a class advancement without obtaining prior approval. 2. Units of credit for upper-division and graduate courses from accredited colleges and universities outside of the unit member’s teaching field or other professional assignment submitted for a class advancement must have the prior approval of the campus evaluation committee. 3. Lower-division units: a. Lower-division units may be applied to salary class advancement only when prior approval has been obtained and the particular units are one of the following: [1] required for a credential or degree fulfillment, [2] required in connection with preparation for a specific institutional assignment, [3] part of an in-service training program, or [4] recognized by the College Evaluation Committee as contributing to the unit member's effectiveness in his/her assignment. b. In order to obtain prior approval for any lower-division course work, each applicant must submit to the College Evaluation Committee the proper application form. Not more than twenty percent (20%) of the units required for advancement from one (1) column to the next may be lower-division units in any case. 4. In addition to total unit requirements, over one-half (1/2) of the total number of units required for placement on a particular salary schedule class must be in the unit member's teaching field or appropriate to his/her professional assignment. 5. Even when they may not carry college credit, National Science Foundation, Industrial Institutes, factory training, and other appropriate courses may be counted for credit for class advancement if, prior to the onset of the course, approval by the College Evaluation Committee has been obtained and the committee has determined how much credit for salary advancement purposes shall be granted. Other than exceptional circumstances, approved in advance by the Chancellor or his/her designee, not more than twenty percent (20%) of the units required for advancement from one column to the next may be units that fit in this category. Section 1. FACULTY RIGHTS:
Salary Advancement Unit Requirements. The following regulations pertain to semester units to be used for class advancement on the faculty salary schedule: 1. Semester units of credit for upper-division and graduate courses from accredited institutions recognized by the U.S. Department of Education in the unit member's assignment may be submitted to the college evaluation committee for a class advancement without obtaining prior approval. 2. Semester units of credit for upper-division and graduate courses from accredited institutions recognized by the U.S. Department of Education outside of or not directly related to the unit member’s assignment submitted for a class advancement must have the prior approval of the college evaluation committee.

Related to Salary Advancement Unit Requirements

  • Salary Advancement H. The City Manager may approve the appointment of an employee who is to be laid off to an existing vacancy in a lower class for which the employee is qualified without requiring an examination, provided the concerned department head so recommends. I. The names of regular employees who have been laid off or bumped down due to reduction in force shall be placed on an appropriate layoff reemployment list according to date separated or bumped down and shall be eligible for reemployment. The last employee laid off or bumped down shall be the first employee on the list, with other employees listed in sequential order thereafter. Each employee on the layoff reemployment list shall remain on that list for 1 year, at which time the list expires unless extended by the City Manager. Names of employees not responding to written notification of an opening within 10 working days shall be removed from the reemployment list. The City Manager can extend the active period of the reemployment list or individual employee's eligibility on such list for a 6-month period as determined to be in the best interests of the City. J. Notice of recall from layoff shall be by return-receipt-requested mail and shall specify the date for reporting to work, which shall not be more than 21 calendar days from the date the notice is received. Notice shall be deemed to have been received when sent to the last known address on file with the City and attempted delivery or delivery is certified by the Postal Service. Upon receiving notice, the person on layoff shall have 5 calendar days to accept or decline the recall opportunity. An employee who fails to respond within the 5 calendar days, refuses recall, or fails to report on the prescribed date within the 21-calendar-day maximum thereby waives all further right to recall and reinstatement as an employee. Where recall is declined, the City will proceed to the next name on the reemployment list and follow the same notice and response procedure. This process will continue through the list until recall needs are met on the list or the list is exhausted. K. A person appointed from a reemployment list must serve a new probationary period if recall from such list occurs more than 90 calendar days after the effective date of layoff. The new probationary period in such circumstances shall be 6 months. L. Reemployed employees shall receive the following: 1. Retention of full-time service seniority accrued at the date of layoff. 2. The salary for the classification in effect as of the date of return, at the same step as the date of layoff. 3. The accrual rate of vacation and sick leave in effect for the employee's seniority level and class at the time of rehire. 4. All the benefits or programs in effect at the time of layoff shall be forfeited unless they are still applied to the classification or salary range at the time of rehire or provided to new hires as of that date. M. An employee who elects to resign in lieu of layoff, or while laid off, shall forfeit all rights to reemployment and is entitled only to those rights related to severance from City employment.

  • Step Advancement Each faculty member will be granted one (1) increment on the salary schedule each year up to the maximum allowed. To qualify for advancement one (1) step on the salary schedule, employees must have been employed in a paid status or on any form of medical leave (FMLA, CFRA, etc.), or on military leave seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the school days in a school year.

  • SALARY STEP PLAN AND SALARY ADJUSTMENTS Appointments to positions in the City and County service shall be at the entrance rate established for the position except as otherwise provided herein.

  • Deferred Salary Leave Plan (1) The deferred salary leave plan enables Employees to take one (1) year of leave from the Public Service and to finance this leave through a deferral of Salary in previous years. (2) Under this plan, participating Employees agree to defer a portion of their Salary for four (4) consecutive Academic Years and the Employer agrees to grant the Employee leave in the fifth year, and to use the amounts deferred in the previous four (4) years to pay the Employee's Salary during the period of the leave. Participation in the plan is subject to operational requirements. (3) During the period of leave, Employees may engage in whatever activities they wish. (4) The individual plan for each participating Employee is a six (6) Academic Year period consisting of the following: (a) The first four consecutive years during which the Employee draws 80% of Salary earned in each of the four years and defers the remaining 20%; (b) The fifth consecutive year in which the Employee takes the leave, and is paid from the amounts deferred above plus any interest earned on the deferred funds; and (c) The sixth consecutive year in which the Employee returns to employment with the Public Service of Nunavut for a minimum of one year. (5) There is no maximum number of Employees allowed to enter the plan. (6) Executive Directors ensure that approved leaves do not impair the future operation of their School Operations. (7) Employees make written application to their Executive Director. Applications should state the proposed start of the Salary deferral and the proposed period of leave. (8) The Executive Director reviews the application and the requirements of the School Operations and notifies the Employee and the respective Department of Finance, Pay and Benefits Officer at least six (6) weeks prior to the start of Salary Deferral. (9) Each participant will sign an agreement covering the details of the plan. (10) In each year of the plan preceding the period of the leave, the Employee will be paid 80% of the applicable Salary. The remaining 20% of Salary will be deferred and this amount will be retained in trust by the Employer to finance payments during the period of leave. (11) The deferred Salary will be placed in a trust fund by the Government and any returns on the investment of the trust will be used to pay the participant during the period of leave. (a) The money held in trust will be pooled with other Government funds and the Employee will be credited with the average rate of return on those funds. (b) Investments will be restricted to those eligible under Section 57(1) of the Financial Administration Act. (c) A statement of the individual's account will be provided at each anniversary of the plan. (12) During the period of leave, the participant shall receive, if on a one (1) year leave, one twenty-sixth (1/26) of the amount deferred plus any trust fund returns in each pay period, less applicable deductions. No additional payments to the participant can be made such as loans, subsidies, Allowances or Salary. (13) Income tax will be deducted in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act and its Regulations. (14) During the first four (4) years of the plan, the Employer shall provide Employee benefits at a level equivalent to 100% of Salary. Benefits and premium recoveries for the period of leave will be governed by the rules for leave without pay. All benefits cease except Health Care Plan, superannuation, supplementary death benefit, disability insurance, and dental coverage. Premiums for these plans are payable by the Employee. Arrangements can be made to have deductions from pay for some of these benefits. (15) Upon return from leave, the Department will place the Employee in the position held at the commencement of the leave. (16) Returning Employees will have their qualifications re-assessed and placed on the appropriate pay scale. (17) The Employer shall cancel participation in the plan and shall refund, within 60 days, the total of the deferred Salary plus earnings from the plan if the Employee dies or employment is otherwise terminated. (18) Where operational requirements would not be met if the Employee proceeded on leave in the fifth year, or where exceptional changes in personal circumstances make the leave unfeasible, the Employer will give the Employee the choice of the following: (a) withdrawing from the plan and taking a refund of the total in the deferred salary account; or (b) deferring the period of leave to either the sixth or the seventh academic consecutive year or to some other mutually agreeable time. (19) Upon withdrawal from the plan the total in the account will be repaid to the Employee within 60 days from the notification of withdrawal.

  • Reimbursement Option Provided that the Recipient satisfies the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Recipient may elect to receive Fund proceeds for land acquisition directly from the OPWC after Closing. After Closing, which Closing shall not occur until the Recipient's submission of the Request to Proceed and the Recipient's receipt of the Notice to Proceed, the Recipient may submit a Disbursement Request to the OPWC for reimbursement of acquisition and other eligible costs. The Recipient shall attach to the Disbursement Request a copy of: (i) the executed and recorded deed, or such other instrument conveying the interest approved by the Director, with respect to the Land acquired by the Recipient, (ii) a copy of the recorded Deed Restrictions, (iii) a copy of the executed settlement statement, (iv) certification, or other documentation acceptable to the Director from the Title Agent that the Recipient has marketable title in and to the Land, and (v) such other documentation required by the OPWC. After receipt of such documentation, and subject to Recipient's compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the OPWC shall disburse Funds payable under this Agreement.

  • Salary Adjustments At any time during the term of this Contract, the Board may, in its discretion, review and adjust the salary of the Superintendent, but in no event shall the Superintendent be paid less than the salary set forth in Section 3.1 of this Contract except by mutual agreement of the two parties. Such adjustments, if any, shall be made pursuant to a lawful Board resolution. In such event, the parties agree to provide their best efforts and reasonable cooperation to execute a new contract incorporating the adjusted salary.

  • Deferred Salary Leave Each employer ratifying this Agreement will establish or, as necessary, review and update a deferred salary leave plan consistent with Regulations issued by Canada Revenue Agency under the Income Tax Act. The parties may use the Application, Agreement, and Approval Form as a template (see Appendix H) for the deferred salary leave plan.

  • Performance Pay In accordance with Section 8 of the General Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2020-2021, contingent upon the availability of funds and at the Agency Head’s discretion, each agency is authorized to grant merit pay increases based on the employee’s exemplary performance, as evidenced by a performance evaluation conducted pursuant to Rule 60L-35, Florida Administrative Code.

  • Annual Bonus Compensation Executive shall be eligible to receive a bonus each Contract Year (“Annual Bonus”) as the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors shall determine. Executive’s Annual Bonus shall be determined in accordance with the Company’s executive compensation policies as in effect from time to time during the Term and shall be based, in part, on his achieving his individual performance goals for the year and, in part, on the Company’s achieving its performance goals for the year.

  • Salary Adjustment The salary of an employee returning from uncompensated leave shall be adjusted to reflect all non-discretionary increases distributed during the period of leave. While on such leave, an employee shall be eligible to participate in any special salary incentive programs.