Salary Compliance. 1. It is agreed and recognized that salary compensation must be in compliance with the directions of State agencies and the laws of the state of Washington.
2. In the event that an appropriate State agency deems that any provision or compensation improvement is in noncompliance with the directives of the state of Washington or its agencies, the District shall take steps as necessary to adjust the compensation level only to the extent that compliance is achieved. Documentation of the computations shall be provided for the Association at a Labor Management meeting.
Salary Compliance. All State flow-through monies shall be applied to the Xxxxxx Creek Salary Schedule.
Salary Compliance. District salaries for employees shall comply with the minimum “fence posts” established by RCW 28A.400.200 for certificated instructional staff with zero years of professional experience and with five years of professional experience. The District shall provide its employees with an annual salary inflationary increase in accordance with RCW 28A.400.200 and .
Salary Compliance. A. The maximum allowable by the State will automatically be applied to the salary schedule.
B. In the event the District is under State compliance, the district will provide an upward adjustment to achieve maximum compliance allowed by the State. In the event that the district is found to be above the level allowed by the state, the base salary will be reduced to bring the district back into compliance. In such a case employees will be given notification two months in advance of any downward adjustment and the "overage" will be returned to the district in the same length of time that it was paid out to employees. The salary settlement intent is to grant a salary increase that will be at the maximum legally allowable level.
C. Employees are responsible for providing the District accurate records for salary compliance (Section 13.1.7 – Education Credits), and for checking the accuracy of employment contracts before signing annually. The District shall make corrections regarding salary compliance within the contract year when requested by an employee, and when such corrections are legally appropriate. The District shall make corrections regarding salary compliance for the previous school year when the employee makes such a request by September 15th of the current school year, and when such corrections are legally appropriate. In general the District will not make corrections regarding salary compliance for years beyond one year prior to the current school year, however an appeal may be made to the Superintendent when special circumstances exist. The employee handbook will include information about how credits and experience are calculated for salary placement purposes. New employees will have a conference with the personnel coordinator to review credits/experience and salary placement. Current employees will receive a credit/experience summary annually with the employment contract.
Salary Compliance. All State flow-through monies shall be applied to the LEAP schedule.
Salary Compliance. All bargaining unit employees shall be paid their salary in twelve (12) monthly installments.
Salary Compliance. A. The maximum allowable by the State will automatically be applied to the salary schedule.
B. In the event the District is under State compliance, the district will provide an upward adjustment to achieve maximum compliance allowed by the State. In the event that the district is found to be above the level allowed by the state, the base salary will be reduced to bring the district back into compliance. In such a case employees will be given notification two months in advance of any downward adjustment and the "overage" will be returned to the district in the same length of time that it was paid out to employees. The salary settlement intent is to grant a salary increase that will be at the maximum legally allowable level.
C. Employees are responsible for providing the District accurate records for salary compliance (Section
Salary Compliance. A. The base salaries for the employees covered by this agreement shall be set forth in the appendices.
B. Experience and education increments shall be paid effective September 1 of each year.
C. In the event the District is notified of non-compliance, the parties will meet within ten
Salary Compliance. In the event the District's LEAP salary schedule base and compensation for employees exceeds or is below the maximum increase set by the Legislature, the salaries at 100% will be adjusted proportionately with the compensation of other employees to bring the District into compliance with the maximum increase allocated by the Legislature.
Salary Compliance. A. If the state test of compliance indicates that the District is out of compliance due to employee's salaries, the salary schedule base shall be reduced to the extent that the District is back into compliance.
B. If the state test of compliance indicates the District is under compliance, the salary schedule base shall be increased so that the maximum allowed is paid and at least up to those salaries reflected on the state allocation model.