Derogatory Materials Sample Clauses
Derogatory Materials. No references to a teacher's competence, character or manner shall be placed in the teacher's file without the knowledge of the teacher. The teacher shall date and sign such material to verify knowledge of filing; the teacher has the right to attach written comment to such material and the signature and dating of such documents do not necessarily imply that the teacher agrees with the supervisor's remarks. Teachers may request that any material of a derogatory nature (exclusive of evaluations) be removed. The Superintendent is not obligated to remove material from personnel files.
Derogatory Materials. 32 No derogatory materials concerning the employee's conduct, service, character, or personality shall be 33 placed in any file unless an employee has had an opportunity to read and respond to them within 30 34 business days. The employee shall acknowledge having read such material by affixing his/her 35 signature to the copy to be filed. The employee shall have the right to write his/her version of the 36 incident or occurrence, and have the statement permanently attached to the original document.
Derogatory Materials. No materials derogatory to a unit member’s conduct or service shall be placed into the unit member’s file unless the unit member has been notified in accordance with Education Code § 87031.
Derogatory Materials. No evaluation, correspondence, or other material making derogatory reference to an employee’s or former employee’s competence, character, or manner shall be kept or placed in the personnel file without the employee’s knowledge and the opportunity to attach his/her own comments or the right to have it reviewed at a fair hearing and removed if warranted. Notification required and rebuttal allowed proper receipt procedure – Annual clearing of derogatory materials: Derogatory material must be shown to a certificated employee within ten (10) days after receipt or composition (if originating within the District office), and must be certified as seen via a dated employee signature or documented as to the employee’s refusal to sign. Any derogatory material lacking proper receipt of employee notification shall not be allowed as evidence in any non-renewal proceeding or other District hearings. Any derogatory statement from a nonprofessional source will routinely be removed and destroyed twelve (12) months following date of receipt in the human resources department unless it is a current, relevant, and important part of an immediate or possible non-renewal or other discipline hearing proceedings.
Derogatory Materials. 7.5.1 All derogatory material in the personnel file that is more than four (4) years old shall be sealed at the request of the unit member and shall only be made available if needed by the district as rebuttal during disciplinary proceedings against the unit member.
Derogatory Materials. No material derogatory to an employee’s conduct, service, character, or personality will be placed in the employee’s personnel file unless the employee had an opportunity to review said material. The employee shall acknowledge that they had an opportunity to review such material by affixing their signature to the copy to be filed with the express understanding that such signature does not indicate agreement with the content thereof. The employee will also have the right to submit a written response to such material and said response will be reviewed by the administration and attached to the file copy.
Derogatory Materials. No material derogatory to a teacher’s conduct, services, character, or personality will be placed in his/her personnel file unless the teacher has an opportunity to review the material. The teacher will acknowledge that he/she has had a chance to review such material by affixing his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the understanding that such signature merely indicates that he/she has read the material to be filed and does not necessarily indicate agreement with the contents thereof. The teacher will also have the right to submit a written answer to such material and his/her answer will be reviewed by the superintendent, or his/her designee, and attached to the file copy.
Derogatory Materials. No derogatory material from any source shall be placed in the personnel file 2 without written notice to the employee within twenty (20) days after receipt by the District. 3 Notification shall not be necessary for material that has been received or acknowledged by the
Derogatory Materials.
23 1. Derogatory materials are defined to include less-than satisfactory evaluations and written 24 reprimands. Such derogatory materials shall be used for corrective purposes only. 25 Derogatory materials may be used to support later disciplinary action, but they are not 26 considered a disciplinary action by themselves under the provisions of this article.
27 2. Derogatory materials may only be maintained in the employee’s official personnel file 28 contained in the Human Resources Department. Employees will have a right to inspect any 29 derogatory material prior to it being entered into their personnel file. Proof of inspection 30 may be required, but signing such proof does not indicate the employee agrees with the 31 content of the derogatory materials. The employee shall have a least ten (10) work days to 1 respond to the derogatory materials before they are entered and their response shall be 2 attached.
Derogatory Materials. No material derogatory to an employee's conduct, service, character, or personality shall be placed in his/her personnel file unless the employee has received a copy and has had an opportunity to review the material. The employee shall have the right to submit a written answer to such material and attach it to the file copy. Any material not originating from the district administration and which has not been used as a basis for action against the employee within three years of the end of the school year it was entered in the file, shall be removed from the file and destroyed. Unsigned derogatory materials will not be placed in an employee’s file.