Sampling method. The sampling locations consist of 13 plots (plots SIE1-SIE6, SIO1-SIO6, and SO3) outside the cave and six plots (plots SIG1-SIG6) inside the cave of Mount Silabur. Apart from these plots, we also encountered 10 sites where no hydrocenids were found (Figure 4.
Sampling method. Assessment of the efficiency of any quality assurance system and documentation by means of reviewing implementation samples. This method is not based on reviewing all the documentation and files. The frequency of sampling may change. PSUR: Periodic safety update report SSCP: Summary of safety and clinical performance EUDAMED: Electronic System implemented by EU Commission.
Sampling method. How representative is one sample per lake?
Sampling method. Contractor shall, at its sole expense, conduct waste evaluations that meet the requirements of 14 CCR Section 18984.5(c). The Contractor shall conduct waste evaluations for contaminants using the Standard-Compliance Approach or other methods approved by Cal Recycle at least twice per year and the studies shall occur in two distinct seasons of the year. Contractor shall provide adequate notice to City of when waste evaluations will occur, and City reserves the right to observe waste evaluations. Contamination Notifications: If the sampled weight of Prohibited Container Contaminants exceeds twenty-five percent (25%) of the measured sample for any material stream, the Contractor shall notify City within fifteen (15) working days. Contractor may perform targeted waste audits to determine the source of contaminants and provide technical assistance to those generators or notify all generators of their obligation to properly source separate materials. The Contractor may provide this information by placing a written notice on the Generators’ Containers or the gate or door of the Premises; and/or by mail, e-mail, or electronic message to the applicable Generators.
Sampling method. All sampling shall be in accordance with GPA Standard 2174, latest edition.
Sampling method. Purposeful sampling was employed to select respondents due to their knowledge or experience on the study topic and Convenient sampling method means selecting respondents on easy accessibility, geographical proximity, availability at a given time (43). In this study, convenient sampling was used for getting patients served by the Hospital for In Depth Interview. These were obtained after they were done with receiving health services. Convenient sampling was used due to ease accessibility of patients served at the hospital (41). Council Health Service Board members, Hospital Management Team members and District Health managers were purposively selected for Key Informant interview (KII) due to the roles they play in implementation of SA. Contact information of District Health managers were obtained to schedule interviews at workplace.
Sampling method. The Krafla geothermal xxxxx tap geothermal reservoirs with different steam/liquid ratios. The June- August 2016 tracer test was focused on liquid phase tracers. The main issues when sampling would be thus (i) as in every tracer test monitoring, to avoid cross contamination from the previous sampling (need for a comprehensive rinsing of the sampling tools before and after sampling); (ii) to preserve the steam/liquid ratio of the well (need for a complete opening of the valve connecting the well head to the separator) and (iii) to prevent the introduction of vapour phase into the sample (need for a total elimination of the steam through the separator and to an appropriate cooling and flow rate of the liquid phase). During the first part of the tests (before the 1st of July) the sampling procedure missed the opening of the steam valve leading to some contamination by the condensate in the well fluids enriched in steam phase (xxxxx K-17, K-19, K-33, K-34). Following ISOR’s advices, a more reliable procedure was followed from July, 1st. The following steps were then followed:
Sampling method. The researcher had choice between probability and non-probability sampling methods. In this study a simple non probability method namely convenience sampling was adopted.
Sampling method. The sampling method was non-probability purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is a strategy in which particular settings, persons, or events are deliberately selected for the critical information they can provide that simply would simply not be able to be generated from other choices (Xxxxxxx, 2009, p. 235). Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, and Ploeg (2015, p. 1778) states that the logic and power behind purposive sampling lies in selecting information-rich cases for in-depth study. Information rich cases are those from which one can learn a great deal about issues of vital importance to the purpose of the research inquiry. Interviewees or participants are selected on their knowledge and ability to describe a group or subculture they are a part of. The five selected bankers were South Africans working within the biggest six banks who have knowledge and expertise in Fintech, banking innovation and banking regulation. Only five that can be accessed the easiest within this population would be used.
Sampling method. This study designed so that to meet the study requirements in Iran. Accordingly, sampling method followed: Country divided into five regions, including North, South, West, East, and the center. From each region, one province selected at random. The research team studied the list of patients with breast cancer, levied in each