Purpose of the Research Sample Clauses

Purpose of the Research. The RESEARCH envisions the development and clinical validation of a tool for screening / early diagnosis of colorectal cancer based on the nucleosomics technology.
Purpose of the Research. For the proposed research project, we request approval to use the data previously provided by TJJD to UNT in accordance with the Research Agreement fully executed on 8-29-2016 (projected project completion date of December 31, 2025). This data includes de-identified Juvenile Case Extract Data and TJJD State Data on indeterminate- and determinate-sentenced youth sentenced between 2005 and 2013. The data previously noted (e.g., Juvenile Case Extract Data) are the file names utilized by TJJD when data was transmitted to the Principal Investigator. Within each file were various de-identified data files corresponding to youth/programs/services for the 2005-2013 cohort (see also Attachment 3 for these previously-requested data in the ‘2016 Project’ section). We plan to use all of this data in conjunction with additional data requested below. In sum, we are requesting approval to use data for an already approved and ongoing project, in conjunction with additional data as detailed in the next paragraph. We also request to receive additional data from TJJD on this same cohort of youth. This additionally requested data includes de-identified individual-level PACT data (from the youth’s first and last Full Screens), ACE Questionnaire answers (including Supplemental Questionnaire), and 060 Placement Assignment information for all TJJD youth, whether sentenced to an indeterminate or determinate sentence, from 2005-2013. This information is also referenced in Attachment 3 in the ‘2021 Request’ section.
Purpose of the Research. Researcher agrees to use any data disclosed to it pursuant to this Agreement solely for the purposes of the research project which are described below. There are a set of broad questions regarding public school impacts on student achievement as well as a more specific evaluation of charter schools within the state that we will examine. The broad questions about public schools that CREDO will address are: 1) Do district start-up schools create superior academic environments for their students compared to the former school or other similar district schools? 2) Are students in affluent areas benefitting from public school attendance? 3) How has adoption of new legislation, made to become more competitive for Race to the Top funds, affected student achievement? Regarding charter schools, there are three separate strands of research that our work draws upon: 1) The correlates of academic achievement and growth, 2) The assessment of charter schools as an educational improvement policy, and 3) The stimulation or competitive effects of charter schools on districts. An additional set of questions in this area will be addressed as part of the evaluation CREDO is conducting for New Schools for New Orleans (NSNO) and its project partners (including the Louisiana Recovery School District) as part of their Investing in Innovation (i3) grant from the US Department of Education. NSNO and RSD have embarked on a bold five-year journey to standardize, validate and export the New Orleans Charter Restart Model. The project has critical importance for education reform policy, as it is unique in its approach to addressing the problem of failing schools by restarting them with schools operated by successful charter operators. The project holds tremendous potential for guiding school turnaround efforts across the country. Using a variety of relevant comparison groups, CREDO will investigate multiple facets of the program, including: 1) Do charter restarts produce significantly better results than the schools they are replacing? In other words, are charter restarts an effective turnaround strategy? DocuSign Envelope ID: D0E7FFD7-9BDB-445B-B6E6-771E1176E2D5 2) Under the turnaround model, how does CMO expansion in New Orleans affect academic results both at the failing schools replaced by CMO-run schools and at the pre-existing CMO schools? 3) Are charter restarts more or less successful in their first year than other new charter or district schools? 4) How do the turnaround activiti...
Purpose of the Research. Researchers agree to use any data disclosed to it pursuant to this Agreement solely for the purposes of providing evaluation of Quest for Success curriculum. Educators in this program receive specific curriculum and training for use in their LEAs
Purpose of the Research. The purpose of this Agreement is to document the terms under which ADE and RSA will exchange personally identifiable student/client Information for evaluation purposes and will designate each other as authorized representatives in accordance with applicable federal and state laws concerning access to confidential student/client records. As RSA's authorized representative, ADE may have access to PII in RSA's custody for use in the research project identified in this Agreement and under the terms and conditions described in this Agreement. As ADE's authorized representative, RSA may have access to PII in ADE's custody for use in the research project identified in this Agreement and under the terms and conditions described in this Agreement. ADE has requested the data described herein and included in Section 3, Requested Data, for the purpose of conducting an audit and evaluation. Specifically, ADE has requested the following data: 1) PII data and demographics for all clients attending Arizona high schools who are receiving VR services 2) the data corresponding to those students' disability categories 3) the VR services rendered on the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) 4) status of the case upon closure of the case 5) the name of the school district in which the client is/was enrolled. Through its proposed audit and evaluation, ADE seeks to use this data for purposes of: a) Using PII to analyze data trends and/or outcomes that support the work and progress of ADE and VR interagency collaborative goals and requirements such as: i) identifying the connection between successful post-school outcome (PSO) data and transition services offered both during and after high school and ii) ensuring that ADE employs and distributes staff and other resources to appropriately meet demographic needs of both students and educators. ADE acknowledges that the data it has requested contains Personally Identifiable Information as defined in 34 C.F.R. § 99.3. and 34 C.F.R. § 361.38 (d). RSA has requested the data described herein and included in the Section 3, Requested Data, for the purpose of conducting an audit and evaluation. Specifically, RSA has requested the following data: 2) the data corresponding to those students' primary disability categories 3) those students' corresponding PSO data Through its proposed audit and evaluation, RSA seeks to use this data for purposes of: 1) ensuring that RSA employs and distributes staff and other resources to appropriately meet d...
Purpose of the Research. The purpose of this research is to identify Kazakhstani educator’s attitudes and beliefs towards the implementation of school-based sexual health education within the curriculum.. This research took place in one city in Kazakhstan. Research evidence has shown that learning about sexual health is important to overall health and social well-being. Currently, schools in Kazakhstan do not provide sexual health education, leaving young people at risk. Instead they receive inaccurate information from peers or the internet if the family is not prepared to discuss this sensitive topic.
Purpose of the Research. This research project is designed to study if giving feedback about clients’ progress to their counselor is helpful in improving the effectiveness of counseling. The data from this research will be used to better understand how feedback from clients can be obtained and used in counseling with children and adolescents. Participation in the study will involve the following: After you sign this form, your child will be asked to fill out the Youth Pediatric Symptom Checklist (Y PSC-17) on the computer. This form is 17 items long and is used to see changes from session to session in your child’s behavior and emotions (e.g. “having trouble concentrating”). Your child will complete the Youth Pediatric Symptom Checklist (Y PSC-17) right before or near the start of each session. There are two groups for this study, one of which your child will be randomly assigned to. One group will only complete the form described above while they receive therapy. The other group will have the following component added as well: Starting at your child’s first therapy session after the intake, your child will be asked to complete the Child Outcome Rating Scale (CORS) at the start of the session and at the end of your child’s session, your child will be asked to complete the Child Session Rating Scale (CSRS). Both are 4-item measures that assess how your child thinks they are doing and how therapy is going. Both forms will be administered on the computer. The Youth Pediatric Symptom Checklist (Y-PSC-17) should take 3-5 minutes to complete. The time that your child spends completing the Child Outcome Rating Scale (CORS) and the Child Session Rating Scale (CSRS) is a total of 5 minutes. The therapist will discuss your child’s responses on the CORS and CSRS with them during each session. As a parent/caregiver, you will be asked to complete the Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC-17) every fourth session post-intake. It is 17 items long and takes approximately 3-5 minutes to complete. The PSC-17 will also be administered on the computer. Completion of this form will help the counselor and principal investigator track your child’s symptom progress during the study.
Purpose of the Research. Researcher agrees to use any data disclosed to it pursuant to this Agreement solely for the purposes of evaluating the impact of child care subsidies to children development at ages two and three.
Purpose of the Research. Contractor agrees to use any data disclosed to it pursuant to this Agreement solely for the purposes of the providing a customized analytical report (referred to as the “Work”) to the State in order to identify effective practices for special education students in the State of Louisiana.
Purpose of the Research. Researcher agrees to use any data disclosed to it pursuant to this Agreement solely for the purposes of conducting audit and/or evaluation of the Early Childhood Program.