Section 6.3.3 Sample Clauses

Section 6.3.3. 6 In computing the total vacation credit for any period of service, part of an hour will be 7 disregarded if less than one-half (½) hour; otherwise, it will be counted as a full hour.
Section 6.3.3. Special consideration may be given to an employee who desires to accumulate vacation credits 18 for a special use (retirement not included) upon written request to the Superintendent.
Section 6.3.3. Employees working three (3) or more hours longer than a normal work day shall be allowed at 28 least one 30-minute meal period prior to or during the overtime period if requested.
Section 6.3.3. 33 Hourly pay for extra driving and field trips will be paid at the same regular and overtime rates 34 as apply to regular driving assignments; except, to be eligible, the driver must stay with the bus 35 for purposes of supervision. Suitable relief supervision, as agreed by the supervisor, may be 36 arranged for purposes of going to the bathroom and eating. During overnight trips the bus may 37 be emptied and locked while the driver is away eating and sleeping. For overnight trips, a 38 designated period of up to twelve (12) consecutive non-duty hours per day may be deducted by 39 the supervisor from the total hours for the trip, provided that no time may be deducted if an 40 employee was required to work the hours. 41
Section 6.3.3 rest period shall be taken at a time designated by the District, as near the middle of the shift 42 as is practicable. In the event a work-related interruption requires the presence of the employee 43 during the scheduled rest period, the employee shall be entitled to schedule, with the 44 supervisor’s approval, an alternative rest period during that workday. In the event that 45 rescheduling of the interrupted rest period in that workday is not possible, the rest period may 46 be scheduled later in that workweek or, with the supervisor’s approval, a time record may be 47 submitted for payment of the missed rest period. In the event that rescheduling or payment 48 occurs, such time shall be provided on the basis of a forty (40) hour workweek rather than an 49 eight (8) hour day for the purpose of computing overtime due only. If such a missed rest period 1 is not rescheduled by the end of the ensuing monthly pay period, the employee shall indicate 2 such time on either his/her regular time or compensatory time record and shall be compensated 3 for the time accordingly, provided that supervisory approval for the time has been provided.
Section 6.3.3. 2. Trips, and other duties assigned to Bus Drivers other than specified in Section 50 above, shall be assigned by the discretion of the Supervisor of Transportation. In-District trips and 1 other duties assigned to Bus Drivers will be assigned by the supervisor to the regular run driver and/or 2 the driver that makes the assignment most economical for the District. If this can be assigned to more 3 than one employee at a particular building, and all employees are equally available to do the run or 4 other duty, the District will assign the extra trip or other duty to the more senior of the drivers.
Section 6.3.3. Licenses -- In general.

Related to Section 6.3.3

  • Section 6.2 13 The Association representatives may represent the Association and employees in meeting with officials 14 of the District to discuss appropriate matters of mutual interest. They may receive and investigate to 15 conclusion complaints or grievances of employees on District time and thereafter advise employees of 16 rights and procedures outlined in this Agreement and applicable regulations or directives for resolving 17 the grievances or complaints. They may not, however, continue to advise the employee on courses of 18 action after the employee has indicated a desire not to pursue a grievance. This does not, however, 19 preclude the Association's right to pursue the matter to conclusion. They may consult with the District 20 on complaints without a grievance being made by an individual employee.

  • Section 4.5 37 The President of the Association and designated representatives will be provided time off without loss of 38 pay to a maximum of three (3) days per year to attend regional or State meetings when the purpose of 39 those meetings is in the best interests of the District as determined by the District administration.

  • Section 4.3 34 The Association reserves and retains the right to delegate any right or duty contained herein to 35 appropriate officials of the Public School Employees of Washington State Organization.

  • SECTION 812 Control by Holders of Securities....................43 SECTION 813. Waiver of Past Defaults.............................44

  • Section 5.2 29 It is further recognized that this Agreement does not alter the responsibility of either party to meet with the 30 other party to advise, discuss or consult regarding matters concerning working conditions not covered by 31 this Agreement. 35 A R T I C L E V I 36 37 ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATION 38

  • Section 4.4 32 The Association reserves and retains the right to delegate any right or duty contained herein to 33 appropriate officials of the Public School Employees of Washington/SEIU Local 1948 State 34 Organization.

  • Section 815 Waiver of Stay or Extension Laws ........................44 ARTICLE NINE .................................................................45

  • SECTION 510 Rights and Remedies Cumulative..................... 36

  • Section 512 Control By Holders................................. 37 Section 513. Waiver of Past Defaults............................ 37

  • Section 3.4 26 Each employee reserves and retains the right to delegate any right or duty contained in this Agreement, 27 exclusive of compensation for services rendered, to appropriate officials of the Association.