Selection of Arbitration Panel Sample Clauses

Selection of Arbitration Panel. If BPA, one or more COU Parties, and one or more IOUs are all Participants to a dispute within the scope of section 9 of the Settlement Agreement, they will select a panel of three arbitrators in accordance with the process specified in section 4.1 of this Exhibit E. If a dispute within the scope of section 9 of the Settlement Agreement involves only two of the foregoing categories of Participants (that is, only COU Parties and IOUs, or only BPA and COU Parties, or only BPA and IOUs), then those Participants to the dispute will select two arbitrators in accordance with the process specified in section 4.2 of this Exhibit E. If a dispute within the scope of section 9 of the Settlement Agreement solely among two or more IOUs, then those IOUs that are Participants to the dispute will select their arbitrators in accordance with the process specified in section 4.3 of this Exhibit E. The panel of arbitrators selected in accordance with section 4.1, 4.2, or 4.3 of this Exhibit E will be referred to in these Arbitration Procedures and in section 9 of the Settlement Agreement as the “Arbitrator.”
Selection of Arbitration Panel. The panel shall consist of a single arbitrator, upon whom the parties shall attempt to agree. If the parties are unable to agree upon a single arbitrator within ten business days of receipt of the response to the Dispute Notice under Section 12.03, then both parties shall each appoint one arbitrator within the following period of ten business days, whereupon each of the arbitrators so appointed shall appoint a third arbitrator within the next period of ten business days and the arbitration shall proceed before a panel of the three arbitrators selected in accordance with the foregoing.
Selection of Arbitration Panel. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the signing of the Agreement, the Employer and the APEA/AFT will jointly request from the U.S. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (USFMCS) the names of twenty- one (21) qualified arbitrators. Each party may add up to three names to the list provided by the USFMCS. From the list of 27 arbitrators the Employer and the APEA/AFT will alternately strike names from the list one name at a time until 11 names remain on the list. This list of 11 arbitrators will be used by the parties to select individual arbitrators for hearings. This does not preclude the parties from compiling a mutually agreeable list without the assistance of the USFMCS.
Selection of Arbitration Panel. Representatives of the university and UFF-UF- GAU shall meet within ninety (90) days after the execution of this agreement for the purposing of selecting a six-member arbitration panel. Selection shall be by mutual agreement or by alternately striking names from the arbitration panel list until one name remains. The winner of a coin toss shall be first to strike a name from the list.
Selection of Arbitration Panel. Within forty-five (45) calendar days after the twenty (20) calendar day time limit for resolution of the dispute or claimed default has expired, each party hereto shall appoint one member of the arbitration panel and agree in writing with the arbitration panel members so appointed to be solely responsible for that designated panel member's cost and expenses. The two designated panel members shall then communicate with each other and within ten (10) days of their appointment these panel members shall by mutual agreement select a third panel member who shall serve as the panel chairperson. If the appointed panel members are unable within this time frame to agree on a panel chairperson, application by any party hereto shall be made to the American Arbitration Association for an appointment of a panel chairperson and the decision of the American Arbitration Association as to the selection of the panel chairperson shall be
Selection of Arbitration Panel. The dispute shall be decided by a panel of three neutral arbitrators selected as follows. The AAA shall submit to the Parties, within ten days after receipt of an arbitration demand, a list of eleven potential arbitrators consisting Page 62 - CENTRALIA PLANT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT of retired federal or state court judges; provided that none of the potential arbitrators shall have (or have ever had) any material affiliation of any kind with any Party or with legal counsel for any Party. Each Party shall, within five days, strike four, three, two, one or none of the arbitrators, rank the remaining arbitrators in order of preference (with "1" designating the most preferred, "2" the next most preferred and so forth) and so advise the AAA in writing. The AAA shall appoint the arbitrators with the best combined preference ranking on both lists and designate the most preferred arbitrator as presiding officer (in each case, selecting by lot, if necessary, in the event of a tie).
Selection of Arbitration Panel. Within ten (10) Days after one Party sends the other Party Notice of the commencement of arbitration under this Section 16.2.1, each Party shall select one Person to act as arbitrator and the two selected arbitrators shall, within ten (10) Days of their appointment, select a third neutral arbitrator who shall chair the arbitration panel. Each arbitrator shall be a Person having experience in commercial agreements and, in particular, the implementation and interpretation of contracts relating to the supply of coal. No arbitrator shall be a present or former employee or agent of, or consultant or counsel to, either Party or any affiliate thereof. If the arbitrators selected by the Parties are unable or fail to agree upon the third arbitrator within ten (10) Days after their appointment, then the third arbitrator and chairman of the arbitration panel shall be selected by the American Arbitration Association.
Selection of Arbitration Panel. The arbitration shall be heard by a panel of three (3) arbitrators. As soon as possible, in any event no later than fifteen
Selection of Arbitration Panel. The dispute shall be decided by a panel of three neutral arbitrators selected as follows. The AAA shall submit to the parties, within ten days after receipt of an arbitration demand, a list of eleven potential arbitrators consisting of retired federal or state court judges; provided that none of the potential arbitrators shall have (or have ever had) any material affiliation of any kind with either party. Each party shall, within five days, strike four, three, two, one or none of the arbitrators, rank the remaining arbitrators in order of preference (with "l" designating the most preferred, "2" the next most preferred and so forth) and so advise the AAA in writing. The AAA shall appoint the arbitrators with the best combined preference ranking on both lists and designate the most preferred arbitrator as presiding officer (in each case, selecting by lot, if necessary, in the event of a tie).
Selection of Arbitration Panel. The Disputing Party shall notify the American Arbitration Association and the other party in writing describing in reasonable detail the nature of the Dispute (the "Dispute Notice"). Within thirty days of the notice of initiation of the arbitration procedure, (i) in the event the amount in controversy is less than $250,000, the Parties shall nominate one (1) arbitrator or (ii) in the event the amount in controversy is more than $250,000, each party shall nominate one arbitrator, who need not be neutral. If the Parties or a Party fails or refuses to select a Party-appointed arbitrator within such period of time, such arbitrator shall be appointed in accordance with the AAA Rules. In the event two (2) arbitrators are selected, the two arbitrators shall select a third arbitrator, failing agreement on which within thirty days of the original notice the parties (or either of them) the third arbitrator shall be appointed in accordance with the AAA Rules. The arbitrators shall have substantial experience in the area of information technology. The one arbitrator, or the three arbitrators acting by majority vote, shall resolve all disputes between the parties. If one of the party-appointed arbitrators refuses to participate in the proceedings or refuses to vote, the decision of the other two arbitrators shall be binding.