Routing for Operator Services and Directory Assistance Traffic For a Verizon Telecommunications Service dial tone line purchased by VarTec for resale pursuant to the Resale Attachment, upon request by VarTec, Verizon will establish an arrangement that will permit VarTec to route the VarTec Customer’s calls for operator and directory assistance services to a provider of operator and directory assistance services selected by VarTec. Verizon will provide this routing arrangement in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law. Verizon will provide this routing arrangement pursuant to an appropriate written request submitted by VarTec and a mutually agreed-upon schedule. This routing arrangement will be implemented at VarTec's expense, with charges determined on an individual case basis. In addition to charges for initially establishing the routing arrangement, VarTec will be responsible for ongoing monthly and/or usage charges for the routing arrangement. VarTec shall arrange, at its own expense, the trunking and other facilities required to transport traffic to VarTec’s selected provider of operator and directory assistance services.
PLACE AND CONDITION OF WORK The City shall provide the Contractor access to the sites where the Contractor is to perform the services as required in order for the Contractor to perform the services in a timely and efficient manner, in accordance with and subject to the applicable security laws, rules, and regulations. The Contractor acknowledges that it has satisfied itself as to the nature of the City’s service requirements and specifications, the location and essential characteristics of the work sites, the quality and quantity of materials, equipment, labor and facilities necessary to perform the services, and any other condition or state of fact which could in any way affect performance of the Contractor’s obligations under the contract. The Contractor hereby releases and holds the City harmless from and against any liability or claim for damages of any kind or nature if the actual site or service conditions differ from expected conditions. The contractor shall, at all times, exercise reasonable precautions for the safety of their employees, City Staff, participants and others on or near the City’s facilities.
Location of Work The Executive shall be based in the United States in West Orange, New Jersey. However, the Executive agrees to undertake whatever domestic and worldwide travel is required by the Company. The Executive shall not be required or permitted to relocate without the mutual, written consent of the Executive and the Company.
Service and Support 1. Brainlab shall be responsible for providing service and support for the Brainlab Technology in all Fields of Use. Brainlab shall be responsible for providing Xxxxx 0 and Level 2 service and support to customers for Products sold by Brainlab in the Therapeutic Delivery Field of Use and for Integrated Products sold by Brainlab in the MR Guided Stereotactic Placement Field of Use. Level 1 support shall include onsite training, help desk services, reseller interfacing, problem isolation and diagnosis, and Level 2 support shall include loading bug fixes, patches, and minor repair services. To the extent relating to SurgiVision Technology, SurgiVision shall provide Level 3 support, which shall include backup support services to assist Brainlab in meeting Level 1 and Level 2 support obligations by addressing certain technical support issues that are beyond the scope of Brainlab’s expertise. Brainlab will pay SurgiVision for Xxxxx 0 support services at standard rates as described in Appendix C, provided that such services were not required for Co-Development and Distribution Agreement between SurgiVision, Inc. and Brainlab Aktiengesellschaft CONFIDENTIAL warranty repair as contemplated in section X.3 below. Appendix C may be changed from time to time, as appropriate upon the mutual agreement of Brainlab and SurgiVision. SurgiVision will provide spare parts and other items for service to Brainlab at a price equal to [***]. Brainlab reserves the right to offer service packages to the end customer at its discretion. 2. SurgiVision shall be responsible for providing service and support to customers in the United States for ClearPoint Products sold in the MR Guided Stereotactic Placement Field of Use; provided, however, that SurgiVision shall be responsible for attending only the initial clinical cases using the ClearPoint Products (to the extent attendance is requested by the customer). For the avoidance of any doubt, the foregoing obligation does not apply to Integrated Products. To the extent Brainlab has a service package with the end user customer that covers ClearPoint Products (not including Integrated Products), SurgiVision shall be entitled to reasonable compensation from Brainlab under such arrangement in an amount to be agreed. 3. SurgiVision shall provide training on the ClearPoint Products, including joint attendance of SurgiVision and Brainlab personnel in initial clinical cases in the applicable region, to Brainlab personnel to enable Brainlab personnel to provide service and support to customers outside of the United States.
Service Terms Each Service Order will provide for a service term. At the end of the service term of any Service Order, unless either party gives written notice to the other party of its intention not to renew at least ninety (90) days before the end of a service term, the term of such Service Order will automatically renew for successive twelve (12) month periods. Termination of one Service Order will not affect the term of any other Service Order.
Time and Materials If this contract is designated as a Time and Materials contract, invoicing and payment shall be as follows: (a) Consultant shall submit invoices, not more often than once a month during the term of this agreement, based on the cost for work performed in accordance with the Rate Schedule in the Scope of Work and authorized reimbursable expenses incurred prior to the invoice date. Invoices shall contain the following information: (i) Serial identifications of bills, i.e., Xxxx No. 1; (ii) The beginning and ending dates of the billing period; (iii) A summary containing the total contract amount, the amount of prior xxxxxxxx, the total due this period, percentage of work completed, the remaining balance available for all remaining billing periods, and a brief description of work completed during the billing period. (b) City shall make monthly payments, based on such invoices, for satisfactory progress in completion of the Scope of Work, and for authorized reimbursable expenses incurred.
Inspection of Work CONSULTANT and any subconsultant shall permit LOCAL AGENCY, the State, and the FHWA if federal participating funds are used in this AGREEMENT; to review and inspect the project activities and files at all reasonable times during the performance period of this AGREEMENT.
Directory Assistance Service 8.3.1 Directory Assistance Service provides local end user telephone number listings with the option to complete the call at the caller's direction separate and distinct from local switching.
Directory Assistance Service Updates BellSouth shall update end user listings changes daily. These changes include: New end user connections End user disconnections
CUTTING AND PATCHING OF WORK 4.14.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for all cutting, fitting or patching that may be required to complete the Work or to make its several parts fit together properly. 4.14.2 The Contractor shall not damage or endanger any portion of the Work or the work of the State or any separate contractors by cutting, patching or otherwise altering any work, or by excavation. The Contractor shall not cut or otherwise alter the work of the State or any separate contractor except with the written consent of the State and of such separate contractor. The Contractor shall not unreasonably withhold from the State or any separate contractor his consent to cutting or otherwise altering the Work.