Service Oriented Architecture Sample Clauses

Service Oriented Architecture. (SOA) is a popular architectural style centered around services, loose coupling, and interoperability [19]. A recurring problem in SOA development is the Button Problem: how to ensure that whenever a “button is pressed” (i.e., an operation is invoked; a resource is requested) on some service—no matter what—the performance of other key services remains unaffected? For instance, increased activity on an accounting service of an e-commerce system should never slow down the front- end service; sales are lost otherwise [1]. The Button Problem occurs in all stages of SOA development, from initial analysis (when dependencies among services are still reasonably well-understood) to final maintenance (when dependencies have often devolved into a hardly comprehensible spaghetti). To solve the Button Problem, SOA developers need to engage in two kinds of activities: (1) they need to analyze dependencies among services to determine whether or not a service is indeed sensitive to button-presses on other services; if so, (2) they need to invent a series of refactorings that eliminate the sensitivity, Ⓧc Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 M. H. xxx Xxxx et al. (Eds.): FM 2019, LNCS 11800, pp. 689–706, 2019. xxxxx:// but without changing the system’s functional behavior. Especially in cases where services and their dependencies are plentiful, these two activities are challenging to carry out by hand: both service sensitivities and candidate refactorings are easily missed, leading to suboptimal architecture and deployment decisions.
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Service Oriented Architecture. A paradigm for organizing and utilizing distributed capabilities that may be under the control of different ownership domains. It provides a uniform means to offer, discover, interact with and use capabilities to produce desired effects consistent with measurable preconditions and expectations. SP [Stanica 2006] Service provider An entity that provides access to a service. Web service [Brown 2004] A web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a machine-processable format. Workflow [Wulong 2001] Workflow is a term used to describe the tasks, procedural steps, organizations or people involved, required input and output information, and tools needed for each step in a business process.
Service Oriented Architecture. It is desirable that the DMV solution be implemented using a Service- oriented Architecture (SOA). This architecture will utilize current industry standards. 12.5 Application Testing Solution Requirements Section # Solution Requirements Testing Methods and Tools: There shall be an established testing method utilizing commercially available testing tools to automate the testing process wherever possible.
Service Oriented Architecture. The Contractor’s System will be distributed service-oriented system architecture (SOA). The Contractor’s System shall be comprised of loosely coupled standard based Web services that provide an Application Programming Interface (API) so that the services can be invoked from the Rich Internet Application (RIA) User interface or a dependent service. Each service will be a well-defined encapsulated set of functionality that does not depend on the context or state of other services or functions. The primary transport protocol for external facing services will be HTTPS (X.509 certificate) to ensure that all traffic is encrypted and secure 256 bit or better. The Contractor’s service communication or integration will be achieved through standard description protocols such as the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) interface format. Web services in the environment will be distributed across multiple clustered and load balanced virtual servers. Production services will be centrally published via the WS-Discovery protocol to a Discovery Proxy service registry to ease discovery on the network for State applications utilizing a fixed proxy URL. Each Contractor System service will be managed in compliance with change management policies ensuring all changes are authorized and accurate. Web service security will be configured for each service by endpoint policies via (WS-Policy) where requirements such as security tokens, type of encryption, and privacy rules are established. Each service will utilize the Brokered Authentication pattern where the service validates the credentials presented by the State issued by a third party that both the State of Vermont and Contractor trust. All software architecture documents and artifacts (views/viewpoints) will be modeled per ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 Architecture Description Template as part of the Vermont Enterprise Architecture Program Requirements. All SOA Services will be reviewed, classified, and cataloged prior to use. The documentation Artifacts and Templates will be provided to the Contractor by the State of Vermont Enterprise Architecture SOA Governance Team. Duplicate services will be rational and tiered appropriately. All WSDLs developed for the State will conform to the WSDL Development Standards. The Contractor’s System’s SOA –related messages will be formally defined with XSD (preferable) or DTDs. SOA artifacts will be stored in the State of Vermont’s SOA Repository. The Contractor’s System’s implemented services will...
Service Oriented Architecture. The role of the MSF R3 Parlay-X Gateway has been evolved to act as a SOA-Gateway and is the basis for the SOA enabling infrastructure to support IMS services within the MSF R4 architecture which is based on the “Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards”, (OASIS) found at (xxxx://xxx.xxxxx-
Service Oriented Architecture. SOA A set of design principles used in application development characterized by the following attributes: 1. The system must be modular. This provides the obvious benefit of being able to "divide and conquer" — to solve a complex problem by assembling a set of small, simple components that work together. 2. The modules must be distributable — that is, able to run on disparate computers and communicate with each other by sending messages over a network at runtime . 3. Module interfaces must be "discoverable" — that is, clearly defined and documented. Software developers write or generate interface metadata that specifies an explicit contract, so that another developer can find and use the service. 4. A module that implements a service must be "swappable." This implies that it can be replaced by another module that offers the same service without disrupting modules that used the previous module. This is accomplished by separating the interface design from the module that implements the service. 5. Service provider modules must be shareable — that is, designed and deployed in a manner that enables them to be invoked successively by disparate applications in support of diverse business activities. Simple Object Access Protocol SOAP A protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of Web Services.
Service Oriented Architecture. For the purpose of this Instruction, a paradigm for defining, organizing, and using distributed capabilities in the form of loosely coupled software services that may be under the control of different ownership domains. It provides a uniform means to offer, discover, interact with, and use capabilities to produce desired effects that are consistent with measurable preconditions and expectations.
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Service Oriented Architecture. The CITI‐SENSE Architecture in Figure 4‐4 shows a number of service areas relevant for the CITI‐SENSE platform. The architecture illustrates also the service‐oriented architecture approach of CITI‐SENSE, with partner technologies to be potentially provided in the various service areas.
Service Oriented Architecture. Service-oriented architecture (commonly SOA) is a software design and software architecture design pattern based on discrete pieces of software providing application functionality as services to other applications, independent of any vendor, product or technology45. Due the fact that the architecture outlined in this document requires that different and heterogeneous systems will work together, the usage of this pattern is very recommended for all components of the MICO platform. RESTful: REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style consisting of a coordi- nated set of architectural constraints applied to components, connectors, and data elements, within a distributed hypermedia system [Fie00, FT02]. REST ignores the details of component implementation and protocol syntax in order to focus on the roles of components, the constraints upon their interaction with other components, and their interpretation of significant data elements. Given all these arguments, RESTful will be the preferable interaction pattern across different components when native interaction would not be possible. Test-Driven Development is a very important approach as it encourages simple designs and inspires confidence. It is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short develop- ment cycle: first the developer writes an (initially failing) automated test case that defines a desired improvement or new function, then produces the minimum amount of code to pass that test, and finally refactoring the new code to acceptable standards [Bec03]. Later, in Section 7.7, we will go is much more detail about this aspect.
Service Oriented Architecture for WebGIS (Xxxx et al. 2012)
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