Information Standards Sample Clauses
Information Standards. 11.1 Only information that is necessary for the purpose it is being shared will be shared.
11.2 Facts will clearly be distinguished from opinions in any information shared.
11.3 Information will only be shared with the person or people that need to know.
11.4 Information that is shared will be accurate and up-to-date.
Information Standards. 4.1 Shared information only has value if it is accurate and up-to-date. The Local Authorities and the Board each have a range of initiatives underway to check the quality and accuracy of the data which they hold, and particular emphasis is placed on checking the accuracy and quality of information to be shared externally. These include case recording audit and revision exercises, supervision of case management procedures and similar data quality exercises undertaken from time to time.
4.2 Similarly, information exchange can only work properly in practice if it is provided in a format which the Party receiving it can utilise.
4.3 In all cases of data exchange, local guidance documentation will examine the precise data sets and fields which require to be exchanged in order to achieve a particular objective. These will be subject to periodic review at a local level to ensure the continued relevance of all the information exchanged.
4.4 The quality of data is important whether in shared records or in records held by one Party only. The Parties will make arrangements for periodic sampling of records held to evaluate the accuracy and general quality of data held.
4.5 The Parties undertake to notify the other as soon as practicable if an error is discovered in information which has been provided to the other Parties, to ensure that the Parties are then able to correct their respective records. This will happen whether the error is discovered through existing data quality initiatives or is flagged up through some other route (such as the existence of errors being directly notified to one or other Parties by the data subjects themselves).
Information Standards. 1.4.1 Information sharing can best achieve improvements in service delivery if the information is accurate, up-to-date, and correctly applied to the right person. The Parties have their own systems to monitor and check the quality of the information they hold, including information exchanged with the other Parties. Sharing only takes place where there is no doubt that the information relates to the right person. The Parties have mechanisms for informing the others in the event that information is found to be incorrect, out of date etc. More detail on this can be found in section 4 below.
Information Standards. 5.1.1 Shared information only has value if it is accurate and up-to-date. The Local Authorities and the Board each have a range of initiatives underway to check the quality and accuracy of the data which they hold, and particular emphasis is placed on checking the accuracy and quality of information to be shared externally. These include case recording audit and revision exercises, supervision of case management procedures and similar data quality exercises undertaken from time to time.
5.1.2 Similarly, information exchange can only work properly in practice if it is provided in a format which the Party receiving it can utilise.
5.1.3 In all cases of data exchange, local guidance documentation will examine the precise data sets and fields which require to be exchanged in order to achieve a particular objective. These will be subject to periodic review at a local level to ensure the continued relevance of all the information exchanged.
5.1.4 The quality of data is important whether in shared records or in records held by one Party only. The Parties will make arrangements for periodic sampling of records held to evaluate the accuracy and general quality of data held.
5.1.5 The Parties undertake to notify the other as soon as practicable if an error is discovered in information which has been provided to the other Parties, to ensure that the Parties are then able to correct their respective records. This will happen whether the error is discovered through existing data quality initiatives or is flagged up through some other route (such as the existence of errors being directly notified to one or other Parties by the data subjects themselves).
5.1.6 The parties undertake to have in place risk management and disaster recovery processes which protects the integrity of personal data held for the purposes of data sharing or held in any joint databases or held in a joint working environment.
5.1.7 Relevant managers within each organisation will have the responsibility to notify through their own organisation’s reporting procedures any significant failing in the systems that hold these data. The parties undertake to notify each other as soon as practicable if any such failing is identified and is likely to remain unresolved for significant period of time.
5.1.8 Each Party will manage the information exchanged in terms of this Protocol in line with its approved Records Management Plan in terms of the Public Records (Scotland) Xxx 0000.
Information Standards. Information quality and relevance
Information Standards. Errors in the data will be rectified by the original data controller organisation, therefore service user data errors will be highlighted by ELHT staff to LCC when issues are identified in line with the user instruction.
Information Standards. The Contractor will have in place systems and procedures which will be subject to external audit for the following areas of control over the Services: • Reconciliation of monies with bookings received • Candidate entitlement verification • Reporting • Refunds and expenses in line with policies • User access rights including password configuration, starters, leavers, and transfer process • External access including remote access • Performance monitoring • Testing of disaster Recovery Plans • System Development • Testing of Business Continuity Plans • Compliance with policies • Re-use, destruction and disposal of physical assets • Transfer of data • Staff Training • Access logging and changes to personal data held • Removable media • Audits of third party suppliers and/or delivery partners to the suppliers for the purpose of delivering the contract to the Framework Authority.
Information Standards. For further information on information standards and retention and security of shared information, please see the Tier 1 Information Sharing Protocol/Framework.
Information Standards. 5.1 The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) is the legal framework for the ‘processing’ of personal data and is based around eight Data Protection Principles of good information handling. The partners to this agreement must be able to establish a legal basis to share information and ensure that the sharing complies with the requirements and standards set out below.
Information Standards. The parties have a responsibility to check the quality and accuracy of the personal data which they hold, with particular emphasis on checking the accuracy and quality of information to be shared. The parties will undertake to notify the other as soon as practicable if an error is discovered in information which has been provided to the other parties or if changes are made to the personal data e.g. demographic information, to ensure that the Parties are then able to correct or update their respective records.