Information Standards. 4.1 Shared information only has value if it is accurate and up-to-date. The Local Authorities and the Board each have a range of initiatives underway to check the quality and accuracy of the data which they hold, and particular emphasis is placed on checking the accuracy and quality of information to be shared externally. These include case recording audit and revision exercises, supervision of case management procedures and similar data quality exercises undertaken from time to time.
Information Standards. 11.1 Only information that is necessary for the purpose it is being shared will be shared.
Information Standards. 1.4.1 Information sharing can best achieve improvements in service delivery if the information is accurate, up-to-date, and correctly applied to the right person. The Parties have their own systems to monitor and check the quality of the information they hold, including information exchanged with the other Parties. Sharing only takes place where there is no doubt that the information relates to the right person. The Parties have mechanisms for informing the others in the event that information is found to be incorrect, out of date etc. More detail on this can be found in section 4 below.
Information Standards. Errors in the data will be rectified by the original data controller organisation, therefore service user data errors will be highlighted by ELHT staff to LCC when issues are identified in line with the user instruction.
Information Standards. Information quality and relevance When sharing personal information under this agreement, partners agree to share only the minimum information necessary to enable the identification of those who might need help and to support the provision of Early Help. Partners also agree to check that the information they disclose is accurate and up-to-date at the time of disclosure as far as possible. Each organisation is responsible for ensuring the integrity and accuracy of its information before disclosing. If a partner believes information contained in person’s record is inaccurate or out of date it must immediately notify the relevant lead professional who will be responsible for the correction of inaccurate information and ensure that the source of the information is informed when the individual’s record is updated. Partners agree to make a pragmatic decision as to whether the information they disclose is relevant to the other partner(s). Irrelevant or excessive information should not be disclosed.
Information Standards. Consent Agencies agree to notify children (data subjects) and/or their parents or carers if appropriate, that their data may be shared, in the form of a privacy notice and provide them with a copy of the MASH information leaflet available at xxxx:// Agencies will also seek their consent before sharing their information with the MASH, except where the child or young person is considered to be at risk of harm and the agency believes that seeking consent may increase this risk. Agencies understand that consent must be freely given and the data subject must be fully informed and understand what they are consenting to and the possible consequences of giving or refusing their consent. Agencies understand that the Data Protection Act 1998 does not require them to notify the data subject of any sharing or ask for their consent, if in doing so it would prejudice the prevention or detection of crime, catch an offender or place the child, young person or someone else at increased risk of harm. If consent is required and is refused, the information should not be shared with the MASH, unless another power to share the information can be relied upon (see Appendix 2) for example, disclosure is in the public interest or the sharing is necessary to protect someone from serious harm or it is necessary to comply with an explicit legal obligation. Information quality and relevance When sharing personal data with the MASH, in response to a request to share relevant information, agencies agree to share only the minimum information necessary to enable the MASH to identify whether the child or young person identified is at risk of harm or is in need of additional services and support. Agencies agree, where practical, to check that the information they disclose to the MASH is accurate and where necessary up to date, at the time of disclosure. Agencies also agree that where practical, they will notify the MASH of any new information that comes to light following their disclosure that could assist the MASH in their decision making. Agencies agree to make a pragmatic decision as to whether the information they disclose to the MASH is relevant to the enquiry being made. Irrelevant or excessive information should not be disclosed.
Information Standards. 5.1 Information quality needs to be of a standard fit for the purpose information is to be used for, including being complete, accurate and as up to date as required for the purposes for which it is being shared. Without this any decision made on the information may be flawed and inappropriate actions may result. The education provider or public body (“Education Organisation”) is expected to ensure that the Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data that it holds is processed in accordance with ADPL and GDPR principles which is to include ensuring that the data is accurate, complete and up-to-date and is not kept any longer than is necessary.
Information Standards. 5.1 The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) is the legal framework for the ‘processing’ of personal data and is based around eight Data Protection Principles of good information handling. The partners to this agreement must be able to establish a legal basis to share information and ensure that the sharing complies with the requirements and standards set out below.
Information Standards. 84.1Within twenty (20) Working Days of the Commencement Date (or such other period specified in the Implementation Plan or agreed by the Parties in writing), the Supplier shall have in place systems and procedures which will be subject to external audit for the areas of control (as required by the Customer from time to time) over any aspects of the services or any ancillary activities or systems and deliverables used to deliver the Services.
Information Standards. For further information on information standards and retention and security of shared information, please see the Tier 1 Information Sharing Protocol/Framework.