Servicing Agency. Assist the Requesting Agency in refining the requirements document package, including the description of key project objectives, unique project requirements, and performance expectations.
Servicing Agency. Develop technical evaluation criteria in consultation with the Requesting Agency. Seek competition unless an exception is justified and approved at the appropriate level. Require Requesting Agency to furnish supporting rationale and appropriate documentation to support an exception to competition. Review sufficiency of justification and documentation before approving and proceeding with a non-competitive action. Approve Justification
Servicing Agency. Ensure accurate contract data reporting into the applicable government-wide database – e.g., report use of competition for placement of task and delivery orders and contract awards in the Federal Procurement Data System; report contractor performance assessments in the Contractor Performance System on past performance evaluations, [consistent with Requesting Agency’s threshold for reporting]; and ensure contractor is reporting required subcontracting data into the Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (ESRS). Confer with Requesting Agency if funding agency ID has not been provided. In accordance with FAR Subpart 34.2, for contracts involving significant development work, provide earned value management report to project manager. Ensure proper socio-economic credit is assigned to the requesting agency.
Servicing Agency. Ensure that personnel who have been appointed to perform contract administration are carrying out responsibilities related to inspection, acceptance, and surveillance and reporting back in a timely manner. Ensure appropriate surveillance is conducted. The type and extent of surveillance should be commensurate with the criticality of the service or task and the resources available to accomplish the surveillance. Surveillance should ensure that the government receives the value for which it contracted. Work with Requesting Agency, as necessary, to identify respective roles for other applicable contract administration responsibilities identified in FAR 42.302. Take appropriate and timely actions to address performance problems. Typically, problems will be identified by a COR.
Servicing Agency. Ensure the award addresses the appropriate processes for invoice submittal and approval and identifies the payment office, which typically is the Servicing Agency. Work with the appointed COR, or other official responsible for invoice review to facilitate accurate and timely review and payment to the contractor. Approve or disapprove payment in accordance with the award terms and conditions. Pay non-disputed invoice and xxxx the Requesting Agency for reimbursable services. Return improper invoice within specified time periods (e.g., in accordance with the Prompt Payment Act where applicable). Do not authorize payment if the work being invoiced is disputed or the invoice is otherwise found to be improper. Regardless of the funding source, the Servicing Agency CO retains the authority to stop payment when necessary.
Servicing Agency. Appoint the source selection authority and the source evaluation board. Ensure source evaluations are conducted fairly and offers are evaluated based solely on the factors and sub-factors in the solicitation. When necessary, lead oral presentations with contractors during the competition process. Ensure award decisions are properly documented, including the rationale for any tradeoffs made or relied on by the source selection authority. Consult with the Requesting Agency prior to making a final decision. Execute the award decision and debrief offerors as necessary. Ensure the funding agency code provided by the Requesting Agency is entered into FPDS.
Servicing Agency. Work with Requesting Agency to evaluate proposals for changes. Ensure that any modifications to the requirements or price of the award remain within the overall scope of the original award. Work with Requesting Agency to develop funding documents (i.e, Part B of IA), to cover modifications.
Servicing Agency. Conduct and document market research with assistance from Requesting Agency. Depending on the size and complexity of the acquisition, establish a formal acquisition plan with assistance from the Requesting Agency addressing technical, business, management and other significant considerations that will control the acquisition. Select an appropriate award type based on the nature of the requirement and the associated risk. Advise the Requesting Agency of the benefits and risk associated with the acquisition strategy and award type. Provide Requesting Agency with an opportunity to concur on award type as well as with acquisition plan, when required.
Servicing Agency i. Work with the Requesting Agency to prepare a funding document (Part B of the IA).
ii. Do not accept the funding document unless it: (i) identifies proper funds, including the type of funds to be used, their period of availability, and a funds citation; (ii) identifies the funds certifying official and (iii) adequately describes a bona fide need of the Requesting Agency.
iii. Help the Requesting Agency comply with the bona fide needs rule by:
A. managing funds according to the Requesting Agency’s guidance;
B. recording transactions in a timely fashion; and
C. implementing and exercising controls to ensure compliance with all applicable statutory and regulatory fiscal requirements.
Servicing Agency. For each requirement, determine the required level of contract administration. For simple acquisitions, designate a Receiving Official from the Requesting Agency to accept delivery and verify invoice payment. For complex acquisitions, appoint a qualified and trained Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) from the Requesting Agency before performance begins. If the selected award-type involves a fee or incentive, appoint a fee determination official before performance begins.