Sick Leave Separation Cash Out At the time of retirement from state service or at death, an eligible employee or the employee’s estate will receive cash for their compensable sick leave balance on a one (1) hour for four (4) hours basis. For the purposes of this Section, retirement will not include “vested out of service” employees who leave funds on deposit with the retirement system.
Sick Leave Abuse When the Employer suspects sick leave abuse, the employee will be provided the opportunity to explain the circumstances surrounding their sick leave use prior to disciplining the employee, or making reference to sick leave use in the employee’s performance evaluation. The Employer may not adopt or enforce any policy that counts the use of paid sick leave time as an absence that may lead to or result in disciplinary action for an authorized purpose. The Employer may not discriminate or retaliate against an employee for the use of paid sick leave for an authorized purpose.
Vacation Leave on Retirement An employee scheduled to retire and to receive pension benefits under the Public Service Pension Plan Rules or who has reached the mandatory retiring age, shall be granted full vacation entitlement for the final calendar year of service.
Disability Separation A. An employee with permanent status may be separated from service when the Employer determines that the employee is unable to perform the essential functions of the employee’s position due to a mental, sensory, or physical disability, which cannot be reasonably accommodated. Determinations of disability may be made by the Employer based on an employee’s written request for disability separation or after obtaining a written statement from a licensed physician or licensed mental health professional. The Employer can require an employee to obtain a medical examination, at Employer expense, from a licensed physician or licensed mental health professional of the Employer’s choice. Evidence may be requested from the licensed physician or licensed mental health professional regarding the employee’s limitations. B. When the Employer has medical documentation of the employee’s disability and has determined that the employee cannot be reasonably accommodated in any available position for which they qualify, or the employee requests separation due to disability, the Employer may immediately separate the employee. C. The Employer will inform the employee in writing of the option to apply to return to employment prior to their separation due to disability. The Employer will provide assistance to individuals seeking reemployment under this Article for two (2) years. If reemployed, upon successful completion of the employee’s probationary period, the time between separation and reemployment will be treated as leave without pay and will not be considered a break in service. D. A disability separation is not a disciplinary action. Disability separation at the employee’s request is not subject to the grievance procedure in Article 30.
Sick Leave Pay A Nurse granted sick leave shall be paid for the period of such leave at her or his regular hourly rate of pay and the number of hours thus paid shall be deducted from the accumulated sick leave credits of the Nurse.
Sick Leave Accrual All eligible employees shall accrue sick leave at the rate of four (4) hours per pay period of continuous employment beginning with their date of eligibility. Eligible employees being paid for less than a full eighty (80) hour pay period shall have sick leave accruals pro-rated in accord with the schedule set forth in Appendix D.
Sick Leave Payout No cash payment for unused sick leave will be paid to any employee leaving the service of the Employer.
Sick Leave Benefits Sick leave is an indemnity benefit and not an acquired right. A Nurse who is absent from a scheduled shift on approved sick leave shall only be entitled to sick leave pay if the Nurse is not otherwise receiving pay for that day, and providing the Nurse has sufficient sick leave credits.
Sick Leave Policy It is the policy of the State of Ohio to not unreasonably deny sick leave to employees when requested. It is also the policy of the State to take corrective action for unauthorized use of sick leave and/or abuse of sick leave. It is further the policy of the State that when corrective and/or disciplinary action is taken, it will be applied progressively and consistently. It is the desire of the State of Ohio that when discipline is applied it will serve the purpose of correcting the performance of the employee.
Sick Leave Donation 10.3.1 A worker may donate days of sick leave to individual District workers who, due to a serious health condition, have exhausted all accumulated sick leave. Donating workers must retain a sixty (60) day balance of sick leave after their donation. No worker may receive more than 40 days of donated leave per year. A “serious health condition” is defined as an illness, injury, impairment or physical or mental condition which involves inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential health care facility, or continuing treatment or continuing supervision by a health care provider as defined in 29 USC 825.114(a) and as certified by a worker’s physician or other qualified medical practitioner. The Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and the Chief Stewards by mutual agreement will verify the certification for eligibility. If the certification from the worker’s physician is insufficient, a certification by a physician of the District’s choosing may be required, at District expense. The District may require additional medical opinions. 10.3.2 Donated leave must be in one-day increments (no less than 8 hours). Recipients of donated sick leave shall be solely responsible for any state and federal taxes on the donated time. Such taxes shall be withheld at the normal rate for the recipient worker. In the event that the state or federal governments rule that tax liability is due other than as taxed, the recipient shall be solely liable for such liabilities. The donated sick leave may be used only when the worker has exhausted accumulated sick leave and either is not eligible for long- term disability or is eligible but has not begun to receive the long-term coverage. The Vice Chancellor of Human Resources shall be notified of solicitation of donations. Solicitations of donations may be made by the individual or his/her representative(s). Donation of sick leave shall be authorized by a signed pledge form prepared by and filed with the District Office of Human Resources. In the event several workers donate sick leave, the sick leave shall be used in the order in which the signed pledge forms are filed with Human Resources. If the worker does not use all donated sick leave, the sick leave shall be returned to the donating worker(s).