Shift Bid Sample Clauses
Shift Bid. All full time Fire Department Personnel with rights under this Agreement shall bid for their shifts on a yearly basis.
A. The shift bid process shall begin December 1st of each year of this Agreement. The Fire Chief, or his/her designee, shall create a bid form with the correct number of shifts and employee classifications per shift clearly designated.
B. Personnel shall bid on shifts based on seniority with the Department as defined in Article 7 of this Agreement.
C. All full time Fire Department Personnel shall be allowed to bid for shifts with consideration to the following:
1) To ensure continuity and effective operations, and;
2) The shift bid process shall ensure that all shifts are manned with qualified personnel for acting positions, training needs and to fulfill the needs of Fire Department Programs.
D. The new shifts shall be finalized by December 15th of each year. The new shifts shall be effective beginning with the first full pay cycle beginning in January of the following year.
E. In the event of a vacancy during the year, at a time other than the scheduled yearly shift bid, employees may re-bid shifts, depending upon the needs of the department.
1) When a vacancy occurs, a bid sheet shall be posted at all fire stations within one (1) week after the vacancy occurs. The sheet shall be posted for a period of five
2) Employees wishing to bid on a shift vacancy, including the vacancy created by the completion of the probationary period by a new employee, shall sign their name and seniority date to the posted bid sheet. The employee with the most seniority, and possessing the proper qualifications for the shift vacancy, shall be allowed to move by bid. The resulting vacancy (if any) shall not be eligible for bid.
F. When new employees are hired, they will be assigned to shifts as determined by management for the effective delivery of Fire Department services and shall not be eligible to bid for a shift until the next yearly shift bid process after the end of their probation period, subject to the provisions of Section E (2) above.
Shift Bid. A. If an incumbent SCLEA President declares his/her intention to run for re-election, the parties agree that he/she will not participate in the upcoming shift bid in his/her County department. Should the President not be re-elected, he/she will be returned to a shift in the same manner, under the same policies and procedures applied to post-shift bid assignments.
X. If an incumbent SCLEA President declares his/her intention not to run for re-election and is not named on the ballot, he/she will be eligible to participate in the upcoming shift bid in his/her County department.
C. If an employee (non-incumbent) declares his/her candidacy for the SCLEA President position, he/she will be eligible to participate in the upcoming shift bid in his/her County department, as the outcome of the election is an unknown.
Shift Bid. Employees working as Commissary Driver Final Assembler shall have the opportunity at least twice per year, to bid on which shift the Employer has in place by seniority with the most senior employee selecting their shift first and the next selecting from the remaining shifts in descending order of seniority, provided the employee has the ability to perform the normal function of the job.
Shift Bid. Shift preference will be determined on the basis of classification seniority within each classification, providing the employee is qualified for the job. A supervisor can sign the shift bid sheet for a sergeant with verbal or electronic notification form the affected sergeant.
Shift Bid. Annual shift change and days off bid shall be conducted as follows: The Chief of Police will set the staffing levels for each shift and division, and which officers will comprise each division. These decisions will be at his sole discretion as a management right. On the first Monday of June each year, a shift and days off bid form shall be posted, each officer will have one (1) hour to bid after the officer that is senior to him bids. Failure to bid during the officer's allotted time shall cause the officer to be placed at the bottom of the seniority list for that bid process. The officer shall be allowed to bid in person, by phone call to the supervisor overseeing the bid process, or by signed proxy held by another officer to act in his behalf and presented to the supervisor overseeing the bid process. The bid process shall be conducted during the hours of 0600 to 1800 hours each day. The bid process shall be closed after all officers have bid. Once a bid has been placed, it is final and no substitutions may be made. A schedule shall be posted by the police administration no later than 1630 hours on the last Friday in June. The schedule shall take effect at 0001 hours on the first Saturday in august. Once the bid process has closed, officers will not be allowed to "swap shifts" with another officer except in cases of extreme hardship which will be determined by the Chief of Police. Limited duty exchanges that occur within the same pay period are permissible upon approval of the shift supervisor, division commander, and the Chief of Police. Temporary shift and days off assignments of thirty (30) days or less can be made by the Chief of Police. Shift and days off assignments can be made by the Chief of Police for officers attending training. Seniority shall not be utilized for transfers between divisions.
Shift Bid. Employees shall be permitted to bid shifts during the period(s) of October 3 1-15 and April 1-15 of each year. Such bidding shall be for two (2) three (3) month increments.
Shift Bid. (1) Patrol shift bidding shall be the procedure used for allowing rotation of employees assigned to patrol shifts. The Chief of Police or their designee shall have the right to administratively assign probationary personnel in accordance with the needs of the department. He/she shall also have the right to administratively assign patrol personnel for performance related issues and for personal hardship reasons.
(2) Patrol shift bidding shall be conducted on a semi-annual basis. Bidding and shift preference shall be based on seniority (time in grade). Procedures for the shift bid shall be established and handled by the Patrol Division Deputy Chief or their designee after meeting and conferring with the RPPA designated representatives.
(3) Notice governing the shift bidding process shall be distributed to the patrol officers prior to a shift change. This notice shall include:
(a) The date the shift change will occur;
(b) The parameters of the bidding process; and
(c) The employee’s bidding time.
(4) Employees shall be assigned to the same area for the bid period with the exception that the Chief of Police or their designee shall have the right to administratively assign to other areas for performance related issues and for personal hardship reasons. This shall enable the officer(s) to become better acquainted with the persons, businesses, organizations and hazards of the specific beat area.
(5) Patrol shift bid teams shall consist of not fewer than five (5), nor more than twelve (12), police officers.
Shift Bid. Section 1. All operations shift positions held by correctional officers will be open for bid on a semi-annual basis. Schedules that are bid will take effect in April and October of each year.
Section 2. The Department reserves the right to assign Correctional Officers to Property Sanitation Officer, Transport Officer, Classification Officer, Training Coach and Inmate Work Crew Supervisor. The Department further reserves the right to remove a Correctional Officer from an assigned position. Any Correctional Officer removed from an assigned position between the semi-annual bid will be moved to an open operations shift and days off by the Department.
Section 3. Operations staffed shifts required a minimum of seven (7) male Correctional Officers and seven (7) female Correctional Officers be assigned or bid to each shift at the Adult Detention Facility.
Section 4. Correctional Officers will be allowed to select shifts and days off. Shift bids will be based on seniority. The Department will identify the number of Correctional Officers who will not have twelve (12) months experience at the time the new schedule will take effect. The Department will subtract the number of officers who are over the authorized staffing level of Correctional Officers from the number of Officers who will not have 12 months experience at the time the new schedule will take effect. This number will then be divided by three to determine the number of positions to be held back as open positions on each shift. The Department shall evenly distribute these held-back open positions across the three shifts. In the event that the number does not evenly divide by three, the Department will allocate the number of held-back open positions evenly across the three shifts to the maximum extent possible. The Department may then allocate each additional held-back open position B beyond those that it can allocate evenly across the three shifts B to whatever shift it chooses. Once the shift bid of all experienced officers is completed and verified, the Department will examine each shift’s staffing needs and deficiencies and, at its discretion, assign all inexperienced officers to any open slots (i.e., any open positions held back under the procedure described above, and any slots that are otherwise vacant) that remain following the bid. In the event of an emergency the department reserves the right to temporarily reassign officers in order to insure that each shift has the necessary experience. For the pu...
Shift Bid. The City will provide the Association a shift bid sheet the first week of October each year. The Association will return the bid on or before the last day of November. The shift bid period will be January 1st through December 31st the following year. Association members assigned to the patrol section during the shift bid period will start with the most senior association member and work through the association in order of unit seniority. Members shall bid at least one day shift rotation and one night shift rotation during the bid period. Each member shall complete their bid within one (1) day and pass it along to the next member. After all members have bid, there will be a three-day waiting period for members to adjust the bid sheet among themselves, in order to avoid employer assignments as follows:
a) If a member fails to bid, the employer may assign that member to a shift.
b) If a member is unable to bid because of the lack of a complying shift, the employer may assign a member to a shift that complies with this section. In that event the least senior member(s) shall be bumped.
Shift Bid. Shift preference will be determined on the basis of seniority within the classification as openings occur, provided the employee is qualified for the job. Total employment service will be used for officer classification. When there is a change in personnel in or out of the road officer assignment or whenever there is a change in shifts, employees in the road officer assignment shall rebid shifts. The bid will be conducted within three weeks of the opening or movement, with the terms taking place within two weeks of receipt of bid selections. At a minimum, shifts will be re-bid as follows: Nov 15 to take effect at the start of the first pay period of January. May 15 to take effect at the start of the first pay period of July. Shift Bids occurring three months prior to the above dates will take the place of that bid date. A supervisor can sign the bid sheet for an officer with verbal or electronic notification from affected officer.