Sick Leave Entitlement A permanent full-time employee shall earn paid sick leave at the rate of one and one-half (1½) days per month. Part-time employees shall be entitled to sick leave credits on a pro rata basis. Sick leave shall accumulate to a total of ninety (90) working days.
Sick Leave Pay A Nurse granted sick leave shall be paid for the period of such leave at her or his regular hourly rate of pay and the number of hours thus paid shall be deducted from the accumulated sick leave credits of the Nurse.
Vacation Entitlement i) A transferring employee will accrue vacation in accordance with the collective agreement of the designated employer. ii) A transferring employee will have pre-approved vacation requests honoured. iii) Vacation entitlement not used by the employee at the time of transfer shall transfer with the employee to the designated employer, if applicable. iv) Vacation scheduling will be in accordance with the applicable collective agreement and the practice of the designated employer.
Sick Leave Abuse When the Employer suspects sick leave abuse, the employee will be provided the opportunity to explain the circumstances surrounding their sick leave use prior to disciplining the employee, or making reference to sick leave use in the employee’s performance evaluation. The Employer may not adopt or enforce any policy that counts the use of paid sick leave time as an absence that may lead to or result in disciplinary action for an authorized purpose. The Employer may not discriminate or retaliate against an employee for the use of paid sick leave for an authorized purpose.
Accumulated Sick Leave The Employer shall inform all employees at least once each year of the number of sick days accumulated and shall make the information available to an employee on request.
Sick Leave Accrual All eligible employees shall accrue sick leave at the rate of four (4) hours per pay period of continuous employment beginning with their date of eligibility. Eligible employees being paid for less than a full eighty (80) hour pay period shall have sick leave accruals pro-rated in accord with the schedule set forth in Appendix D.
Sick Leave Benefit Plan The Sick Leave Benefit Plan will provide sick leave days and short term disability days for reasons of personal illness, personal injury, including personal medical appointments and personal dental appointments.