SICK PAY GRATUITY. A member may use up to six months of his/her sick pay gratuities in time rather than in pay, immediately prior to retirement.
SICK PAY GRATUITY. 13:01 In this Article the words "termination of employment" shall mean separation from employment with the Service by retirement on account of age, disability or by resignation, except where such resignation has been requested as an alternative to dismissal.
13:02 Upon termination with the Service:
(a) there shall be paid to every member who has been in the employment of the Board for a period of at least 20,880 regular hours of service; and
(b) there shall be paid to the estate of a member who dies while in the employment of the Board, having completed at least 20,880 regular hours of service the whole or part of such amount as is equal to one-half the accumulated sick pay credits of the member, but in no case shall such amount exceed the aggregate amount of the salary or other remuneration of a similar full-time member for the period set forth in Column 2 of the schedule contained herein, corresponding to the service requirements set forth in Column 1 thereof. The following is the schedule hereinbefore mentioned: At least 20,880 regular hours and Three calendar months less than 31,320 hours At least 31,320 regular hours and Four calendar months less than 41,760 hours At least 41,760 regular hours and Five calendar months less than 52,200 hours At least 52,200 regular hours and Six calendar months less than 62,640 hours At least 62,640 regular hours and Seven calendar months less than 67,860 hours At least 67,860 regular hours and Eight calendar months less than 73,080 hours At least 73,080 regular hours Nine calendar months
13:03 For the purpose of meeting the service requirements set out in the above schedule, the following shall be included:
(a) All regular hours worked with the Service from the most recent date of hire, but shall not include any period of service with the Board for which the member was paid sick pay gratuities.
(b) All time lost on account of absence by reason of illness here the member was paid for such absence or was considered as being on sick leave without pay.
(c) All time lost on account of absence by reason of Pregnancy Leave without pay for a period of 17 weeks or Parental Leave without pay for a period not to exceed 18 weeks.
13:04 In the event of the death of a member, the amount payable under this section shall be paid to the member's estate.
13:05 In no case shall an award made by the W.S.I.B. be deducted from any sick pay gratuity payment to the member or his/her dependents.
SICK PAY GRATUITY. 11B.18 In this Article the words “termination of employment” shall mean separation from employment with the City by retirement, death or by resignation except where permission for the resignation is requested by the employee as an alternative to discharge.
SICK PAY GRATUITY. In this Article the word "termination" shall mean separation from employment with the Toronto Zoo except by reason of dismissal or resignation as an alternative to dismissal.
SICK PAY GRATUITY. Ol In this Article the words “termination of employment” shall mean separation from employment with the Force by retirement on account of age, disability or by resignation, except where such resignation has been requested as an alternative to dismissal.
SICK PAY GRATUITY. 15.01 In this Article the words "termination of employment" shall mean separa- tion from employment with the City by retirement, death or by resignation except where permission for the resignation is requested by the employee as an alternative to discharge.
15.02 Upon termination of employment with the City:
(i) there shall be paid to every employee who has been in the employ of the City for an aggregate period of at least ten (10) years;
(ii) there shall be paid to the Estate of every employee, who dies while in the employment of the City having completed an aggregate service of at least ten (10) years with the City, an amount equal to one-half (½) the cu- mulative sick pay credits of the employee, but in no case shall the amount exceed the aggregate amount as set out in the following schedule. COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2
15.03 For the purpose of meeting the service requirements set out in the above Schedule the following shall be included:
(i) All time worked with the City and with any of the predecessor Munic- ipalities, including the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, that now form part of the New City of Toronto.
(ii) All time lost on account of absence for reasons of illness where the employee was paid for the absence or was on sick leave without pay.
15.04 An employee who is eligible for payments in accordance with clause 15.02 may select any option for payment that is permissible under the Income Tax Act.
15.05 An employee upon retirement shall be given the option of taking their cu- mulative sick pay credit grant in accordance with clause 15.02 as vacation time prior to their termination of employment.
15.06 In no case shall an award made by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board be deducted from any authorized grant under this Article. LETTER OF AGREEMENT SICK PAY CREDIT GRANTS FOR FORMER EMPLOYEES OF EAST YORK LETTER OF AGREEMENT
SICK PAY GRATUITY. (a) In this Article, the words “termination of employment” shall mean separation from employment with the Board by retirement, death or by resignation except where permission for the resignation is requested by the employee as an alternative to discharge.
(b) On termination of employment, an employee, her beneficiary or estate, shall receive an amount equal to her salary or wages for one-half (½) the number of days standing to her credit, but in no case shall the amount exceed the aggregate amount as set out in the following schedule: At least 10 years and less than 15 years Three (3) calendar months At least 15 years and less than 20 years Four (4) calendar months At least 20 years and less than 25 years Five (5) calendar months At least 25 years Six (6) calendar months.
(c) Those employees who, as of the date of ratification, are eligible for a sick pay gratuity that exceeds the above provision shall be grandparented under their predecessor plans for the term of this Collective Agreement.
(d) An employee who is eligible for payments in accordance with this clause may select any option for payment that is permissible under the Income Tax Act.
(e) An employee upon retirement shall be given the option of taking her cumulative sick pay credit grant in accordance with this clause as vacation time prior to her termination of employment.
(f) In no case shall an award made by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board be deducted from any authorized grant under this Article.
SICK PAY GRATUITY. 15.01 In this Article the words “termination of employment” shall mean separation from employment with the City by retirement, death or by resignation except where permission for the resignation is requested by the employee as an alternative to discharge.
15.02 Upon termination of employment with the City:
(i) there shall be paid to every employee who has been in the employ of the City for an aggregate period of at least ten (10) years;
(ii) there shall be paid to the Estate of every employee, who dies while in the employment of the City having completed an aggregate service of at least ten (10) years with the City, an amount equal to one-half (½) the cumulative sick pay credits of the employee, but in no case shall the amount exceed the aggregate amount as set out in the following schedule.
SICK PAY GRATUITY. 18.01 Should a Part-time, Casual, Temporary or Grant employee be successful in receiving a permanent position, the employee shall transfer all accumulated Leave-for-Illness or Injury allowance to their permanent Illness or Injury Plan.
SICK PAY GRATUITY. 15.01 In this Article the words "termination of employment" shall mean separation from employment with TCHC by retirement, death or by resignation except where permission for the resignation is requested by the employee as an alternative to discharge.
15.02 Upon termination of employment with TCHC:
(i) there shall be paid to every employee who has been in the employ of TCHC for an aggregate period of at least ten (10) years;
(ii) there shall be paid to the Estate of every employee, who dies while in the employment of TCHC having completed an aggregate service of at least ten (10) years with TCHC, an amount equal to one-half (1/2) the cumulative sick pay credits of the employee, but in no case shall the amount exceed the aggregate amount as set out in the following schedule.