SPECIAL INCREASES. TEMPORARY A Department Head may recommend a temporary, exceptional service award for an employee in order to recognize exceptional service. A one- or two-step increase may be authorized for periods of two, four, or six pay periods.
SPECIAL INCREASES. PERMANENT Upon a showing by an employee of exceptional and unusual circumstances in connection with his classification and with the recommendation of the appointing authority, the Mayor may grant permanent one- or two-step merit increases which are consistent with the spirit and purpose of the merit system provisions of the City Charter. The effective date of the merit step increase(s) granted in accordance with this Section shall be used to establish a new eligibility date, which shall be one (1) year from the effective date of the merit step increase(s). Increases granted under this Section may be granted only once per contract year.
SPECIAL INCREASES. Effective July 1, 2017, a Special Increase having value equal to 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 or 3.0 times the value of a Career Development Increase may be awarded to an employee. Effective July 1, 2019, a Special Increase having value equal to 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, or a maximum of 2.0 times the value of a Career Development Increase, may be awarded to an employee. The Employer shall notify the Association of the number and total cost of Special Increases annually and provide a list of employees receiving Special Increases that is classified by rank, administrative title, Department, College and amount of individual awards. Special increases shall be paid retroactively to the preceding July 1 of each year. The procedures specified in Article 17 shall apply. For these procedures, the sum of money to be available for Special Increases shall consist of: (i) effective July 1, 2017 the sum of money equivalent to 305 Career Development Increases, which shall be distributed among the Departments and non-departmentalized Colleges in proportion to the number of employees in each unit, for allocation in accordance with Article 17. Effective July 1, 2019, the sum of money distributed among the Departments and non-departmentalized Colleges shall be equivalent to 150 Career Development Increases. In the event that the Department Committee does not award the entire sum, any funds remaining in this allotment shall be allocated to the College Review Committee; (ii) effective July 1, 2017 the sum of money equivalent to 244 Career Development Increases, which shall be distributed among the Colleges in proportion to the number of employees in each College, for allocation in accordance with Article 17. Effective July 1, 2019, the sum of money distributed among the Colleges shall be equivalent to 120 Career Development Increases. In the event that the College Salary Committee and College Review Committee do not award the entire sum, any funds remaining in this allotment shall be allocated to the President’s Review Committee; and (iii) effective July 1, 2017, the sum of money equivalent to 61 Career Development Increases to be available for award by the President's Review Committee in accordance with Article 17. Effective July 1, 2019, the sum of money equivalent to 30 Career Development Increases shall be available for award by the President’s Review Committee. In the event that the President's Review Committee does not award the entire sum, any funds remaining in this ...
SPECIAL INCREASES. PERMANENT Upon a showing by an employee of exceptional and unusual circumstances in connection with
SPECIAL INCREASES. Articles 17 and 18 shall apply. The awards for special increases for faculty members funded from sources other than the University operating budget will be included in the allocations specified in Article 18.
SPECIAL INCREASES. The provisions of Article 17 and 18 shall apply and Special Increases for employees funded by College of Medicine funds will be included in the allocations specified in Article but funded from College of Medicine Funds.
SPECIAL INCREASES. The provisions of Article 17 and 18 shall apply to all employees in the CDC and Special Increases will be included in the allocations specified in Article but funded from CDC funds.
SPECIAL INCREASES. The provisions of Article 17 shall apply for all employees of the College of Medicine, except for the following: Funds available for Special Increases for continuing status and limited term (longer than one-year in duration) employees shall be paid from College of Medicine funds and shall be proportionate to those made available for other members of the bargaining unit in accordance with Article 18.2.
SPECIAL INCREASES. The provisions of Article 17 shall apply for all employees of the Department of Plant Sciences, including the CDC, except for the following: There will be a separate priority ranking for the employees of the CDC identified in Article 33.1, and funds available for their special increases shall be paid from CDC funds and shall be proportionate to those made available for other members of the bargaining unit in accordance with Article 18.2.
SPECIAL INCREASES. Special increases may be approved by the Board and granted to each Association (classified and certified) in equal percentage amounts, and are usually based on exceptional job performance, or other extenuating circumstances. These increases are in the form of a one-time incentive pay and are not added to the employee's base rate of pay and are also non-PERS compensation. Such determination and implementation of such increases are not subject to the negotiated grievance procedure. The District will meet and discuss (but not negotiate) any such special increases with the Association prior to implementation of such increases. The District has the sole discretion in awarding Special Increases in any given fiscal year, subject to the limitations provided herein. 2021-2022 EXTRACURRICULAR‌ Item No. Position / Activity Percentage (%) of Base 1 District Activities Director (Modified 2012) With no extra prep time 14 With extra prep time 6 2 High School Head Coach2 9 3 Junior High Head Coach 4 4 High School Assistant Coach6 5 5 Junior High Assistant Coach 2.5 6 Cheerleading Coach3 (Modified 2018) (Note: Junior High Coaching Position deleted in 2018) With Travel 7.5 Without Travel 5 7 High School Cheerleading Assistant Coach 3 8 Yearbook (No Yearbook Class) 9 9 Yearbook Advisor (With Yearbook Class) 3 10 FBLA Advisor 4 11 FFA Advisor (Modified 2003) 9 12 FFA Assistant Advisor (when enrollment reaches 22) (Modified 2006) 3 13 Dance Team Coach (November – March) 3 14 Pep Band Coach4 3 15 Student Council Advisor 3 16 Academic Olympics Advisor 3 17 Academic Olympics Assistant (Added 2018) 0.5 18 Senior Class Advisor 3 19 Junior Class Advisor 3 20 Sophomore Class Advisor 3 21 Freshman Class Advisor 3 22 8th Grade Class Advisor 3 24 Elementary Student Council Advisor (Added 2007) 3 25 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Advisor 2 26 Drama Advisor (Without Class)7 1.5 (per major production)