STAFF CONDUCT Sample Clauses
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies and Procedures for 11 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 12 limited to: standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 14 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 15 to ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant to 16 this Contract all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards set 17 forth in the said Policies and Procedures. A copy of the said Policies and Procedures shall be posted in 18 writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directors.
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies and Procedures for employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be limited to, standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of sexual conduct with Clients; prohibition of forging or falsifying documents or drug tests; and real or perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought to ADMINISTRATOR’S attention. Prior to providing any services pursuant to the Contract all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards set forth in the said Policies and Procedures. A copy of the Staff Code of Conduct shall be posted in writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility.
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies and Procedures for 6 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 7 limited to, standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Participant relationships; prohibition 8 of sexual conduct with Participants; prohibition of forging or falsifying documents or drug tests; and real 9 or perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be 10 brought to the ADMINISTRATOR’s attention. Prior to providing any services pursuant to the 11 Agreement all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards set 12 forth in the said Policies and Procedures. A copy of the staff code of conduct shall be posted in writing 13 in a prominent place in the treatment facility and updated annually by the Board of Directors.
STAFF CONDUCT. All teachers are expected to be professional. This means that staff will use acceptable language, behave appropriately, and dress appropriately at all school functions. (See ROP 2003)
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written policies and procedures for 28 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 29 limited to, standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 30 sexual conduct with Clients; prohibition of forging or falsifying documents or drug tests; and real or 31 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 32 to ADMINISTRATOR’s attention prior to the occurrence. Prior to providing any services pursuant to 33 the Contract all employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards set 34 forth in the said policies and procedures. A copy of said policies and procedures shall be provided to 35 each Client upon admission and shall be posted in writing in a prominent place in the treatment facility.
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies and Procedures for
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies and Procedures for 26 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 27 limited to, standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Participant relationships;
STAFF CONDUCT a. Staff shall conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times while in the office or representing CES.
b. Conducting personal business on CES property is not appropriate.
c. Conducting personal business that results in a reduction of productivity on the part of an employee may be grounds for disciplinary action including termination.
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish written Policies and Procedures for 37 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be limited to, 1 standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Participant relationships; prohibition of sexual conduct 2 with Participants; prohibition of forging or falsifying documents or drug tests; and real or perceived conflict of
STAFF CONDUCT. CONTRACTOR shall establish a written Policies and Procedures for 18 employees, volunteers, interns, and members of the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be 19 limited to, standards related to the use of drugs and/or alcohol; staff-Client relationships; prohibition of 20 sexual conduct with Clients; prohibition of forging or falsifying documents or drug tests; and real or 21 perceived conflict of interest. Situations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest shall be brought 22 to ADMINISTRATOR’S attention. Prior to providing any services pursuant to the Agreement all 23 employees, volunteers, and interns shall agree in writing to maintain the standards set forth in the said 24 Policies and Procedures. A copy of the Staff Code of Conduct shall be posted in writing in a prominent 25 place in the treatment facility. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 22 of 22 EXHIBIT A X:\CONTRACTS - 2018 -\2018-2020\SUD\DMC SUD OUTPATIENT SVCS FY 18-20 - LW.DOC «K_CODE»– MADMCOSSUDKK20 1 EXHIBIT B 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF 3 DRUG MEDI-CAL SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER OUTPATIENT SERVICES 4 BETWEEN 5 COUNTY OF ORANGE 6 AND 7 «UC_NAME» «UC_DBA» 8 JUNE 18, 2018 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2020 9