State Regulations Sample Clauses

State Regulations. That body of regulations adopted by the Department of Education of the State of Florida to clarify and implement state statutes which relate to education in the State of Florida.
State Regulations. This License is subject to the regulations contained in Title 5 California Code of Regulations,
State Regulations. This License is subject to the regulations contained in Title 5 California Code of Regulations, §§42000-42024, as amended from time to time. A copy of these regulations is available at the University Housing website. University reserves the right to use California Code of Regulation section 41301, or other applicable administrative or legal remedy to address violations of the terms and conditions contained in this License.
State Regulations. This License is subject to the regulations contained in Title 5 California Code of Regulations, §§42000-42103, Tit. 5, Div. 5, Chap. 1, Subchap. 5, Art. 5: Housing, and Art. 6: Meals, as amended from time to time. A copy of these regulations is available at SHRL or at xxxx:// University reserves the right to use California Code of Regulation Section 41301 (under Student Conduct at xxxxx://, or other applicable administrative or legal remedy to address violations of the terms and conditions contained in this License.
State Regulations. I understand that the Department of Social Services shall have the authority to observe the physical conditions of my child, including conditions which could indicate abuse, neglect, or inappropriate placement, and to have a licensed medical professional physically examine the child.
State Regulations. Bethesda agrees that as a Private Alternative Education Institution it must comply with all of the statutory requirements identified in 24 P.S. 1902-E (3). Wattsburg Area School District agrees that it shall comply with all applicable Special Education requirements in accordance with State and Federal Law.
State Regulations. _13�tht:s_da agrees tilat as a_Private Alt(:_rn11tiveEducation Institution it mustcomply with all ofthe statutory requirements identified in 24 P.S. 1902-E (3). Wattsburg Area School District agrees that it shall comply with all applicable Special Education requirements in accordance with State and Federal Law.
State Regulations. Operator agrees that it will comply with any valid and applicable state law, rule, or regulation, including the provisions of the Texas Towing and Booting Act, Chapter 2308 Texas Occupations Code. No provision of this Agreement shall be construed to obligate the Operator to violate state law or any valid and applicable rule or regulation adopted thereunder.
State Regulations. If the rules or regulations of the department of education or the law changes regarding the issue of the make-up of lost student instructional days, Section F will be subject to renegotiations at the request of either party.
State Regulations. Massachusetts MassHealth (Medicaid) regulations specify that Medicaid will pay to reserve beds in nursing facilities for up to 10 days for MassHealth residents during medical leaves of absence (MLOA). An MLOA is defined as an inpatient hospital stay of a recipient who is a resident of a nursing facility for up to 10 consecutive days at a Medicare hospital level of care. MassHealth regulations also specify that Medicaid will pay for temporary absences for residents of nursing facilities for up to 15 days per calendar year when the resident is absent from the facility for nonmedical reasons. For purposes of determining these nonmedical leaves of absence (NMLOA), a calendar year begins on the date of the resident's first NMLOA.