Dinner Sample Clauses

Dinner. Dinner reimbursement may be claimed only if the employee is away from his/her temporary or permanent work station in a travel status overnight or is required to remain in a travel status until after 7:00 P.M.
Dinner. If the Company elects to furnish a dinner meal, it will be suitable and employees may choose to eat or not to eat the dinner provided by the Company. • If the employee chooses to eat the dinner provided by the company, the employee will be paid actual travel time from the time of being released from the job to the location of the Company-provided dinner. In addition, the employee will be paid a reasonable time to eat the dinner meal, not to exceed one hour, and if needed, the actual travel time to Company-provided lodging. • If the employee chooses not to eat the dinner provided by the Company, the employee will be paid actual travel time from the time of being released from the job to the location of the Company-provided lodging, 60 minutes for meal consumption, and also granted the dollar amount of the meal allowance as specified in the Labor Agreement. Extended/storm work schedules are defined as the mobilization of Ameren or contractor resources normally assigned outside the affected service territory. It is understood there will be circumstances where other arrangements to provide meals may be required. If the Company does not elect to furnish a meal, employees will be paid a meal allowance in accord with the provisions of the Labor Agreement. Employees will adhere to all special logistical arrangements of the host utility if working outside the Ameren service territory.
Dinner. When travel begins before 6 P.M. and extends beyond 8 P.M. The driver must make application for the meal reimbursement on a form furnished by the Board and attached to each trip authorization.
Dinner. Dinner reimbursement may be claimed only if the teacher is away from their temporary or permanent work station in a travel status overnight or is required to remain in a travel status until after 7:00 p.m.
Dinner. If the Company elects to furnish a dinner meal, employees may choose to eat or not to eat the dinner provided by the Company. • If the employee chooses to eat the dinner provided by the company, the employee will be paid actual travel time from the time of being released from the job to the location of the Company-provided dinner. In addition, the employee will be paid a reasonable time to eat the dinner meal, not to exceed one hour, and if needed, the actual travel time to Company-provided lodging. • If the employee chooses not to eat the dinner provided by the Company, the employee will be paid actual travel time from the time of being released from the job to the location of the Company-provided lodging, 30 minutes for meal consumption, and also granted the dollar amount of the meal allowance as specified in the Labor Agreement. It is understood there will be circumstances where other arrangements to provide meals may be required. If the Company does not elect to furnish a meal, employees will be paid a meal allowance in accord with the provisions of the Labor Agreement. Employees will adhere to all special logistical arrangements of the host utility if working outside the Ameren service territory. When employees report for overtime work more than four hours before a regular tour of duty or on the employee’s “Saturday” or “Sunday” or on holidays, a meal will be scheduled following the first four hours worked. Further meal periods shall be scheduled upon completion of six hours of work following each preceding meal. However, no meals will be scheduled when Saturdays or Sundays are scheduled and worked between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. When applying the above, a minimum of eight (8) hours will constitute a scheduled Saturday or Sunday, and should inclement weather prevent work on such a scheduled day, employees will be paid the three hours minimum call out allowance or actual overtime worked, whichever is the greater. When employees report for overtime work on a normal work day and other than immediately following a regular tour of duty, if they report less than 4 or more than 1 ½ hours before normal starting time, breakfast and lunch will be scheduled; if employees so report 1 ½ hours or less before normal starting time, breakfast only will be scheduled. All time associated with eating a meal on overtime, shall be paid. The time paid for eating a meal shall not exceed one half hour. Whenever restitution is determined as the appropriate remedy ...
Dinner. Dinner reimbursement may be claimed only if the nurse is away from their temporary or permanent work station in a travel status overnight or is required to remain in a travel status until after 7:00 p.m.
Dinner. When travel begins before 6 p.m. and extends beyond 8 p.m., or when travel occurs during nighttime hours due to special assignment. No allowance shall be made for meals when travel is confined to the city or town of the official headquarters or immediate vicinity; except assignments of official business outside the traveler’s regular place of employment if travel expenses are approved. The Chief Financial Officer shall establish a schedule for processing Class C travel subsistence payments at least on a monthly basis.
DinnerThe employee is in travel status or,
Dinner. When the employee is away from home on travel status overnight, or arrives home after 6:30 p.m. Breakfast $11.50 $11.75 $12.00 Lunch $13.25 $13.50 $13.80 Dinner $22.25 $22.75 $23.25 (b) Meal allowances may not be claimed for any meal which was provided at the Employer's expense or is included in the price of a ticket, or accommodation/conference package.
Dinner. When travel begins before 6 p.m. and extends beyond 8 p.m. or when travel occurs during night-time hours due to special assignment NOTE: No allowance shall be made for meals when travel is confined to the city or town of official headquarters or immediate vicinity except assignments of official business outside the traveler’s regular place of employment if travel expenses are approved and such special approval is noted on the travel voucher. Rates of Per Diem and Meals shall be those prescribed by section 112.061, Florida Statutes. Per diem shall be computed at one-fourth of authorized rate for each quarter or fraction thereof. Travel over a period of 24 hours or more will be calculated on the basis of 6-hour cycles, beginning at midnight; less than 24-hour travel will be calculated on the basis of 6-hour cycles, beginning at the hour of departure from official headquarters. Hour of departure and hour of return should be shown for all travel. W hen claiming per diem, the meal allowance columns should not be used. Claims for actual lodging at the single occupancy rate plus meal allowance should include the commercial lodging expenses in the “Per Diem or Actual Lodging Expenses” column and include the appropriate meal allowances in the “Meals for Class A & B Travel” column. Claims for meal allowances involving travel that did not require the traveler to be away from his headquarters overnight should be included in the “Class C Meals” column. Vicinity travel must appear in the separate column. When travel is by common carrier and billed directly to the traveler, the amount and description should be included in the “Other Expenses” column. A copy of the ticket or invoice should be attached to this form. Justification must be provided for use of a non-contract airline (or one offering equal or lesser rates than the contract airline) or rental car (or one having lower net rates) when contract carriers are available. Additionally, just ifications must be provided for use of a rental care larger than a Class “B” car. Incidental travel expenses which may be reimbursed include (a) reasonable taxi fare; (b) ferry fares and bridge road, and tunnel tolls; (c) storage and parking fees; (d) telephone and telegraph expenses; (e) convention or conference registration fee. Additionally, a copy of the agenda and registration receipt must be attached. If meals are included in the registration fee, per diem should be reduced accordingly. Receipts should be obtained when possib...