Student Feedback. Student Evaluations of Teaching (SETs) will be conducted in accordance with American University policy. SETs reports will be made available to an employee at the end of the semester once all grades have been submitted. Employees shall cooperate with the appropriate academic administrators to facilitate the student evaluation process.
Student Feedback. For each part-time faculty member the supervisor will summarize the contents of student surveys completed since the last evaluation. Refer to Appendix I for the student survey of teaching process.
Student Feedback. A. Every Lecturer shall have the opportunity to receive feedback from undergraduate students (unless no undergraduate students enroll in their courses), using University-approved course evaluation schedules, processes and forms, which may also include program-specific questions. Insofar as units make such processes and forms available for graduate students, Lecturers will have the opportunity to receive feedback from those students as determined by the unit. At the request of a Lecturer, any evaluation form(s) used by the academic unit will be made available to them before courses begin in a given quarter.
B. A Lecturer may add questions to the student feedback form in the same manner as Statute 11.1
Student Feedback. 1. The University shall maintain a process by which students can complain in writing and/or orally about alt media services, which process will be included in the Print Access Guide.
2. The University shall specifically ask DSP students at least once a year, e.g., survey, for feedback regarding alternative media services, policies and procedures. Summaries of all such feedback received shall be included in the Annual Progress Report covering that period, subject to students’ confidentiality requirements.
Student Feedback. Ongoing review and grading of student work throughout the quarter, and submission of final grades.
Student Feedback. 1. For all Alliance members employed for or after September 1, 2015, the Center may seek student feedback of said bargaining unit members.
2. The student feedback form will be developed by the employer in consultation with the Alliance.
3. Bargaining unit members shall be provided with a summary of student feedback and an opportunity to discuss the information received. Such summary feedback may be provided in conjunction with the annual evaluation process or at other times based on Center or employee interest and need. Subsequent to such discussions, the bargaining unit member shall be accorded a period of five (5) days to submit any written response to the feedback information presented. Following the five (5) day response period, a copy of the summary student feedback report along with bargaining unit member response, if any, thereon, will be forwarded for administrative review and file.
4. Summary student feedback documents will not be made part of the bargaining unit member’s evaluation form but will be maintained as separate feedback documents for employee or Center reference; however, comments relative to information obtained from student feedback documents may be incorporated into the evaluation of a bargaining unit member.
5. At the end of the contract year (August 31), the individual student feedback forms for that year will be destroyed; however, summary data will be maintained. At any time prior to the destruction of the forms, a bargaining unit member shall upon request to the Center, be allowed to inspect the individual student feedback forms upon which the summary feedback document was based, provided that said forms are anonymous or that the names and other student identifiers are redacted from the forms.
Student Feedback. (a) Student feedback to support teaching performance is mandatory and must be representative of the teaching undertaken by the academic staff member. Academic staff members are advised to address carefully in their self-appraisal significant negative feedback or explain particular contexts in which student feedback has been less than supportive. In such cases it may be helpful to have corroborating statements, e.g. from a Head of Programme or equivalent.
Student Feedback. If a student has feedback for Rocky Mountain School of Photography, he or she may contact the School Director.
Student Feedback. Teachers of grades 6-12 will annually solicit feedback from students in all their classes. However, those special area teachers who teach a large percentage of the student body will solicit feedback from a number of students comparable to a core subject area teacher at their school. This should occur sometime after the midpoint of the course, leaving sufficient time to allow for consultation with the peer reviewer and evaluator(s)/supervisor(s). The purpose of this feedback is to gather information that students are in a position to know which can then be used by the staff member for self-assessment and professional growth. The instrument(s) used to obtain this feedback will be created by an individual teacher or a team of teachers subject to the review of the evaluator(s)/supervisor(s) or their designees. The instruments should seek feedback in the following areas: curriculum, teaching methods, classroom management, assessment and grading, homework, classroom climate, and the teacher/student relationship. Student-completed feedback forms are the sole property of the teacher who issued them. However, the forms are to be shared with at least one of the teacher’s peers in a collaborative effort to analyze the findings. The peer reviewer will hold all data and findings in confidence. The issuing teacher will discuss the findings with his/her supervisor(s)/evaluator(s) and, whenever appropriate, should use the data in goal setting activities for the coming year. • All secondary coaches will receive feedback from student participants via an Athletic Director- approved assessment tool. The results will be shared with the Athletic Director
Student Feedback. Student feedback is essential and we already have well-developed mid-module and module evaluation. We will develop both of these further so that students receive feedback on issues that matter to them promptly.