SUBJECT OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. The subject matter of this Framework Agreement is the Contractor’s obligation to supply to the Client, according to its current needs, 50% Cotton Security Paper (hereinafter referred to as the “Goods”) including production of wire for original watermark impressing (hereinafter referred to as the „Dandy roll“) in compliance with the technical specifications stated in the tender conditions of the tender procedure and in Annex 1 to this Framework Agreement, and further, to enable the Client to acquire the ownership title to the supplied Goods and ownership rights and license to the Dandy roll. The Client undertakes to accept the Goods, duly and timely delivered as regards the required quantity and type of the Goods, on the required delivery dates, and to pay for the Goods the price agreed herein. The Client is entitled to request the Contractor for performance under this Framework Agreement , whereas the minimum quantity of the Goods to be ordered is 5000 kg. The Client is not obliged to make such an order. All supplies of the Goods shall take place according to the Client’s needs in line with the written orders, each one of which constitutes a proposal to conclude a partial contract (hereinafter as an “order”), and confirmations, which constitute the acceptance of the proposal to conclude a partial contract (hereinafter as a “partial contract”). A partial contract shall be deemed to have been entered into once the Client receives confirmation of an order from the Contractor, confirming the order without reservations. The Client may invite the Contractor to provide performance in accordance with this Framework Agreement up to a maximum financial amount of EUR 150,000 excluding VAT for the entire duration of this Framework Agreement.
SUBJECT OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. The subject of this Framework Agreement is the Contractor’s obligation: to create an origination (production of a MasterHologram) of diffractive security feature for eID, including creation of diffractive security feature design according to requirements specified in the Technical Specification – the Annex 1 to this Framework Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “production of XXXXX design and Masterhologram"); to grant exclusive license covering the design of the diffractive security feature and an exclusive license covering the MasterHologram and its copies for the use of the sheets for the manufacture of eID within the extent specified in Article VIII to this Framework Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “XXXXX licences”); to produce and deliver a Diffractive optical variable image device (XXXXX) applied on a sheet of polycarbonate foil for eID to the Client, including its testing version according to the technical specification contained in the Technical Specification - the Annex 1 to this Framework Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Sheets”). to enable to acquire the ownership title to the supplied Sheets to the Client. A part of the technical specification of the subject of this Framework Agreement includes classified facts in compliance with applicable national legislation of the Czech Republic, including but not limited to the Act no. 412/2005 Coll., on the protection of classified information and security capacity, as amended, and will be registered and filed by the Client during the realisation of the Subject of the Framework Agreement pursuant to Art.II paragraph 1 letter a) hereof .
SUBJECT OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 1. This Framework Agreement governs the relationship between PIN and the Contractor in respect of the psychosocial support, counselling, stress management and resilience trainings for its employees, as described in the Tender notice (also hereinafter referred to as the “Services”) by the Contractor to PIN.
2. The Contractor hereby agrees to provide PIN with the Services on the basis of individual Service Agreements concluded between the Parties in compliance with Art. III hereof and PIN agrees to pay to the Contractor the remuneration for the Services in accordance with Art. V.
3. In the event of, and only to the extent of, any conflict between the terms and conditions of this Framework Agreement and the terms and conditions of an individual Service Agreement, the terms and conditions of the Service Agreement shall prevail.
SUBJECT OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 1. This Framework Agreement governs the relationship between EL and the Contractor in respect of the [… description of the services…] as described in the Tender notice (also hereinafter referred to as the “Services”) by the Contractor to EL.
2. The Contractor hereby agrees to provide EL with the Services on the basis of individual Service Agreements concluded between the Parties in compliance with Art. III hereof and EL agrees to pay to the Contractor the remuneration for the Services in accordance with Art. V.
3. In the event of, and only to the extent of, any conflict between the terms and conditions of this Framework Agreement and the terms and conditions of an individual Service Agreement, the terms and conditions of the Service Agreement shall prevail.
SUBJECT OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. This paragraph determines what documents form part of the Framework Agreement and sets out their order of precedence. The highest-ranking document is the present one (including any amendments to it). Specifically, this means articles 1 to 8 of the Model Framework Agreement. The Data Processing Agreement, if applicable, ranks below the Framework Agreement since the Framework Agreement is the main document while the Data Processing Agreement is supplementary to it and concerned with only one aspect of the Public Service Contract, namely the Processing of Personal Data. The Specifications take precedence over the tender because the Framework Agreement will often have been preceded by an EU contract award procedure. The Specifications list first the requirements from which the tender cannot derogate and, second, wishes that have been met in the tender in a given way. This ranking thus provides extra assurance that when the Deliverable is provided there will be no derogation from the requirements set out in the Specifications. It should also be noted that the possibility of amending a Framework Agreement concluded as the result of an EU contract award procedure is limited for reasons of procurement law (see sections 2.163a to 2.163g inclusive of the Public Procurement Act 2012). If a Schedule nonetheless derogates from the Specifications, article 2.3 should be amended accordingly.
SUBJECT OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 1.1 The Framework Agreement for Suppliers governs the provision and use of the Unite procurement platform in the Contractual Territory.
1.2 The Supplier shall be granted the opportunity to integrate their Catalogue or any parts thereof into the agreed Unite procurement platforms with the goal of enabling Unite Customers to place orders through them. The Supplier shall be obliged to ensure delivery to the Customers within the delivery time indicated in the Catalogue. The Supplier shall provide Unite with a Catalogue which is suitable for online operation, in a data format that corresponds with Unite's technical environment (BMEcat or a database language determined by Unite), in an electronically readable form, free of charge for the agreed Unite procurement platforms.
1.3 The Supplier confirms that the items in its catalogue comply with the Banned and Restricted Items at Unite (available at xxxxx://xxxxx.xx/de-de/item-requirements).
SUBJECT OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. The subject of the framework agreement is the provision of information support to the contracting authority’s logistics processes: - implementation of software or application solutions (in the event of modular software, by individual module) - purchase of field devices for provision of first/last mile services - (lease or purchase licence model or a combination of the two) granting (transfer) of non- transferable and non-exclusive rights of use of the software without spatial restrictions and for an open-ended / fixed period of time - upgrading application solutions (software) The tender documentation comprises all materials published on the public procurement portal, including changes made as a result of negotiations. Software (application) solutions must be in line with the technical specifications set out in the contracting authority’s tender dossier, i.e. with the tender dossier as a whole. The tender dossier and the tender documentation are integral parts of this framework agreement and shall be applied directly unless otherwise determined in this framework agreement.
SUBJECT OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. This Framework Agreement defines the general terms and conditions for the implementation of the PCP procurement of R&D Services set out in Article 3 & 4 and for the specific contracts that will be awarded for each of the 3 PCP phases.
SUBJECT OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 1. The Contractor undertakes to supply traffic data after being granted an order by the Client. For this purpose, the Client and Contractor will conclude a contract based on the model included as Appendix 2. The terms and conditions of this framework agreement shall apply to all contracts that are concluded.
2. The Client will send a request for proposal to all framework agreement contractors for all orders within the framework agreement. The proposals that are submitted will be evaluated for the award of the contract based on the ‘Most Economically Advantageous Tender’ principle. The award criteria, weights and scoring method will be described in the request for proposal.
3. The following documents taken in combination describe the rights and obligations that follow for the Parties from the framework agreement and associated contracts: - The framework agreement including the Memoranda of Additional Information Appendix 1: The Client’s Schedule of Requirements, consisting of: The Statement of Work (SOW) The System and Subsystem Specification (SSS) The Chain System and Subsystem Specification (Chain SSS) The Interface Requirements Specification (IRS) Appendix 2: Model contract within the framework agreement Appendix 3: General Government Terms and Conditions for Public Service Contracts 0000 Xxxxxxxx 4: Working practice within the framework agreement Appendix 5: Contractor’s tender in response to the EU invitation to tender for the framework agreement In the event of conflicting stipulations in the individual documents, the document listed first in this list takes precedence over the document listed below it.
SUBJECT OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 4.1. Based on this Framework Agreement, the Lender shall:
4.1.1. open for the Customer a Customer Account (hereinafter: the Account) which the Customer can access on the MyIute platform;
4.1.2. Grant Loans to the Customer under the Agreement(s);
4.1.3. establish the Customer a personal credit limit (hereinafter: PCL; also referred to as personal approved limit, PAL), the size of which will depend on the creditworthiness and affordability assessment conducted from time to time by the Lender at its own discretion, and grant the Customer Loan(s) under the Agreement(s) within the PCL with terms and conditions as described in this Framework Agreement;
4.1.4. make available additional services connected to the Agreement.