SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT. Complete technical specifications and a copy of the product label must be submitted for each line item bid in a tabbed 8 ½ x 11 inch binder. Each tab shall be identified by the bid line item number and commodity code. Bidder not providing the submittal of information/samples as directed may be deemed “non-responsive”.
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT. Refer to the Green Lease Submittal Requirement paragraph of the Lease.
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT. Each Offeror shall provide sufficient documentation in order to demonstrate the extent of the Offeror’s past experience for at least three (3) but no more than five (5) SPs. Of this group of SPs, the General Contractor should have served as the General Contractor on at least one SP and the A/E should have served as the A/E on at least one SP. The submission for each project is limited to a maximum of four (4) pages. Offerors submitting experience information of a teaming arrangement affiliate shall describe what involvement the teaming affiliate will have specific to the requirements of this project and demonstrate the affiliate’s commitment to the project. This narrative shall clearly and specifically indicate what resources the affiliate will provide and be relied upon for contract performance.
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT. The Offeror shall submit a minimum of 3 references, but no more than 5, that meet the criteria of a SP for this factor. For each Offeror reference, the Offeror shall complete Section 1 and distribute the Past Performance Questionnaire (Attachment 1 for GCs, Attachment 2 for A/Es) to each Reference for completion. The References shall email the completed Past Performance Questionnaire to Xxx Xxxxxx, Contracting Officer at and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Contract Specialist at no later than 4:00 PM Mountain Time, March 5, 2021. The email subject line should contain the solicitation number and the name of the offeror. Completed questionnaires within the Offeror proposal will not be accepted. While the Government may elect to consider data from any source, the burden of providing detailed, current, accurate, and complete past performance information by the deadline for initial submissions rests with the Offeror and its evaluator/reference. GSA may also contact and question the past performance references directly. This factor considers the Offeror’s approach to establishing a design-build team that will proactively and collaboratively work together to satisfy the Government’s objectives.
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT. Each Offeror must submit a written narrative (not to exceed ten (10) pages) concerning its approach to the DB process. An Offeror may allocate the 10 pages in any manner it chooses. The narrative should discuss the Offeror’s overall management approach to design-build considering facts such as:
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT. Each Offeror should submit data evidencing the key personnel’s qualifications as set forth in this evaluation factor. This may be provided in a manner that the Offeror chooses and may include, for example, a resume or curriculum vitae. There is a fifteen (15) page limit for this evaluation factor, including reference information. An Offeror may allocate the pages in any manner it chooses. Key Personnel shall include: 1) Principal in Charge, 2) Project Manager (construction), 3) Project Manager (design), 4) Construction Superintendent, and 5) Quality Control/Assurance Coordinator. Each person submitted under this evaluation factor should have worked on at least one (1) SP in the same or similar capacity as one of the key personnel positions described in this evaluation factor. For instance, on the SP, the key person served in the capacity as the Project Manager, but, for purposes of this evaluation factor, that same person is being proposed as the Principal-in- Charge. In such an instance, the proposed person may, depending upon qualifications, be able to satisfy this requirement. For each key person, the Offeror should provide reference information for at least one (1) SP in the same or similar capacity as one of the key personnel positions described in this evaluation factor. The reference name and contact information must include phone number, email, and the name of the SP. The Offeror will be responsible to ensure that contact information is current and reliable. The Government will consider information provided by reference, as well as other information from other sources, when evaluating past experience and past performance. References will be asked to provide feedback in the following areas related to the Key Personnel: ● Stakeholder management. ● Problem solving; and ● Meeting project objectives within the allowable budget. Additional favorable consideration may be given for: ● Key personnel who have worked together on the same SP; or ● Key personnel serving in the position from inception through completion of the project.
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT. Prior to construction commencement, a proposed plan following industry standards to recycle construction waste. The construction waste management plan shall quantify material diversion goals and maximize the materials to be recycled and/or salvaged (at least 50 percent) from construction, demolition, and packaging debris. Where the small quantity of material, the extraordinarily complex nature of the waste disposal method, or prohibitive expense for recycling would represent a genuine hardship, the Government, upon written request of the Lessor and approval of the LCO, may permit alternative means of disposal.
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT. The Offeror shall provide to the Contracting Officer a map showing public transport and distance marked to the site with the initial offer to the Government. See the Building and Site Information Submittals paragraph for the information that must be provided.
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT. The Offeror shall provide a map showing amenities and distance marked to the site with the initial offer to the Government. See the Building and Site Information Submittals paragraph for the information that must be provided.
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT. Refer to the Green Lease Submittal Requirement paragraph in the How to Offer and Submittal Requirements Section of this SFO.