Summary and duration of the Priority Project Sample Clauses

Summary and duration of the Priority Project. B.1.1. Both Parties acknowledge that the Commonwealth has previously provided the Start-up Amount to develop the business case for this Priority Project. B.1.2. The Commonwealth has agreed to provide up to $45,010,000 (GST exclusive) for Stage One of this Priority Project. This Priority Project also includes the conduct of a Review as set out in Item B.3.1.a.11. B.1.3. The Commonwealth has agreed to provide up to $11,902,256 (GST exclusive) for Stage Two of this Priority Project. Of this funding, $10,196,336 has not been committed to agreed activities. B.1.4. This Priority Project will commence on the date this Schedule is signed and must be completed by 31December 2021.
Summary and duration of the Priority Project. In the IGA, the Commonwealth agreed in-principle to provide funding to projects in New South Wales, subject to Due Diligence and compliance with the Commonwealth’s Business Case Information Requirements and this Agreement. In the IGA, the Commonwealth agreed in-principle to provide funding of up to $708 million for Priority Projects to be delivered by the State, subject to the proposed Priority Project’s satisfying the Commonwealth's Due Diligence Assessment. The State submitted a Business Case to the Commonwealth for a proposed NSW Nimmie‑Xxxxx System Enhanced Environmental Water Delivery Priority Project on 4 July 2012 (the Business Case). The Commonwealth's Due Diligence assessment of the Proposed Project against the Business Case Information Requirements was completed in June 2013. The Proposed Project was approved for funding of up to $180,133,974 (excluding GST) by the Commonwealth Minister for Sustainability, Water, Environment, Population and Communities on 24 June 2013, for the agreed project only, subject to conditions. The conditions of the final Due Diligence are now reflected in this Project Schedule. A Heads of Agreement for the implementation of the Xxxxxx-Xxxxx System Enhanced Environmental Water Delivery Priority Project was signed by the Commonwealth Minister for Sustainability, Water, Environment, Population and Communities and was signed by the NSW Minister for Primary Industries on 28 June 2013. This Priority Project consists of the following components: The purchase of 19 irrigated farming properties with a total area of 84,417 hectares (the Xxxxxx-Xxxxx Land), the ownership of which will be transferred to the State, and the transfer to the Commonwealth of 381,000 unit shares of Lowbidgee Supplementary Water Entitlement (the Xxxxxx-Xxxxx Entitlement) in one single licence; Infrastructure reconfiguration activities; Land transition arrangements; Local community offset projects; Water management actions; and Project management and governance. Project Milestones for this Priority Project are identified in Item C of this Project Schedule. This Priority Project commences on the date this Project Schedule is signed by the Commonwealth and must be completed by 30 June 2019, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties. The purpose of this Priority Project is to: achieve water recovery which provides a substantial contribution towards ‘bridging the gap’ under the Basin Plan; implement management arrangements for the Nimmie‑Xxxxx area whi...
Summary and duration of the Priority Project. In the IGA, the Commonwealth agreed in-principle to provide funding of up to $1.358 billion for New South Walesproposed projects, subject to Due Diligence of each such project and compliance with the Commonwealth’s Business Case Information Requirements and this Agreement. In the IGA, the Commonwealth agreed in-principle to provide funding of up to $50 million for a Healthy Floodplains Project subject to the Priority Project satisfying the Commonwealth’s Due Diligence Assessment. The State submitted a business case to the Commonwealth for a proposed NSW Healthy Floodplains Priority Project (Proposed Project) on 11 June 2010. The Proposed Project aimed to reform NSW water management on floodplains in the valleys where floodplain harvesting is considered to be most prevalent. The Commonwealth's Due Diligence Assessment of that Proposed Project against the Business Case Information Requirements found that it failed due diligence. The State then submitted a re-scoped proposal for the Proposed Project as provided for in Section 4.12.5 of the IGA and clause 5.1.5 of the Agreement. Both Parties acknowledge that the Commonwealth has previously provided the Start up Amount to develop the business case for this Priority Project. T otal Funding of up to $ (GST exclusive) is available in principle for this Priority Project (Stage One and Stage Two). T he Commonwealth has agreed to provide up to $ (GST exclusive) for Stage One of this Priority Project. This Priority Project also includes the conduct of a Review as set out in Item B.3.1(xi). T he Commonwealth has agreed to provide up to $ (GST exclusive) for Stage Two of this Priority Project. Of this funding, $ has not been committed to agreed activities and the Commonwealth does not commit to providing these funds: for this project without further assessment of proposed activities; and beyond 30 June 2019. This Priority Project will commence on the date this Schedule is signed and must be completed by 15 June 2019.

Related to Summary and duration of the Priority Project

  • COMMENCEMENT AND DURATION 3.1 This Agreement will commence on the 1 July 2019 and will remain in force until 30 June 2020, after which a new Performance Agreement and Performance Plan shall be concluded between the parties for the next financial year or any portion thereof. 3.2 The parties will review the provisions of this Agreement during June each year. The parties will conclude a new Performance Agreement and Performance Plan that replaces this Agreement at least once a year by not later than the beginning of each successive financial year. 3.3 This Agreement will terminate on the termination of the Employee’s contract of employment for any reason. 3.4 The content of this Agreement may be revised at any time during the above-mentioned period to determine the applicability of the matters agreed upon. 3.5 If at any time during the validity of this Agreement the work environment alters (whether as a result of government or council decisions or otherwise) to the extent that the contents of this Agreement are no longer appropriate, the contents shall immediately be revised.

  • TERM AND DURATION 4.1 The Company shall commence upon the filing of the Certificate of Formation, and shall continue in full force and effect until May 1, 2024, provided, however, that the Company shall be dissolved prior to such date upon the happening of any of the following events: (a) The mutual written consent of the Members to dissolve the Company. (b) The sale or other divestiture of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company and the distribution of the proceeds thereof to the Members, including real estate or interests held or owned by the Company (other than a transfer to a nominee of the Company for any Company purpose, which event shall not be construed as an event of termination); provided, however, that (i) if the Company receives a purchase money mortgage or other collateral security in connection with such sale, the Company shall continue (A) until such mortgage or security interest is paid in full or otherwise disposed of, or (B) in the event of foreclosure of such mortgage, or security interest provided the Company retains title therein; and (ii) the Company shall continue if the assets of the Company are exchanged under Section 1031 of the Code. (c) Upon the death, retirement, expulsion, bankruptcy or dissolution of a Member or occurrence of any other event that terminates the continued membership of a Member in the Company (a "Dissolution Event") unless the business of the Company is continued by the unanimous consent of the remaining Members within ninety (90) days following the Dissolution Event. (d) The entry of a decree of judicial dissolution under Section 49 of the Act. (e) The happening of any other prior event which pursuant to the terms and provisions of this Operating Agreement shall cause a dissolution or termination of the Company. 4.2 Upon any dissolution of the Company, the distribution of the Company's assets and the winding up of its affairs shall be concluded in accordance with Article 19 of this Operating Agreement.

  • Frequency and Duration There shall be an open enrollment period for health coverage in each year of this Agreement, and for dental coverage in the first year of this Agreement. Each year of the Agreement, all employees shall have the option to complete a Health Assessment. Open enrollment periods shall last a minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days in each year of the Agreement. Open enrollment changes become effective on January 1 of each year of this Agreement. Subject to a timely contract settlement, the Employer shall make open enrollment materials available to employees at least fourteen (14) days prior to the start of the open enrollment period.

  • Effective Date and Duration When all Parties have executed this Grant, and all necessary approvals have been obtained (“Executed Date”), this Grant is effective and has a Grant funding start date as of July 1, 2020 (“Effective Date”), and, unless extended or terminated earlier in accordance with its terms, will expire on June 30, 2021.

  • ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF MOBILITY 2.1 The agreement shall enter into force on the date when the last of the two parties signs.

  • Entry into force and duration 1. This Agreement shall enter into force one month after the date of exchange of the instruments of ratification by the Contracting Parties. The Agreement shall remain in force for a period of ten years. Unless notice of termination is given by either Contracting Party at least six months before the expiry of its period of validity, this Agreement shall be tacitly extended each time for a further period of ten years, it being understood that each Contracting Party reserves the right to terminate the Agreement by notification given at least six months before the date of expiry of the current period of validity. 2. Investments made prior to the date of termination of this Agreement shall be covered by this Agreement for a period of ten years from the date of termination.

  • Maintenance during Construction Period (i) During the Construction Period, the Contractor shall maintain, at its cost, the existing lane(s) of the Project Highway so that the traffic worthiness and safety thereof are at no time materially inferior as compared to their condition on Appointed Date, and shall undertake the necessary repair and maintenance works for this purpose; provided that the Contractor may, at its cost, interrupt and divert the flow of traffic if such interruption and diversion is necessary for the efficient progress of Works and conforms to Good Industry Practice; provided further that such interruption and diversion shall be undertaken by the Contractor only with the prior written approval of the Authority’s Engineer which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. For the avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that the Contractor shall at all times be responsible for ensuring safe operation of the Project Highway. It is further agreed that in the event the Project includes construction of a bypass or tunnel and realignment of the existing carriageway, the Contractor shall maintain the existing highway in such sections until the new Works are open to traffic. (ii) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, in the event of default by the Contractor in discharging the obligations specified in Clause 10.4 (i) above, the Authority shall get these maintenance works completed in the manner recommended by the Authority’s Engineer to avoid public inconvenience at the risk and cost of the Contractor in order to keep the road in traffic worthy condition.

  • EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION OF AGREEMENT ‌ Subject to ratification by the parties: This Agreement shall be effective from the 1st day of January, 2020 and shall be valid until the 31st day of December, 2024, and thereafter from year to year unless a written notice is given by either party within the period of four months immediately preceding the date of expiration of the term of the Collective Agreement, of their desire to terminate this Agreement or negotiate a revision thereof, in which case this Agreement shall remain in effect without prejudice to any retroactive clause of a new Agreement until negotiations for revision or amendments hereto have been concluded and a new Agreement superseding this Agreement has been duly executed. The amendments to the Collective Agreement, unless otherwise agreed, are effective upon the date of ratification by the parties. Grain & General Services Union (ILWU●Canada) Nutrien Ag Solutions (Canada) Inc. DATE: DATE: SCHEDULE A‌ Employees shall be paid in the following salary ranges according to the salary grade. An employee’s pay level within the range for the employee’s salary grade will be determined based on the employee’s demonstrated performance. The parties recognize the salary ranges and the salary paid to individual employees are minimums. In the event of job reclassification, employees will be moved into the appropriate salary grade and be paid in accordance with the corresponding salary range. In cases where employees are being paid a wage/salary below that of the new salary range, they shall be brought up to the minimum of the new salary range. In cases where employees are being paid a wage/salary above that of the new salary range, their salary shall be red circled until such time as their wage/salary is within the salary range, however, they will be provided with a lump sum payment in lieu of their annual wage/salary increase. The Company reserves the right to implement employee retention programs, share purchase programs, incentive plans and market supplement programs in its sole and absolute discretion. 1 $36,192 $51,607 $67,022 2 $41,682 $59,414 $77,145 3 $48,341 $68,968 $89,595 4 $56,156 $80,042 $103,927 Administrator, Retail Credit Canada 1 Regina Office Clerk Seed Plant/Lab 1 Country Ops Customer Service Representative 1 Country Ops Operations Support 1 Country Ops Technician I 1 Country Ops Warehouse Worker 1 Country Ops Seed Analyst II 2 Country Ops Technician II 2 Country Ops Agronomist 3 Country Ops Crop Production Advisor Trainee 3 Country Ops Operations Lead 3 Country Ops Technician III 3 Country Ops Assistant Manager 4 Country Ops Crop Production Advisor 4 Country Ops Advisor, Canada Seed Regulatory 4 Country Ops Collections Coordinator 3 Regina Office Credit Analyst /Trainer 3 Regina Office The following adjustments will be made to compensation: 1. Effective the eighth pay period in 2020, the Company shall pay an aggregate salary increase to be determined in advance of the annual pay for performance program based on market. This aggregate increase shall be no less than 2.0%. The aggregate salary increase will be payable to employees covered by this agreement and shall be added to the recipient employees’ rates of pay. The amounts provided to individual employees will be based on each employee’s demonstrated performance for the previous fiscal year. 2. Effective the eighth period in 2021, the Company shall pay an aggregate salary increase to be determined in advance of the annual pay for performance program based on market. This aggregate increase shall be no less than 2.0%. The aggregate salary increase will be payable to employees covered by this agreement and shall be added to the recipient employees’ rates of pay. The amounts provided to individual employees will be based on each employee’s demonstrated performance for the previous fiscal year. 3. Effective the eighth pay period in 2022, the Company shall pay an aggregate salary increase to be determined in advance of the annual pay for performance program based on market. This aggregate increase shall be no less than 2.0%. The aggregate salary increase will be payable to employees covered by this agreement and shall be added to the recipient employees’ rates of pay. The amounts provided to individual employees will be based on each employee’s demonstrated performance for the previous fiscal year. 4. Effective the eighth pay period in 2023, the Company shall pay an aggregate salary increase to be determined in advance of the annual pay for performance program based on market. This aggregate increase shall be no less than 2.25%. The aggregate salary increase will be payable to employees covered by this agreement and shall be added to the recipient employees’ rates of pay. The amounts provided to individual employees will be based on each employee’s demonstrated performance for the previous fiscal year. 5. Effective the eighth pay period in 2024, the Company shall pay an aggregate salary increase to be determined in advance of the annual pay for performance program based on market. This aggregate increase shall be no less than 2.5%. The aggregate salary increase will be payable to employees covered by this agreement and shall be added to the recipient employees’ rates of pay. The amounts provided to individual employees will be based on each employee’s demonstrated performance for the previous fiscal year. SCHEDULE B‌ The only provisions of this Agreement applying to temporary and casual employees are outlined in this Schedule B. 1. Article 5 - Maintenance of Membership 2. Temporary employees shall be paid within the range according to their job family level. Payment above these minimums shall be at the discretion of the Company. 3. A temporary employee as defined in Article 1.3 who is appointed to a Regular Full- Time or Part-Time position as defined in Articles 1.1 and 1.2 shall have his/her seniority recognized from the date the employee was first hired provided that there is no interruption of service. 4. Temporary employees shall be eligible to participate in the Company’s benefit and pension plans provided their term is expected to exceed or exceeds one year. 5. All other entitlements will be in accordance with the Saskatchewan Employment Act.

  • Refund During Cooling-Off Period The PEI will provide the Student with a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date that the Contract has been signed by both parties. The Student will be refunded the highest percentage (stated in Schedule D) of the fees already paid if the Student submits a written notice of withdrawal to the PEI within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the Student has started the course or not.

  • Delays during construction Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 10.3 (ii), in the event the Contractor does not achieve any of the Project Milestones or the Authority’s Engineer shall have reasonably determined that the rate of progress of Works is such that Completion of the Project Highway is not likely to be achieved by the end of the Scheduled Completion Date, it shall notify the same to the Contractor, and the Contractor shall, within 15 (fifteen) days of such notice, by a communication inform the Authority’s Engineer in reasonable detail about the steps it proposes to take to expedite progress and the period within which it shall achieve the Project Completion Date.