Supported Housing. Supported housing services refers to services rendered at facilities that are staffed twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days a week with associated mental health staff supports for individuals who require treatment services and supports in a highly structured setting. These mental health services are for priority enrollees and are intended to prepare individuals for more independent living in the community while providing an environment that allows individuals to live in community settings. Given this goal, every effort should be made to place individuals in facilities near their families and other support systems and original areas of residence. Supported housing services are mental health services and do not include the payment of room and board.
Supported Housing. Consistent with its Ten-Year Plan, the State will develop and implement the measures below to ensure that supported housing meets individuals’ needs:
(a) supported housing will be permanent housing with tenancy rights, where obtaining tenancy rights is not conditioned on individuals’ participation in treatment or compliance with mandatory programmatic criteria; supported housing includes support services to enable individuals to attain and maintain integrated affordable housing, and includes support services that are flexible and available as needed and desired;
(b) all new supported housing created pursuant to this Settlement Agreement will be scattered-site supported housing, with no more than two units or 10 percent of the units in a multi-unit building with 10 or more units, whichever is greater, and no more than two units in any building with fewer than 10 units known by the State to be occupied by individuals in the Target Population;
(c) all new supported housing created pursuant to this Settlement Agreement will be single occupancy or single family housing unless the individual prefers to live with a roommate; if the individual chooses to live with a roommate, there will be a private bedroom for each person; the individual will be able to select his or her roommate;
(d) “supported housing,” as used in this Settlement Agreement, includes housing supported by subsidies from any source, including State-funded rental subsidies through the State’s Bridge Subsidy Program or funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”), coupled with other ongoing mental health and tenancy support services provided by ACT, case management, and/or a housing specialist.
Supported Housing. Housing designed for older people or people with disabilities. We only offer supported housing to people who are over the age of 60 or who otherwise demonstrate a need for this type of accommodation.
Supported Housing. Supported housing services refers to services rendered at facilities that are staffed twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days a week with associated mental health staff supports for individuals who require treatment services and supports in a highly structured setting. These mental health services are for persons with serious and/or persistent mental illnesses (SPMI) and are intended to prepare individuals for more independent living in the community while providing an environment that allows individuals to live in community settings. Given this goal, every effort should be made to place individuals in facilities near their families and other support systems and original areas of residence. Supported housing services are mental health services and do not include the payment of room and board.
Supported Housing. 15.1 Sheltered housing schemes ?
15.2 Call centres ?
15.3 Supported housing schemes ?
15.4 Refuges ?
15.5 Homeless accommodation ?
15.6 Temporary accommodation ?
Supported Housing. Includes charges for services, which provide support to the tenant to help them maintain their tenancy. Support may be funded from the supporting people grant.
Supported Housing. You may keep a small caged bird, or fish in an aquarium. Unless you have the Council’s written agreement, you may not keep other pets such as cats and dogs. In this case you must keep the animal in accordance with the obligations set out in section 12 of this agreement, but permission will not normally be given to replace an animal. You, or a member of your household, may keep a registered assistance dog with prior written agreement from the Council.
Supported Housing. You may keep a small caged bird, or fish in an aquarium.
Supported Housing. Community Residence Beds
Supported Housing. 1. The State shall fund Supported Housing units in a quantity sufficient such that every NYC Adult Home Resident for whom Supported Housing is appropriate in accordance with sections F and G of this Agreement is afforded the opportunity to transition to a unit during the time when this Agreement is in effect. The State shall have the discretion to allocate Supported Housing units within New York City as necessary for the implementation and oversight of the Transitional Adult Home compliance plans approved pursuant to regulations adopted by DOH; provided however, that the State shall make all reasonable efforts to coordinate the performance of assessments by Health Homes and MLTCPs with the development of Supported Housing units so that the assessments take into account Supported Housing units that are actually available or will soon become available.
2. The State shall dedicate a minimum of 2,000 Supported Housing units to help transition NYC Adult Home Residents for whom Supported Housing is appropriate out of NYC Impacted Adult Homes. The Supported Housing units referenced under this paragraph shall include:
a. The 1,050 units that are being funded and operated in Kings and Queens Counties pursuant to the RFP issued by OMH on August 10, 2012;
b. Additional units that the State will fund for development and operation of Supported Housing units in Staten Island and the Bronx pursuant to one or more RFPs that will be issued by OMH within two years of the execution of this Agreement; and
c. Additional units that the State will fund for development and operation in New York City pursuant to one or more additional RFPs to be issued by OMH, as necessary pursuant to Section D(1).
3. The use of Supported Housing units for other populations shall not reduce the State’s obligation under Section D(1) during the time when this Agreement is in effect.