Teaching Assessment. 1. The duties of the Chair of the CLAC with respect to teaching assessments, shall include, but are not limited to the following: meet each semester no later than the second week of the semester in order to determine the schedule of teaching assessments for appropriate Contract Lecturers as outlined in Article 18; provide to the Xxxx the schedule for teaching assessments for applicable Contract Lecturers in their Department by no later than the second week of the start of each semester; to ensure selected Faculty members conduct teaching assessments, as required, consistent with the schedule set out in Article 18; prepare a letter, should the appropriate teaching assessments outlined in Article 18 not be done, stating that the Contract Lecturer is deemed as having been satisfactorily assessed; provide copies of the assessment or letter (as stated immediately above) to the Contract Lecturer, the Contract Lecturer’s Service Record File, appropriate Chair, Xxxx, and President of the Union.
2. The University shall use the Contract Lecturer Assessment Form found in Appendix V of the Collective Agreement to assess a Contract Lecturer. A Contract Lecturer shall be assessed for teaching competence each semester during the first six (6) semesters of departmental appointment as follows:
(a) The assessments during semester #1 and #2 shall be made by two different members of the Department's Faculty at two different times, and, where possible, at least one assessor's field of knowledge shall include the course being taught, subject to the schedule of assessment below. Contract Lecturer assessments shall only be conducted by tenured and probationary faculty members.
(b) Semester #1: the Contract Lecturer shall be assessed twice per semester. Semester #2: the Contract Lecturer shall be assessed twice per semester. Semester #3: the Contract Lecturer shall be assessed once per semester. Semester #4: the Contract Lecturer shall be assessed once per semester. Semester #5: the Contract Lecturer shall be assessed once per semester. Semester #6: the Contract Lecturer shall be assessed once per semester. A total of eight (8) assessments may be conducted. Notwithstanding the schedule of assessments immediately above, after the assessments are completed in Semester #1, if the Contract Lecturer’s teaching is deemed to be overall good performance (with no areas of concerns) based on relevant evidence, including the previous year’s teaching assessment(s) and Faculty Course...
Teaching Assessment. Wherever possible, procedures will be compatible with those used to evaluate other teaching staff in the same department (or in the same college in the case of a non- departmentalized college).
Teaching Assessment. If the Chair of the CLAC decides to reduce the number of teaching assessments, s/he will advise the Contract Lecturer of this reduction, in writing, with a copy to the Union. This written documentation will be placed in the Contract Lecturer’s Service Record File. The total number of assessments would thus range from six (6) to eight (8).
(c) Before the end of the first two (2) weeks of the semester, and also at the time of making arrangements for the assessors' classroom visits, the Contract Lecturer shall be informed in writing of the criteria to be used in the assessment of teaching competence. Such criteria generally shall be appropriate to the Contract Lecturer's duties as defined in Article 17. 1. (a) and (b) (Duties and Obligations), but may include factors and/or standards particular to the course being taught;
(d) Arrangements for visiting a class for the purpose of making an assessment shall be made with the Contract Lecturer concerned at least a week in advance, and no assessment visits shall be scheduled during the first two (2) or the last two (2) weeks of the teaching semester;
(e) Each assessor, within two (2) weeks from the date of the class visit, shall submit to the Contract Lecturer, with a copy to the appropriate Chair/Director, Xxxx, the Contract Lecturer’s Service Record File, and the President of the Union, the completed Contract Lecturer Evaluation form;
(f) The Contract Lecturer has the right to respond to the evaluation, within two (2) weeks of receipt of the evaluation. The Contract Lecturer’s response shall be copied to the appropriate Chair/Director, Xxxx, the Contract Lecturer’s Service Record File, and the President of the Union.
(g) The Contract Lecturer may also request to meet with the appropriate Chair/Director to discuss the evaluation.
(h) Failure of the University to arrange for any such assessment, unless due to circumstances beyond the University's control which shall be identified in the Service Record File, shall have the effect of the Contract Lecturer concerned being deemed as having been satisfactorily assessed, and a letter to this effect shall be placed on the Contract Lecturer's Service Record File by the Chair/Director;
(i) After six (6) semesters of employment in the Department and after the Department has had six (6) to eight (8) opportunities to conduct assessments (as outlined in 18.02
Teaching Assessment. In order to provide mentorship and promote effective teaching, Teaching Assessments are conducted by the Department Head in collaboration with Observers and the Sessional Academic Staff Member. Wherever possible, procedures will be compatible with those used to evaluate other teaching staff in the same department.
Teaching Assessment. The department head, Xxxx, or designate shall conduct a teaching assessment of an employee's teaching performance for the purpose of providing feedback on their course instruction and plans for future professional development. During a sessional lecturer’s first nine (9) credit units of instruction, the department head, Xxxx or designate may conduct a teaching assessment. Following the initial nine (9) credit units of instruction, the department head, Xxxx or designate may conduct a teaching assessment once every two (2) years or when requested to do so by the sessional lecturer.