Travel Voucher Sample Clauses

Travel Voucher. Pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 69I-42.003, form DFS-AA-15 will be used when requesting reimbursement for travel expenses associated with the General Revenue grant project. The form will be completed by all travelers requesting reimbursement from the General Revenue Grant and will be prepared in strict compliance with Section 112.061, Florida Statutes. The form will be signed by the traveler and the official authorizing the travel, a supervisor or an authorized member of the Board of Directors. Social Security numbers should not be placed on the form when submitting for reimbursement. However, the organization must maintain information to correctly identify all authorized travelers under audit. Only those travel expenses associated with the General Revenue project and in the program’s approved budget are reimbursable. This form should be submitted within the month travel occurred and travel reimbursement is requested, if possible. It must, however, be submitted no later than the month following travel and must be accompanied with form DFS- AA-13, Authorization to Incur Travel Expense, and must be submitted at the time the monthly Invoice is submitted.
Travel Voucher. (PART 1) Exception to SF 1012 Approved by NARS 10-81 FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS APPROVED BY OMB: NO. 3150-0192 EXPIRES: 08/31/2014 Estimated burden per response to comply with this voluntary collection request: 1 hour for NRC Forms 64 and 64A or 64B. NRC uses the information to authorize payment for official travel. Forward comments regarding burden estimate to the Information Services Branch (T-5 F53), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, or by e-mail to, and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-10202, (3150-0192), Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503. If a means used to impose an information collection does not display a currently valid OMB control number, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection.
Travel Voucher. Employees may check online, with the Travel Services Provider, or with their program office at any time to determine the status of their travel voucher.
Travel Voucher. (Exhibit 2) The Travel Voucher is submitted to Accounts Payable, after travel has been completed along with the appropriate documentation and other forms needed for reimbursement (as directed in this bulletin). If expenses are shared, to avoid payment delays all involved MUST submit for reimbursement at the same time. Accounts Payable receives the original form; the school/department maintains a copy. a. Airline tickets 1) In order to obtain the most economically priced airline tickets (refundable and non-refundable), at least three (3) written quotations must be obtained, if arrangements are made by an individual. If travel arrangements are made on the internet, a screen print of the quote may be used as the written quotation.
Travel Voucher. Upon request, the Employer agrees to determine the status of an employee’s travel voucher and provide the employee with the status and reason why a check has not been received thirty (30) days after an employee submitted his/her travel voucher to his/her supervisor.
Travel Voucher. (Exhibit 2) (continued) g. Hotels According to Chapter 212, Florida Statutes Sales and Use Tax Law, “transient rental accommodations billed to and paid by an individual representing an exempt organization or a governmental entity, i.e., state, county, city or political subdivision, are taxable whether or not the representative receives an advance or reimbursement from the exempt organization or governmental entity. However, when transient rental accommodations are billed directly to and paid directly by a governmental entity or an organization exempt from tax under section 212.08 (7) (a), ® or (u), F.S., such accommodations are exempt from tax”. If an employee is charged tax, BCPS will reimburse for the amount of tax. h. Airbnb accommodation is not acceptable.

Related to Travel Voucher

  • Travel Expense Any EMPLOYEE who must use his personal automobile or otherwise provide his own transportation when on school district business shall be reimbursed by the BOARD according to the amount established by current BOARD policy.

  • Travel Pay Any employee required by the Employer to travel to a place of work other than his/her regular official duty station shall be reimbursed for travel costs, if eligible, in accordance with University policy.

  • Travel Policy Section 1. Travel allowances and reimbursements, including meal, lodging and transportation expenses, shall be as provided in the Department of Administrative Services, Oregon Accounting Manual Travel Policy (OAM #40.10.00.PO). However, Section .105 of the policy shall read as follows: Personal telephone calls to immediate family members or significant others to confirm the traveler’s well being while on travel status are allowed. Employees shall be reimbursed for one (1) phone call home on the first day of travel and every other day for a five (5) to ten (10) minute call. When authorized by the Agency, employees will be provided access to State phone cards or State phone card numbers. When State phone cards are not available or the employee does not charge the call to his/her hotel room, employees shall provide receipts. Personal telephone bills reflecting the eligible calls made during travel status can serve as a receipt. The Employer shall give the Union at least thirty (30) days advance notice of any proposed changes to this policy. Such changes which involve a mandatory subject of bargaining shall be subject to negotiation if requested by the Union.

  • Travel Reimbursement 2.1 The County will only cover costs associated with travel on vendors outside a 50 mile radius from Xxxxxxxxxx County, Texas. 2.2 The County will only cover costs associated with travel as documented work for County. If a vendor is also doing business for another client, the travel costs must be split in proportion to the amount of work actually performed for County and the other client. The only allowable travel expense will be for the specific days worked for Xxxxxxxxxx County. 2.3 No advance payments will be made to vendor for travel expenditures. The travel expenditure may only be reimbursed after the expenditure/trip has already occurred and vendor has provided the Xxxxxxxxxx County Auditor with all necessary and required backup. 2.4 Vendors must submit all travel reimbursement requests on each employee in full. Specifically, a travel reimbursement request must include all related travel reimbursement expenses relating to a particular trip for which vendor seeks reimbursement. Partial travel reimbursement requests will not be accepted (i.e. vendor should not submit hotel and mileage one month then the next month submit rental car and airfare). If the travel reimbursement appears incomplete, the invoice will be sent back to the vendor to be submitted when all information is ready to submit in full. 2.5 Reimbursement for transportation costs will be at the most reasonable means of transportation (i.e.: airline costs will be reimbursed for coach rate, rental car costs will only be reimbursed if rental car travel was most reasonable means of travel as compared to travel by air). 2.6 The County will not be responsible for, nor will the County reimburse additional charges due to personal preference or personal convenience of individual traveling. 2.7 The County will not reimburse airfare costs if airfare costs were higher than costs of mileage reimbursement. 2.8 Additional expenses associated with travel that is extended to save costs (i.e. Saturday night stay) may be reimbursed if costs of airfare would be less than the cost of additional expenses (lodging, meals, car rental, mileage) if the trip had not been extended. Documentation satisfactory to the Xxxxxxxxxx County Auditor will be required to justify expenditure. 2.9 County will only reimburse travel expense to necessary personnel of the vendor (i.e. no spouse, friends or family members). 2.10 Except as otherwise set forth herein, a vendor must provide a paid receipt for all expenses. If a receipt cannot be obtained, a written sworn statement of the expense from the vendor may be substituted for the receipt. 2.11 Sales tax for meals and hotel stays are the only sales taxes that will be reimbursed. Sales tax on goods purchased will not be reimbursed. A sales tax exemption form is available from the Xxxxxxxxxx County Auditor’s Office upon request. 2.12 The County will not pay for any late charges on reimbursable items. It is the responsibility of the vendor to pay the invoice first and seek reimbursement from the County.

  • Fares and Travel Allowance All Employees shall be entitled to receive the fares and travel allowance as follows:

  • Sick Leave Verification Process a. The new school district shall provide the employee with the necessary verification form at the time the employee receives confirmation of employment in the school district. b. An employee must initiate the sick leave verification process and forward the necessary verification forms to the previous school district(s) within ninety (90) days of commencing employment with the new school district. c. The previous school district(s) shall make every reasonable effort to retrieve and verify the sick leave credits which the employee seeks to port.

  • Travel Expenses CONTRACTOR shall not be allowed or paid travel expenses unless set forth in this Agreement.

  • Travel Advance Regular employees not covered by a work party advance, and who are required to proceed on travel status, shall be provided with an adequate travel advance. The amount of advance will be determined by such factors as time away from headquarters and the frequency of reimbursement.

  • Travel Documents To receive your travel documents prior to departure, final payment must be received in our office 60 days prior to departure. Your travel documents will be made electronically available to you at least 30 days prior to departure. Guests will be advised of their Kamloops, Whistler, or Quesnel accommodation upon check-in at the departure station.

  • Travel Allowances There shall be no payments for travel expenses, travel time, subsistence allowance or other such reimbursements or special pay except as expressly set forth in this Agreement.