TRAVELING ALLOWANCE. Travel time will be defined as that period of time to get from the normal place of employment to the work site and from the work site to normal place of employment. Travel hours completed within normal hours of work will be paid at straight time and will include applicable bilingual premium. Travel hours completed outside the limit of 44 hours within a workweek will be paid at time and a half (1.5) their base rate. Travel time to the training facility in Richmond Hill recognized as one (1) hour one way.
TRAVELING ALLOWANCE. The Company will reimburse eligible employees for business related travel at the going Corporate rate. The Company will provide the Union with information on Corporate rates that the Company relies on to provide travel reimbursement.
TRAVELING ALLOWANCE. 18.1 The Centre shall pay forty ($.40) cents per kilometre to any employee required to use his or her own vehicle to travel in connection with employment.
TRAVELING ALLOWANCE. Travel time will be defined as that period of time to get from the normal place of employment to the work site and from the work site to normal place of employment. Travel hours completed within normal hours of work will be paid at straight time. Travel hours completed outside the limit of 44 hours within a workweek will be paid at time and a half (1.5) their base rate.
TRAVELING ALLOWANCE. The Employer will pay cents (3 cents) per for all authorized driven by an employee in own automobile on prior approved Employer's business.
TRAVELING ALLOWANCE. (1) The person engaged will be required to maintain a motor car and traveling allowance at a rate of Four Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollars ($ 4,800) per annum will be paid.
TRAVELING ALLOWANCE. An employee engaged in ordinary travelling on duty, or on work which the employee is unable to return home at night, must be paid personal expenses reasonably incurred in travelling of $36.26 in year 1, $37.35 in year 2 and $38.47 in year 3.
TRAVELING ALLOWANCE. 88.1 The Company will pay forty cents (40¢) per kilometre for all authorized kilometres driven by an employee in his/her own automobile on Company's business, not including transportation to and from work.
TRAVELING ALLOWANCE. In order to take into account the extent of travelling required for the performance of Xx Xxxxx’x duties as defined in Section 10 below and to take into account the special consequences of such travelling, Xx Xxxxx shall be entitled to a travelling allowance in addition to this ordinary remuneration as determined by this Agreement, called “prime d’expatriation” (the “Traveling Allowance”). The Travelling Allowance shall vary according to the number of days spent abroad per calendar year and the geographic space of the travelling and shall be calculated as follows: This percentage shall be applied to a Base daily Salary of each travelling day, the daily salary being calculated on the base of Base Salary.
TRAVELING ALLOWANCE. 10.1 A travel allowance of $15.40 per day will be paid to all employees who are not provided with a company vehicle or a lift by a company vehicle when travelling to any of the designated fixed establishments or places of work. A travelling allowance shall only be payable when an employee actually travels to work and will not be payable on RDOs, sick leave, annual leave, public holidays or wet days.