Uniforms and Protective Clothing and Footwear Sample Clauses

Uniforms and Protective Clothing and Footwear. 15.8.1 Where the Employer requires an Employee to wear a particular uniform, including appropriate footwear, this shall be supplied by the Employer free of charge. 15.8.2 Suitable protective clothing and safety footwear (where necessary to prevent injury from work accidents or risk to the health or safety of an Employee) shall be provided by the Employer when the work involves a risk of excessive soiling or damage to uniforms or personal clothing. 15.8.3 All clothing supplied by the Employer shall remain the property of the Employer. 15.8.4 Claims for compensation for damage during working hours to personal clothing, watches, footwear or eyewear of an Employee shall be determined and paid at the discretion of the Employer on merit.
Uniforms and Protective Clothing and Footwear. 15.9.1 Where the Employer requires an Employee to wear a particular uniform, including appropriate footwear, this shall be supplied by the Employer free of charge. 15.9.2 Suitable protective clothing and safety footwear (where necessary to prevent injury from work accidents or risk to the health or safety of an Employee) shall be provided by the Employer when the work involves a risk of excessive soiling or damage to uniforms or personal clothing. 15.9.3 All clothing supplied by the Employer shall remain the property of the Employer.

Related to Uniforms and Protective Clothing and Footwear

  • Uniforms and Protective Clothing 33.1 Where the employer requires an employee to wear a uniform, it shall be provided free of charge, but shall remain the property of the employer. 33.2 Suitable protective clothing shall be provided at the employer's expense where the duty involves a risk of excessive soiling or damage to uniforms or personal clothing or a risk of injury to the employee.

  • Protective Clothing and Equipment The Employer shall provide and pay for all protective devices, clothing and other equipment necessary to properly protect employees from injury and unhealthy conditions. The Employer shall make provisions for the proper cleaning and maintenance of all safety equipment, devices and clothing at no cost to the employees.

  • Personal Protective Clothing 11.1 On commencement of employment with the Employer each employee will be issued with the following; 11.2 Where the employee requires prescription glasses, the Employer shall ensure that appropriate eye protection is issued or where the employee has had his/her glasses hardened, reimburse the employee for the cost, provided that such glasses meet appropriate safety standards. 11.3 The above mentioned equipment will be maintained by the employee and replaced by the Employer on a fair wear and tear basis. 11.4 Intentionally left blank

  • Protective Clothing 14.1 The Employer will be required to provide the following protective equipment (SAA approved) for use, when necessary, by employees during the performance of their required duties: a) Safety helmets; b) Ear/hearing protection; c) Gloves; d) Skin protective cream/sun screen (30+ rating) In addition, one pair of UV-rated safety glasses or UV rated clip-ons’ suitable to overlay prescription spectacles (as recommended by the Victorian Building Industry Consultative Committee) shall be made available for employees who are required to work on reflective surfaces such as: • Metal decking; • Large concrete slabs exposed to sunlight; • Roofing; • Curtain xxxxxxx;

  • Protective Clothing & Equipment While not being part of any issue of protective clothing/equipment, the company shall be required to provide the following protective equipment (SAA approved) for use, when necessary, by employees during the performance of their required duties: i. safety helmets; ii. ear/hearing protection; iii. gloves;

  • CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT (a) Employees required by the Employer to wear uniforms will be supplied with an adequate number of uniforms appropriate to the occupation free of cost to Employees. Such items are to remain the property of the Employer and be laundered and maintained by such Employer free of cost to the Employee. (b) Instead of the provision of such uniforms, the Employer may, by agreement with the Employee, pay such Employee a uniform allowance at the rate set out in Item 1 of Table 5. This rate is expressed as per shift or part thereof, or as a weekly rate – an Employee is to be paid whichever is the lesser amount. (c) Where an Employee’s uniforms are not laundered by or at the expense of the Employer, the Employee will be paid a laundry allowance. For Aged Care, Health Professionals and Home Care Employees this will be paid at the rate set out in Item 2 of Table 5. This allowance is also expressed as a payment per shift of part thereof of as a weekly payment – an Employee is to be paid whichever is the lesser amount. For Nursing Employees this will be paid at the rate set out in Item 3 of Table 5. (d) The uniform allowance, but not the laundry allowance, will be paid during all absences on paid leave, except absences on long service leave and absence on personal/carer’s leave beyond 21 days. Where, prior to the taking of leave, an Employee was paid a uniform allowance other than at the weekly rate, the rate to be paid during absence on leave will be the average of the allowance paid during the four weeks immediately preceding the taking of leave. (e) Where an Employer requires an Employee to wear rubber gloves, special clothing or where safety equipment is required for the work performed by an Employee, the Employer must reimburse the Employee for the cost of purchasing such special clothing or safety equipment, except where such clothing or equipment is provided by the Employer.

  • Personal Medical Leave 1. Accrued 100% sick leave may be used at the employee's discretion. Such leave may be taken before or after the vacation described in No. 3 below. 2. Accrued 75% sick leave may be used following use of all 100% sick leave at the employee’s discretion. Such leave may be taken before or after the vacation described in No. 3 below.

  • Uniforms The Employer shall supply and maintain uniforms for employees who are required to wear same.

  • Shiftworkers 37.1 Shiftworker for the purposes of this clause is defined as an Employee who performs Shiftwork and who starts or finishes a shift outside of the ordinary hours set out at clause 36.2 above. 37.2 A Shiftworker shall be paid at the rate of double time for all hours worked. 37.3 An Employee who has to work Shiftwork shall be given at least 48 hours of notice of the requirements to work shiftwork. 37.4 For clarity, Shiftwork, means work comprising recurring periods in which different groups of workers do the same jobs in rotation; the different groups of workers do not necessarily need to be employed by the same employer for the purpose of this definition.

  • UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT Section 1. Sworn employees of the Sheriff’s Office who are assigned to positions requiring a uniform shall receive Agency-provided uniforms and accessories in accordance with Agency policy at no cost to the employee. Uniforms worn out through normal use shall be replaced by the Sheriff’s Office as determined and approved by the supply staff. Section 2. Employees shall be permitted to purchase additional approved uniform pieces, excluding badges, from the Purchasing and Materials Division, provided sufficient quantities are on hand to cover the normal, required provision of uniforms to employees as per Section 1 above. Employees must pay for these items at the time of purchase or order. Section 3. Employees assigned to uniformed positions shall be eligible to receive a uniform maintenance allowance in the amount of $150 per year provided the employee spent at least 182 days of the calendar year in a uniform assignment. This allowance will be paid to all eligible employees in the last paycheck of the calendar year each December during the term of this Agreement. Section 4. The Sheriff’s Office shall issue body armor to employees and replace same in accordance with General Order 5-1. Section 5. In the event an employee leaves the employ of the Sheriff’s Office, he shall return to the Sheriff’s Office all equipment, uniforms and accessories, including those personally purchased by the employee in accordance with Section 2 above. Section 6. Employees whose prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids or watches are lost, damaged, or destroyed in the line of duty, except in cases where employee negligence caused or contributed to same, will be reimbursed for repair or replacement subject to the criteria detailed below. The Sheriff’s Office shall not reimburse for any other personal property lost, damaged or destroyed in the line of duty. The maximum reimbursement for prescription eyeglasses or hearing aids is the actual cost to repair or replace the item or $150, whichever is less. The maximum reimbursement for contact lenses or watches is the actual cost to repair or replace the item or $50, whichever is less. Requests for reimbursement for the personal property shall be made in writing to the employee’s immediate supervisor during the work shift in which the article of personal property was lost, damaged or destroyed. Except in cases of loss or when an item is repairable, the item for which reimbursement is sought should be turned in along with the written request for reimbursement. To aid in establishing the amount to be reimbursed, the employee will be required to provide to the Sheriff’s Office the receipt for the repair or replacement prior to reimbursement which must be approved by the Sheriff or his designee.