Uniforms and Protective Clothing Sample Clauses
Uniforms and Protective Clothing. 29.1 Where the employer requires an employee to wear a uniform, it shall be provided free of charge, but shall remain the property of the employer.
29.2 Suitable protective clothing shall be provided at the employer's expense where the duty involves a risk of excessive soiling or damage to uniforms or personal clothing or a risk of injury to the employee.
Uniforms and Protective Clothing. (a) Should the Employer determine that uniforms are a requirement, it is the responsibility of the Employer to provide the clothing, and it shall be the responsibility of the Employee to clean the clothing.
(b) Where conditions of employment are such that an Employee’s clothing may be contaminated, or where an Employee’s clothing may be damaged, the Employer shall provide protective clothing (smocks, coveralls, lab coats, or similar overdress) and shall pay for their laundering.
Uniforms and Protective Clothing. 39.01 Where the type of work done by an employee requires the use of a xxxxx, apron or protective clothing, the Co-operative agrees to supply, launder and repair same at no cost to the employees.
39.02 The Co-operative shall provide all the appropriate winter wearing apparel for each employee who is working in areas of the Co-operative's operations that requires same, at no cost to the employee.
39.03 Where the Co-operative requires employees to wear a uniform, the cost of said uniform will be paid for in total by the Co-operative. The employees shall be responsible for laundering and maintaining their own uniforms.
39.04 Where required, the Co-operative will contribute seventy-five (75%) percent of the price, or one hundred and fifty ($150.00) dollars per pair, whichever is the lesser, toward the cost of safety shoes. This reimbursement shall be limited to once per year. The safety shoe reimbursement is only applicable to employees who have completed their probationary period, employees must provide a receipt for reimbursement.
Uniforms and Protective Clothing. Where the employer determines that uniforms and protective clothing are required in the performance of the employee's duties, such uniforms and protective clothing shall be provided to the employee.
Uniforms and Protective Clothing. 48.01 Where the Board requires that uniforms shall be worn, such uniforms shall be provided and replaced by the Board.
48.02 Where the Board requires that coveralls, smocks or other such items shall be worn, such items shall be provided, replaced and cleaned by the Board.
48.03 Protective clothing and safety equipment shall be provided by the Board as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulations and Code thereto at no cost to the Employee.
Uniforms and Protective Clothing. This clause does not apply to Dental Assistants employed by DHSV or Ballarat Health Service
42.1 Where an Employee is required to wear a uniform or any special clothing, the Employer will supply such uniform at no cost to the Employee and will replace it where necessary on a fair ‘wear and tear’ basis.
42.2 Uniforms and special clothing provided in accordance with subclause 42.1 will remain the property of the Employer.
42.3 Employees will be paid a uniform allowance in accordance with Schedule 2C and Schedule 3C for purchasing uniform and special clothing, where they are not provided by the Employer under subclause 42.1. The uniform allowance is payable for all absences on paid leave, other than absences on long service leave and sick leave beyond 21 days. Where, prior to the taking of leave, an Employee was paid a uniform allowance other than at the weekly rate, the rate payable is the average of the allowance paid during the four weeks immediately preceding the taking of leave.
42.4 Where Employees are responsible for laundering uniforms and special clothing, the Employer will pay the laundry allowances set out in the rates table in Schedule 2C and Schedule 3C. The Employee will be paid a laundry allowance per day or part thereof on duty, or an allowance per week, whichever is the lesser amount. The laundry allowance is not payable for absences of any kind.
42.5 The Employer will provide such gloves, masks, protective clothing and safety appliances as are required for an Employee to properly and safely perform their job function. Where the Employee is required to purchase such clothing and equipment, they will be reimbursed in full by the Employer.
Uniforms and Protective Clothing. 33:01 Where the Authority determines that uniforms and protective clothing are required in the performance of the employee’s duties, such uniforms and protective clothing shall be provided to the employee.
33:02 Where uniforms and protective clothing are supplied, the Authority agrees to furnish, replace or repair such clothing when damaged in the performance of the employee’s duties.
33:03 Where an employee is required, as a condition of employment, to provide and wear approved safety footwear during the course of the employee’s regular duties, the employee will be eligible for an allowance once per fiscal year, to help offset the cost to the employee of purchasing approved safety footwear. The allowance of eighty dollars ($80.00) is increased as follows:
(a) effective April 1, 2012 - one hundred thirty dollars ($130);
(b) effective April 1, 2013 - one hundred fifty dollars ($150).
33:04 The allowance will be paid under the following conditions:
(a) the safety footwear purchased must be approved by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA); and
(b) satisfactory proof of purchase must be provided by the employee; and
(c) the employee must have purchased safety footwear specifically for employment with the Authority; and
(d) except where an employee has been laid-off, the employee must complete twenty-one (21) working days continuous service before being eligible to receive this allowance.
33:05 Where the Authority determines that uniforms and protective clothing are required in the performance of the employee’s duties, such uniforms and protective clothing shall be provided to the employee.
33:06 Where an employee who has worked for a fiscal year and has not claimed the allowance in that fiscal year, purchases safety footwear in the next fiscal year, the employee is eligible to claim up to twice the maximum allowance in that next fiscal year.
33:07 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, where an employee disputes the provision of protective clothing and footwear in accordance with this Article the employee may file a grievance in accordance with the Grievance Procedure. The decision at Step 2 shall be final for such grievances.
33:08 Should the employee resign or be terminated, the loaned equipment is to be returned to the Authority.
33:09 Employees who have to replace hand tools and provide a receipt showing the amount paid shall be reimbursed up to a maximum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per calendar year.
Uniforms and Protective Clothing. The State agrees to provide uniforms and protective clothing and safety items to employees who are required to wear or carry such items. Where the State is presently providing a uniform and/or clothing allowance, it shall continue to do so. Additionally, protective clothing and safety items may include handcuffs and other restraint gear, pepper spray, communication devices such as radios and man-down alerts, as well as other safety equipment, duty belts, key clips, xxxx, glove case holders, flashlights, flashlight holders, clips for radios, and handcuff cases as may be appropriate for the adult or juvenile correctional facilities, and will be issued after any training requirements are met.
Uniforms and Protective Clothing. Each employer will supply appropriate protective/safety clothing as is required to all employees at no cost to the employee. Further uniforms for normal working will be supplied to each employee again at no cost to the employee.
Uniforms and Protective Clothing. The Company will make available to all employees with seniority the following uniform issue: ▪ 3 Trousers/Shorts (or combination thereof) ▪ 3 Shirts (any combination of shirts and / or company designated T- shirts) Maintenance employees will receive one (1) additional Company designated T-shirt or shirt. All employees are required to sign and be responsible for all personal clothing issued to them. If requested by the employee the Company at its discretion may substitute a safety T-shirt for a regular shirt/T-shirt. Replacement of uniforms will be undertaken on an annual basis. The Company provides certain safety equipment and clothing to employees to protect them from personal injury on their jobs, such as hairnets, hard hats, and gloves. To prevent face and eye injuries from welding or handling acids or caustics, face xxxxxxx and prescription safety spectacles are provided to employees requiring them. Air masks and safety harnesses for working in confined spaces are provided. Also provided is safety clothing for welding and for handling of acids and caustics. A reimbursement of up to one hundred and sixty-five dollars ($165.00) will be made annually towards the cost of safety toe shoes to seniority employees purchasing safety shoes to wear at work. In addition to the above items Company policy further provides for issue of certain items of protective clothing to employees when they are required to work in: