UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT. Section 1. Sworn employees of the Sheriff’s Office who are assigned to positions requiring a uniform shall receive Agency-provided uniforms and accessories in accordance with Agency policy at no cost to the employee. Uniforms worn out through normal use shall be replaced by the Sheriff’s Office as determined and approved by the supply staff.
Section 2. Employees shall be permitted to purchase additional approved uniform pieces, excluding badges, from the Purchasing and Materials Division, provided sufficient quantities are on hand to cover the normal, required provision of uniforms to employees as per Section 1 above. Employees must pay for these items at the time of purchase or order.
Section 3. Employees assigned to uniformed positions shall be eligible to receive a uniform maintenance allowance in the amount of $150 per year provided the employee spent at least 182 days of the calendar year in a uniform assignment. This allowance will be paid to all eligible employees in the last paycheck of the calendar year each December during the term of this Agreement.
Section 4. The Sheriff’s Office shall issue body armor to employees and replace same in accordance with General Order 5-1.
Section 5. In the event an employee leaves the employ of the Sheriff’s Office, he shall return to the Sheriff’s Office all equipment, uniforms and accessories, including those personally purchased by the employee in accordance with Section 2 above.
Section 6. Employees whose prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids or watches are lost, damaged, or destroyed in the line of duty, except in cases where employee negligence caused or contributed to same, will be reimbursed for repair or replacement subject to the criteria detailed below. The Sheriff’s Office shall not reimburse for any other personal property lost, damaged or destroyed in the line of duty. The maximum reimbursement for prescription eyeglasses or hearing aids is the actual cost to repair or replace the item or $150, whichever is less. The maximum reimbursement for contact lenses or watches is the actual cost to repair or replace the item or $50, whichever is less. Requests for reimbursement for the personal property shall be made in writing to the employee’s immediate supervisor during the work shift in which the article of personal property was lost, damaged or destroyed. Except in cases of loss or when an item is repairable, the item for which reimbursement is sought should be turned in along with the wr...
UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT. 7.8.1. The Employer shall maintain a uniform and equipment account to assure each employee has the necessary uniforms and equipment needed to perform his/her job duties. Employees working a plain clothes assignment shall receive a clothing allowance of five hundred fifty dollars ($550.00) annually. An employee, in order to access such uniform and equipment funds, shall present to the Employer a request for the uniform or equipment which he or she desires to purchase. The employee shall demonstrate to the Employer the need to replace or purchase any item. The Employer shall, upon approval of the request, pay the creditor direct or allow the employee to purchase the item and submit the invoice for reimbursement. Any funds not used during a calendar year shall not carry over to the next calendar year.
7.8.2. For the purpose of this Article, “uniforms and equipment” shall include items on the Agency Approved list and the maintenance of any of those items. Additional items may be added to the list as job demands or conditions warrant. Employees may forward written justification to the Employer for certain items to be added to the Agency Approved List.
7.8.3. An employee upon termination or separation of service for any reason shall immediately return to the Employer any uniforms or equipment, except footwear, obtained from the Employer or purchased from this account.
7.8.4. Each employee shall be personally responsible for appropriate cleaning of such uniforms and equipment; however the uniform account may be used to pay commercial cleaning costs for one (1) uniform per week.
7.8.5. In cases where the bureau chief has denied a request to purchase, a request to place and item on the Agency Approved list, or a request to replace an item under this Section, the employee may request review of the denial by the undersheriff. If the undersheriff concurs with the denial, the employee may submit the request to the Uniform Equipment Fair Wear and Tear Board. The Uniform and Equipment Fair Wear and Tear Board shall be made up of the following individuals: Appointed administrator and Field Operations sergeant picked by the existing sergeants, a deputy picked by the bureau chief, a deputy picked by the bargaining unit, and a bargaining unit shop xxxxxxx. This board shall review the request and decide on whether to accept or deny the request. The decision of the board will be binding and final on both the Guild and the Employer.
UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT. 14.1 Security Guards providing services under the Contract shall report to work in uniforms provided and paid for by the Contractor, unless otherwise specified by the Customer in the SLA. All Security Guards shall be appropriately uniformed in accordance with section 493.6305, F.S. The uniform must clearly identify the employee as a Security Guard working for the Contractor and include a picture ID badge prominently placed on the uniform. Badges may not resemble those of local law enforcement agencies. The uniform shall be neat, clean, pressed, and present a professional appearance. Shoes shall be shined in a manner that is satisfactory to the Customer. Security personnel reporting to work with a uniform that does not meet this standard will be required to change before reporting to work. Time spent changing into the appropriate uniform will not be billed to the Customer. Customers will provide the Contractor with notice of a security personnel reporting to work who is not in compliance with the terms set forth herein, and the Contractor shall provide an immediate replacement, as necessary, to avoid any lapse in coverage.
14.2 If the Customer requires a nonuniformed Security Guard, the Customer may also choose to waive the name badge requirement for those Security Guards.
14.3 Security Guards shall be equipped with redundant communication equipment, furnished by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Customer, to be able to communicate with their supervisor, their home office, 911, the local police, and the Customer’s Contract Manager. The redundant communication equipment selected shall be in accordance with the Customer’s SLA. This redundant communication equipment may include, but is not limited to:
UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT. A. The Employer agrees to provide required uniforms and equipment for employees in the bargaining unit. The uniforms provided shall furnish warmth, protection, and comfort to the employee.
B. The Employer agrees to repair or replace Employer-owned uniforms damaged, destroyed, or excessively soiled on duty unless gross negligence can be shown on the part of the employee.
C. The Employer agrees to repair or replace employee-owned equipment damaged or destroyed beyond normal wear while on duty unless gross negligence can be shown on the part of the employee. The Employer is only obligated to reimburse the employee for personal property when the employee has received prior written approval to use the personal property while on duty. Repair or replacement of watches will be for actual cost not to exceed fifty dollars ($50); other items will be at "fair market" value. Claims for damaged eyeglasses shall be processed through the Department of Labor and Industries.
D. The Employer agrees that all changes to the current uniform and uniform requirements shall be referred to the Labor Relations Advisory Committee process at the Association’s request.
UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT. Section 1. The City shall supply safety glasses to employees who are required to wear safety glasses in the performance of their duties. Safety glasses must be industrial grade safety glasses which meet or exceed the requirements of ANSI Specification Z87.
1. All employees who are required to wear safety glasses shall be required to wear side xxxxxxx, either permanent or snap-on, whenever an eye hazard exists. Solid tinted glasses will not be approved unless required by prescription.
Section 2. The City agrees to pay up to $250 for the purchase of required safety glasses. If an employee requires prescription safety glasses, the cost of the eye examination will be the responsibility of the employee.
Section 3. An employee who is required to wear safety glasses must present a written request to his immediate supervisor. The supervisor will review the request and forward approved requests to the division supervisor or Department Head accordingly. Requests that are denied will be returned to the employee with an explanation. The employee may submit a second written request to the Department Safety Committee, who will review the matter and forward its recommendations to the division supervisor.
Section 4. The employee must obtain a current prescription and the employee is authorized the use of sick leave not to exceed two (2) hours to accomplish this examination. The employee will obtain a written approval from the Department Head prior to ordering the safety glasses. The employee will present the written approval to the appropriate vendor when ordering. The vendor will contact the appropriate Department Head when the glasses are ready for delivery. The Department Head will then notify the employee who will present himself at the vendor for fitting and pickup.
Section 5. In the event a probationary employee has been issued prescription safety glasses and terminates his employment with the City for any reason during the probationary period, he shall be required to reimburse the City for the cost incurred in the purchase of prescription safety glasses.
Section 6. If, at any time during the term of this contract, a City Department, with the approval of the Mayor, determines that employee uniforms are necessary or required for City employees subject to this contract, the City shall provide any necessary or required uniform at its cost.
Section 7. The City shall pay up to $155 for the purchase of safety boots for any employee who is in a class in the attached list a...
UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT. Section 1. The City shall provide and replace sufficient uniforms for uniformed employees where uniforms are required.
Section 2. The City shall provide a clothing allowance of fifty-five dollars ($55.00) per month to be paid to non-uniformed employees for the purpose of maintaining civilian attire. Payment shall be made in September and February of each year.
Section 3. The City shall provide all authorized police equipment for uniformed and non-uniformed employees.
Section 4. The City shall reimburse each employee for the purchase of new protective body armor to a maximum of eight hundred dollars ($800.00) once every five (5) years. This reimbursement will be contingent upon the presentation of a receipt to the City for same. The body armor purchased by the employee shall be concealable armor of the employee's choice and shall become the exclusive property of the employee. If an employee leaves City service, for any reason within one (1) year from his original date of hire, the employee will either return in good condition to the Department body armor purchased under this provision, or reimburse the City for funds granted to the employee to purchase body armor. If the employee chooses to return the vest, the City will reimburse the employee for the difference between the purchase price and the eight hundred dollars ($800.00) reimbursement.
Section 5. Regular replacement articles shall be provided as necessary for wear or damage or loss of uniforms and equipment occurring while in the performance of duties.
Section 6. The City shall provide a cleaning allowance of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per month to be paid to all bargaining unit employees for the purpose of cleaning and maintaining uniforms and civilian attire. Cleaning allowance payments shall be made semiannually during the first week in June and December.
UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT. During the life of this Agreement, the State will not increase the cost to employees for uniforms and equipment.
UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT. The County shall provide uniforms for those employees whose job assignments require them to be in uniform. The employees shall wear the uniform when on duty and shall maintain a suitable appearance at all times.
UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT. Section 1 The County shall provide uniforms for those employees whose job assignments require them to be in uniform. The employees shall wear the uniform when on duty and shall maintain a suitable appearance at all times.
Section 2 The County agrees to provide all tools and equipment that are necessary for an employee to fulfill all his/her work assignments. Employees are responsible for tools and equipment provided to them by the County. Tools and equipment shall be returned to the County prior to leaving employment.
Section 3 The County shall compensate all employees who are provided uniforms a clothing allowance in the amount of $300.00 per year commencing 1/1/90.
UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT. Section 26.1 Uniforms Provided The Employer shall supply, at no cost to the employee, all uniforms and equipment required by the Employer, excluding socks and underwear, in quantities specified by the Employer. The Employer shall furnish all required footwear. Uniform allotment will be in accordance with SOP.
Section 26.2 Return Of Uniforms All uniforms and equipment issued by the Employer are the property of the Employer and shall, upon termination of employment of an employee, be returned to the Employer in condition issued, allowing for reasonable wear and tear, prior to the issuance of any final compensation to the employee. Any issued item that is lost by an employee shall either be replaced with the same item or paid for at current market value by the employee, at the option of the employee.
Section 26.3 Equipment Not Issued Equipment and other items not issued or required by the Employer may be utilized or worn only with the permission of the Employer or designee. Equipment not issued by the Employer will either be approved or not approved by the Employer in writing (which includes email notification) within two (2) weeks of the request.
Section 26.4 Damaged Equipment Where an employee supplies evidence that he sustained damage to personal property while performing the duties of his assigned work, provided such damage was not the result of "horseplay", willful misuse, or negligence on the part of the employee, the Employer shall reimburse the employee for the cost of necessary repairs or replacement up to a maximum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) per year, but no more than one hundred dollars ($100) for jewelry items. The employee shall present the damaged property for the Employer's inspection prior to the repair or replacement of said property. Repair or replacement of said property shall be at the Employer's option. Any court ordered restitution received by an employee, as compensation for damage to his personal property shall be remitted to the Employer up to the amount the Employer has paid hereunder.