Unit Positions. Unit positions shall be positions as outlined in Article 1.
Unit Positions. In all cases of promotion to full-time vacancies within the bargaining unit which the Company desires to fill, the following factors shall be considered:
Unit Positions. In all cases of promotion to full-time vacancies within the bargaining unit which the Company desires to fill, the following factors shall be considered: seniority; skill, efficiency, productivity and versatility; fitness and reliability. Where the qualifications in factors and are relatively equal in the judgment of the Company, seniority shall govern, subject to grievance. as used in this Agreement shall be deemed to mean a regular full-time transfer to another job classification. The term "regular full-time bargaining unit position" as used herein means a position that is expected to last more than six
Unit Positions. The Employer may exercise its right to create multi-unit positions as per XXX #9 as an option for meeting the commitments of this XXX. Multiple Positions: Notwithstanding XXX #14 Re: Employees with Multiple Employment Relationships, the Employer may offer an Employee an additional vacant position for the purpose of meeting