Urgent Services. The Blue Shield Trio HMO provides coverage for you and your family for your Urgent Service needs when you or your family are temporarily traveling outside of your Primary Care Physician Service Area. Urgent Services are defined as those Covered Ser- vices rendered outside of the Primary Care Physi- cian Service Area (other than Emergency Ser- vices) which are Medically Necessary to prevent serious deterioration of a Member’s health result- ing from unforeseen illness, injury or complica- tions of an existing medical condition, for which treatment cannot reasonably be delayed until the Member returns to the Primary Care Physician Service Area. Out-of-Area Follow-up Care is defined as non- emergent Medically Necessary out-of-area ser- vices to evaluate the Member’s progress after an initial Emergency or Urgent Service. If you require urgent, same-day care for a condi- tion that could reasonably be treated in your Pri- xxxx Care Physician’s office or in an urgent care clinic (i.e., care for a condition that is not such that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in placing your health in serious jeopardy, serious impairment to bodily functions, or serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part), you must first call your Pri- xxxx Care Physician. However, you may go di- rectly to an urgent care clinic when your assigned Medical Group/IPA has provided you with instruc- tions for obtaining care from an urgent care clinic in your Primary Care Physician Service Area.
Urgent Services. The Blue Shield Access+ HMO provides coverage for you and your family for your urgent service needs when you or your family are temporarily traveling outside of your Personal Physician Service Area. Urgent Services are defined as those Covered Services ren- dered outside of the Personal Physician Service Area (other than Emergency Services) which are Medically Necessary to prevent serious deterioration of a Member’s health resulting from unforeseen illness, injury or complications of an exist- ing medical condition, for which treatment cannot reasonably be delayed until the Member returns to the Personal Physician Service Area. Out-of-Area Follow-up Care is defined as non-emergent Medically Necessary out-of-area services to evaluate the Member’s progress after an initial Emergency or Urgent Ser- vice. If you require urgent care for a condition that could reasona- xxx be treated in your Personal Physician’s office or in an urgent care clinic (i.e., care for a condition that is not such that the absence of immediate medical attention could rea- sonably be expected to result in placing your health in serious jeopardy, serious impairment to bodily functions, or serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part), you must first call your Personal Physician. However, you may go directly to an urgent care clinic when your assigned Medical Group/IPA has provided you with instructions for obtaining care from an urgent care clinic in your Personal Physician Service Area.
Urgent Services. Benefits will be provided for Urgent Services when Members are temporarily traveling outside of the EPO Service Area. Urgent Services are Covered Services which are Medically Necessary to prevent serious deterioration of a Member’s health resulting from unforeseen illness, injury or complications of an existing medical condition, for which treatment cannot reasonably be delayed until the Member returns to the EPO Service Area. Members should call Customer Service for assistance with finding a provider outside the Service Area. Care that does not meet the definition for Urgent Services and which could reasonably be treated within the EPO service area must be obtained from a Participating Provider. See the Out-of- Area Programs section of this Evidence of Coverage and Health Service Agreement for information specific to obtaining services outside of California. The NurseHelp 24/7SM program offers Members access to registered nurses 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Registered nurses can provide assistance in answering many health-related questions, including concerns about:
Urgent Services. Benefits will be provided for Urgent Services when Members are temporarily traveling outside of California. Urgent Services are Covered Services which are Medically Necessary to prevent serious deterioration of a Member’s health resulting from unforeseen illness, injury or complications of an existing medical condition, for which treatment cannot reasonably be delayed until the Member returns California. Members should call Customer Service for assistance with finding a provider outside of California. Care that does not meet the definition for Urgent Services and which could reasonably be treated within the EPO service area must be obtained from a Participating Provider. See the Out-of-Area Programs section of this Evidence of Coverage and Health Service Agreement for information specific to obtaining services outside of California. The NurseHelp 24/7SM program offers Members access to registered nurses 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Registered nurses can provide assistance in answering many health-related questions, including concerns about:
Urgent Services. Access+ Specialist visits;
Urgent Services. At the discretion of the CEO, an agreement required for urgent services may be presented directly to the Board of Directors. All terms and condition must be included at the time of presentation. The signature of the health professional will be required on such agreements at the time of presentation to the Board.
Urgent Services a. The Provider reserves the right to charge a Rush Fee for services which the Client:
i. requests to be performed urgently; and
ii. requests to be performed outside of Business Hours.
b. The Provider may vary the Rush Fee at any time, by 1 one day Written Notice. Any change will apply only to urgent or out of hours services requested and performed after the effective date of the change.
Urgent Services. The Blue Shield Trio ACO HMO Health Plan provides coverage for you and your family for your urgent service needs when you or your family are temporarily traveling outside of your Personal Physician Service Area. Urgent Services are defined as those Covered Services rendered outside of the Personal Physician Service Area (other than Emergency Services) which are Medically Necessary to prevent serious deterioration of a Member’s health resulting from unforeseen illness, injury or complications of an existing medical condition, for which treatment cannot reasonably be delayed until the Member returns to the Personal Physician Service Area. Out-of-Area Follow-up Care is defined as non- emergent Medically Necessary out-of-area services to evaluate the Member’s progress after an initial Emergency or Urgent Service.
Urgent Services. Blue Shield provides coverage for you and your family for your urgent service needs when you or your family are temporarily traveling outside of your Personal Physician Service Area. Temporarily traveling is defined as a Subscriber or Dependent who spends in the aggregate not more than 180 days each Calendar Year outside the State of California. (Urgent care) While in your Personal Physician Service Area
Urgent Services. If the Field Services are performed as urgent or emergency, Reuters will be compensated for the Cost plus a [**] Markup, or the then-current market rate for such Field Services, whichever is higher.