USACE Coordination. A portion of the Project crosses a wide floodplain on the Elm Fork of the Trinity River. As a result, the Project will require coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (“USACE”), the jurisdictional federal agency for the floodplain. It is anticipated that the Project will be authorized by RGP-12, Modifications and Alterations of Corps of Engineers Projects with respect to the required approvals for the Project under Section 408 and subsequently Section 404. A pre-construction notification will be required. Construction activity shall not commence until notification in writing is received from USACE stating that the Project meets the terms and conditions of RGP-12 and any special conditions added by the USACE. USACE approval under Section 408 will be initiated by TxDOT; however, any subsequent revisions to the initial submittal package will be the responsibility of the Developer. The Developer will remain responsible for obtaining USACE construction approval prior to initiating construction activities within the floodway even if there are no appreciable changes to the preliminary design plans submitted for Section 408 approval, as determined by the USACE. Furthermore, although USACE approval under Section 408 may be provided, construction approval is also required and is the responsibility of the Developer. Section 404 mitigation will be the responsibility of the Developer.
USACE Coordination. Coordinate with the CITY for planning purposes to obtain a design that would maximize the site while still maintain the project in a NWP. This task includes efforts to prepare for and attend a pre-application meeting with the USACE. Additionally, this task is to address any comments and attend any meetings that the agencies require after the permit is submitted. In the event that the project requires compensatory mitigation, CONSULTANT will utilize this budget to assist the CITY after the permit is authorized to coordinate with the mitigation banks to obtain the best mitigation costs and obtain the agreements for the credit purchases.
USACE Coordination. The BDR and drawings will be submitted to the USACE for review at the 30%, 60%, 90%, and 100% stages in the design. HEI will respond to four rounds of comments, which will occur with the 30%, 60%, and 90% design submittals and with the DRAFT 100% design submittal. The FINAL 100% submittal will reflect the resolution of any previous USACE comments and will be considered final. We assume up to 12 meetings and/or conference calls with the USACE during the process of design.