Design Submittals Sample Clauses

Design Submittals. Developer shall deliver to IFA accurate and complete duplicates of all interim, revised and final Design Documents (including Final Design Documents), Plans and Construction Documents within seven (7) days after Developer completes preparation thereof, in form as provided in the Technical Provisions.
Design Submittals. Not later than two Business Days after the Developer completes design of any particular released for construction document, and the Developer has reviewed and checked the design in accordance with the Quality Management Plan, and the Developer’s Registered Professional Engineer has signed and sealed the document, the Developer shall submit the signed and sealed document to TxDOT. Developer’s Released for Construction Document shall comply with the CDA Documents, and shall be detailed, complete, constructible, and shall allow verification of the design criteria and compliance with CDA Documents.
Design Submittals. The Applicant or their representative shall submit all applicable design submittals as shown in Table 3-1 or 3-2 to the Railroad for review and approval following their own internal review and approval of the submittal. Design plans shall be submitted in 11”x17” hard copy format as well as electronic .pdf format. See Plan No. 711100, sheets 2 and 3 and also Plan No. 711200, sheet 1 for additional information regarding items to be included in the Design Plans.
Design Submittals. C.1.3.1 Design Builder shall prepare design documentation to meet the performance outputs and other specific requirements of the DBA. The Design Phase submittal (“Design Submittal”) shall include as a minimum the information set out in Appendix 18N – Design Submittal Requirements, unless otherwise approved by the City. If Design Builder has previously submitted any Submittals required to be included in a Design Submittal as set out in Appendix 18N – Design Submittal Requirements, Design Builder shall also include each such Submittal with the applicable Design Submittal so that each Design Submittal is comprehensive. C.1.3.2 Current Design Submittals shall not reference sections in previous Design Submittals. Information in previous Design Submittals that is relevant to the current Design Submittal shall be included in the current Design Submittal so that previous Design Submittals do not need to be opened to understand the current Design Submittal. C.1.3.3 The Design Submittal shall ascertain that Design Builder is conforming to the Technical Requirements. C.1.3.4 The Design Submittal contents identified in Appendix 18N – Design Submittal Requirements are the minimum the City needs to review and does not relieve Design Builder of any other obligation within the DBA to provide a complete design or to submit other information as contemplated by this DBA. C.1.3.5 Design Builder shall submit the various parts of the Design Submittal in reasonable packages to allow for City review in accordance with Schedule 5Review Procedure. Notwithstanding, once each part has achieved an endorsement of “Received”, in accordance with Schedule 5 – Review Procedure, Design Builder shall submit the Design Submittal, in accordance with Schedule 5 – Review Procedure as one complete document. C.1.3.6 Design reports for all aspects of the Infrastructure shall include the decision process, criteria, assumptions, design notes, design codes, design loads, material information, material codes and general information regarding the component and elements of the Infrastructure used for each aspect of the design, construction staging plans, Permits, Licences and Approvals and special construction requirements. The design reports shall also include the design models (Revit, CADD and models found in Appendix 18 K), in their native digital file format. C.1.3.7 Design Builder shall align the naming used in the Design Submittal with the C.1.3.8 Design Submittal drawings shall be prepared in a...
Design Submittals. The City’s review of the Design-Builder’s Design Submittals shall not relieve the Design-Builder from its responsibilities under the Contract, or be deemed to be an acceptance or waiver by City of any deviation from, or of the Design-Builder’s failure to comply with, any provision or requirement of the Contract Documents, unless such deviation or failure has been identified as such in writing in the document submitted for acceptance by the Design-Builder and accepted by City. Where approval or acceptance by City is required, it is understood to be general approval only, and does not relieve the Design-Builder of responsibility for complying with all applicable laws and good professional practices as the Design-Builder shall be the Engineer of Record.
Design Submittals. A. Each design submittal shall be accompanied by a cost estimate for completing the remainder of the Project. The cost estimate may be a rough order of magnitude but shall become increasingly more detailed and precise as the design progresses. Design-Builder shall provide a narrative with each cost estimate that details any changes to the estimated costs and the basis for the change. The cost estimate should contain information to enable the GLENN COUNTY HHSA and Design-Builder to reach a GMP within proposed budgetary goals. When Design-Builder submits the GMP proposal, the GMP proposal shall include any deviations from the progressive cost estimates and the reasons for such deviations. B. The purpose of design submittals, including Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples, and similar design document submittals, is to demonstrate those portions of the Work for which submittals are required and the way the Design-Builder proposes to conform to the information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. Review by the GLENN COUNTY HHSA is subject to the limitations in this Contract. Upon request, the Design-Builder is required to deliver to the GLENN COUNTY HHSA any and all design materials. These materials may include, but are not limited to: Calculations, preliminary drawings, construction drawings, shop drawings, samples, electronic media data, sketches, illustrations, specifications, models, mockups, and any other information developed, prepared, furnished, or delivered in preparation of the design Work. C. The Design-Builder shall review, approve and submit to the GLENN COUNTY HHSA, Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples and similar submittals required by the Contract Documents within the number of days set forth Sections 01 33 00 and 01 78 39 of the Contract; except finishes which shall be submitted in a sequence so as to cause no delay in the progress of the Work or in the activities of the GLENN COUNTY HHSA or Others. GLENN COUNTY HHSA and DBE will work together to establish a listing of submittals that require Action and/or Approval by GLENN COUNTY HHSA. All other submittals will be provided For Information purposes only. D. The Design-Builder shall orchestrate milestone reviews by the various stakeholders to ensure the design intent and requirements are accurately reflected and the comments are incorporated in synch with the overall Contract Project Schedule to properly advance the design development. The GLENN COUNTY HHSA may provi...
Design Submittals. The Town shall review and approve the interim design submissions in a time that is consistent with the turnaround times stated in the Master Schedule. The Contractor shall not cause the design to proceed beyond interim design until the Town approves the interim design submissions as provided in this Section. If the Contractor allows the design to proceed without Town approval, the cost of any resultant redesign is not a reimbursable cost. The Town’s review and approval of interim design submissions and the Construction Documents is for the purpose of mutually establishing a conformed set of Construction Documents compatible with the requirements of the Project. Neither the Town’s review nor approval of any interim design submissions and Construction Documents shall be considered to transfer any design liability to the Town. 1. The Project design must meet all applicable (i) Maricopa Association of Government (MAG) Uniform Standard Technical Specifications and Uniform Standard Details and Drawings, latest revision; (ii) any modifications by the Town to the MAG Uniform Standard Technical Specifications, Details and Drawings;
Design Submittals. One Hundred Percent Design Submittal The one hundred percent design is expected to be the Cogenerator’s proposed final CFSM project design except for incorporation of the City’s and Development Services Department’s (Plan Check) review comments.
Design Submittals. The Concessionaire will submit to the CDA’s Coordinating Architect of Design and Construction, at the 30%, 60%, 90%, and 100% design completion levels, or other completion level combinations based upon review and completeness of the initial and follow-up submittals. Less complex projects may be approved to deviate from this requirement, which will be addressed in CDA’s “Response to Project Initiation Letter”. The Concessionaire is required to prepare and submit architectural and engineering drawings, material samples, specifications, lighting schedule and catalog cuts, display fixture and equipment plans, and other technical data as necessary to create a complete design package. The submittal must be in accordance with General Procedures and as described in the Concession Lease and License Agreement. 1) The design drawing documents shall be prepared by design professionals licensed to practice in the State of Illinois. 2) Particular attention should be given to the non-combustible classification of the building, related flame spread ratings and smoke development classification of materials. Documentation should demonstrate compliance with these requirements. 3) Concessionaire documentation for all submissions shall be provided in imperial measurement at the following suggested minimum scales: a) Key plans; 1/32” = 1’-0”, with the location of the space clearly identified by the column line designation. b) Floor plans, reflected ceiling plans, merchandising plans, interior elevations, sections and related details; ¼” = 1’-0”. c) Passenger traffic flow diagrams (queuing) and adjacency plans at 1/8” = 1‘-0”. d) Storefronts, signage, logos and lettering, in elevation, section or detail; ½” = 1’-0”. e) Sample boards identifying all proposed materials, 11” x 17” panel minimum, include legend. f) Sample boards identifying photos for all proposed furniture and lighting fixtures, 11” x 17” panel minimum, include legend. g) Renderings 11” x 17” or larger for presentation, provide 11” x 17” hand-out copies to be distributed to the attendees. 4) All drawings shall be submitted in accordance to CDA CAD / BIM Standards. Electronic submittals will also be accepted in AutoCAD format or the current CDA standard format. A complete set of PDFs is also required as part of each Concessionaire design submission. During design development, at the Concessionaire’s request, CDA will make available known as-built files. 5) Concessionaire and design team to relay existing condition...
Design Submittals. The City shall review, consult with third-party stakeholders, and approve the interim design submissions in four calendar weeks, unless otherwise agreed to in the Project Schedule. The Contractor shall not cause the design to proceed beyond interim design until the City approves the interim design submissions as provided in this Section. If the Contractor allows the design to proceed without City approval, the cost of any resultant redesign is not a reimbursable cost. The City’s review and approval of interim design submissions and the Construction Documents is for the purpose of mutually establishing a conformed set of Construction Documents compatible with the requirements of the Project. Neither the City’s review nor approval of any interim design submissions and Construction Documents shall be considered to transfer any design liability to the City. 1. The Project design must meet all applicable (i) Maricopa Association of Government (MAG) Uniform Standard Technical Specifications and Uniform Standard Details and Drawings, latest revision; (ii) any modifications by the City to the MAG Uniform Standard Technical Specifications, Details and Drawings; (iii) all City building and design standards, and shall include all special provisions provided by the City. Variances from the standards and guidelines must be identified in writing by the Contractor and approved by the City. Approval of variances or resolution of conflicts shall not be considered to transfer any design liability to the City. 2. The Contractor shall not specify any construction materials known to be hazardous or potentially hazardous, including asbestos, lead or any derivative of them unless specifically approved in writing by the City. 3. The Contractor shall coordinate with non-City, public, and City utilities regarding standard utility issues through the City’s Project Manager, and shall incorporate pertinent information in the plans. 4. The Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling, submitting, obtaining approval and retrieving all required Construction Documents from the various required reviewing agencies. 5. Following approval by the City of the interim design documents, Contractor shall refine the Construction Documents and submit same to the City for review at such intervals as the Parties determine. The Contractor shall submit to the City Construction Documents stating in detail drawings and specifications describing the requirements for construction. a. The Construction Docu...