Volunteer Information. Volunteer information is content distributed and/or posted to solicit individuals who voluntarily undertake or render a service.
Volunteer Information. Name (First) (MI) (Last) Address Home Phone Work Phone Email address Do you work for UGA or the WSFNR at the current time? Yes ☐ No ☐ Have you worked for UGA or the WSFNR in the past? Yes ☐ No ☐ If yes, indicate dates of employment If yes, indicate reason for leaving Emergency Contact Information Name Relationship Phone Email Description of Volunteer Duties/Project/Work* Start Date End Date Work Location Proposed Work Hours *Changes to the duties, schedule or work hours for the volunteer will necessitate the completion and approval of an updated “Volunteer Agreement.” Signatures As a volunteer, I understand the described work/duties/project outlined above and agree to abide by all applicable University of Georgia and the WSFNR policies and rules. Additionally, I understand that this position is unpaid and not covered by Workers’ Compensation insurance.
Volunteer Information. Name: (FIRST) (MIDDLE) (LAST) Street Address: City: State: _UT_ Zip: Date of Birth: / / (MM) (DD) (YYYY)
Volunteer Information. University of Washington Department of Bioengineering Volunteer Service Agreement Name: UW Student ID number (if applicable): Date of Birth: Phone #: Home Address: Street Mailing Address (If different from above) City State Zip Street City State Zip Email Address: Emergency Contact: Phone #: Are you currently employed at the UW? (Y/N) ; Were you employed at the UW in the past? (Y/N) If yes to either current or former employment at UW, please state the job title, start/end dates, and briefly describe job duties: VOLUNTEER CERTIFICATION I have read and agree to comply with the Department of Bioengineering Lab Volunteer Guidelines as well as applicable policies of the School of Medicine and University of Washington and to fulfill the volunteer responsibilities to the best of my ability. I understand that I will receive no monetary benefit in return my volunteer service. I further understand the Department of Bioengineering may terminate this agreement at any time without prior notice. [ ] For volunteers over the age of 18: I have read the list of potential risks of volunteering in the lab and consent to medical treatment in the case of a medical emergency. [ ] For volunteers under the age of 18: I understand that my volunteer hours and use of materials and equipment are restricted. My parent/guardian completed the section consenting to medical treatment in the case of a medical emergency after reading the list of potential risks of volunteering in the lab. Volunteer’s Signature: Date: Complete for volunteers who are MINORS: As parent/guardian of (minor’s name), I understand the potential risk associated with activites in a Bioengineering lab and I grant permission for my minor child to serve as an unpaid volunteer. If my minor child requires emergency medical treatment as a result of an accident during his/her service in a BIOE lab, I consent to such treatment. Parent/Guardian: Print Name Signature Date Complete for volunteers with a VISA: I understand that volunteer status must be in compliance with the employment eligibility requirements of federal immigration laws. I understand that activity inappropriately classified as volunteer service without a visa status authorizing work may subject the University to significant fines and negatively impact my visa status. I certify that I am voluntarily performing services for civic, charitable, or humanitarian purposes, with no pressure from the UW and no promise of advancement, benefit, or current or future compens...
Volunteer Information. Please list any relatives or friends who are employees or volunteers at SBUH (include name, department, and relationship): Are you currently employed? 🞏 Yes 🞏 No If yes, where are you employed, and how may we contact your employer? Volunteer Experience: Service Dates, Location, Volunteer Duties: Are you under medical treatment of any kind? 🞏 Yes 🞏 No If yes, please explain: Do you have any physical limitations that might affect your volunteering? 🞏 Yes 🞏 No If yes, please explain: Please list: Foreign Languages that you speak fluently: Special Skills that might be useful in your volunteer work: Clubs or Organizations to which you belong:
Volunteer Information. You agree to maintain accurate and up-to-date information in your account associated with Digger Drive. You are responsible for all activity that occurs under your account.
Volunteer Information. Email Address Phone Number (If you’d like notification of future volunteer opportunities) Emergency Contact Name Emergency Contact Number
Volunteer Information. Total number of volunteers: Total number of volunteer hours per calendar year: Volunteer Roles: Employee Information: Total number of full time employees: Total number of part time employees: Do you conduct a United Way Campaign with your employees? (If no, please explain) Percent of Employees that contribute to United Way Campaign? Board Information: Total number of Board Members: Do you conduct a United Way Campaign with your board? (If no, please explain) Percent of Board that contribute to United Way Campaign?
Volunteer Information. Yes, I have read the above information and agree to its conditions: Volunteer’s name Signature (please print) Emergency Contact: Name Phone
Volunteer Information. All volunteer activities must be authorized by the district volunteer coordinator or FS project liaison prior to the start of all field activities. Individuals acting without prior authorization are not considered volunteers and will not be covered under this agreement. Volunteer participants less than 18 years of age must be in the care and under direct supervision of a parent or guardian at all times while participating in the authorized activities under this agreement, no exceptions. Volunteers must possess a government driver’s license and pass an operators road test to operate a government vehicle. Volunteers operating chainsaws or cross cut saws must complete an S-212 or MTDC (Missoula Technology and Development Center) approved classroom training and be field certified by an authorized US Forest Service instructor. Volunteers must be in full compliance with all required personal protective equipment (PPE). The volunteers will always have a professional, courteous and helpful attitude when dealing with all members of the public, fellow volunteers and Forest Service employees. Under this agreement, unless other agreements have been authorized by the district Volunteer Coordinator, reimbursement for lost or damaged personal equipment, donated supplies, transportation, fuel and equipment repairs are not authorized. Use of personal equipment, i.e. ATV/OHV’s, bikes, hand tools, chain saws, trailers, construction equipment and all trail and resource work must be coordinated and approved by either the Volunteer Coordinator or FS project liaison.