CLOUD SERVICE The Cloud Service offering, is described below and is specified in an Order Document for the selected entitled offerings. The Order Document will consist of the Quotation that is provided and the Proof of Entitlement (XxX) you will receive confirming the start date and term of the Cloud Services and when invoicing will commence.
Our Service The services that you have selected and the charges for those services are confirmed in Section 9 - Your Consent at the end of this agreement. We agree to provide the services selected and you agree to pay us for those services. Any advice or recommendation that we offer to you, will only be given after we have assessed your needs and considered your financial objectives and attitude to any risks that may be involved. We will also take into account any restrictions that you wish to place on the type of products you would be willing to consider.
Food Service If the Charter School offers food services on its own or through a third-party contract, the Charter School may apply directly to, and if approved, operate school nutrition programs with reimbursement from the United States Department of Agriculture, under supervision of the Tennessee Department of Education.
IN-SERVICE When a nurse attends any in-service programme during her/his regularly scheduled working hours, she/he shall suffer no loss of pay. When a nurse is unable to do so, and attends the in-service programme outside her/his regularly scheduled hours, she/he shall be paid for all time attendance at her/his straight time rate of pay. If attendance is mandatory all applicable premiums will apply.
DNS Service TLD Zone Contents 1.1. Apex SOA record 1.2. Apex NS records and in-‐bailiwick glue for the TLD’s DNS servers 1.3. NS records and in-‐bailiwick glue for DNS servers of registered names in the TLD
Utility Service To the extent commercially reasonable and practicable, the Sellers and Purchaser shall obtain xxxxxxxx and meter readings as of the Business Day preceding the Closing Date to aid in the proration of charges for gas, electricity and other utility services which are not the direct responsibility of Tenants. If such xxxxxxxx or meter readings as of the Business Day preceding the Closing Date are obtained, adjustments for any costs, expenses, charges or fees shown thereon shall be made in accordance with such xxxxxxxx or meter readings. If such xxxxxxxx or meter readings as of the Business Day preceding the Closing Date are not available for a utility service, the charges therefor shall be adjusted at the Closing on the basis of the per diem charges for the most recent prior period for which bills were issued and shall be further adjusted at the Final Closing Adjustment on the basis of the actual bills for the period in which the Closing takes place. Each Property’s Seller shall receive a credit at Closing for the Utility Deposits, if any, that are transferred or made available to Purchaser and that are held by applicable utility companies for the account of such Seller in respect of services provided to such Seller’s Property or Properties. Purchaser shall arrange for placing all utility services and bills in its own name as of the Closing Date.
Mail Service The Union shall be permitted to use the State inter and intra-office paper mail system. This usage shall be limited to matters that involve the Union and the Employer. It is not to be used for the purpose of mass mailings to membership and/or bargaining unit employees. The Employer agrees not to open employee union mail when clearly marked as such. Where security is of concern, the mail shall be opened in the presence of the addressee. When feasible, and where equipment is currently available, Union stewards and/or officers may utilize electronic mail and/or facsimile equipment solely for contract enforcement and interpretation and grievance processing matters. Such transmissions will be primarily to expedite communication regarding such matters, will be reasonable with respect to time and volume, and limited to communications with the grievant, if any, appropriate supervisors and employee’s staff representatives. Long distance charges which may be incurred must be approved prior to transmission.
Verizon Retail Telecommunications Service Any Telecommunications Service that Verizon provides at retail to subscribers that are not Telecommunications Carriers. The term “Verizon Retail Telecommunications Service” does not include any Exchange Access service (as defined in Section 3(16) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. § 153(16)) provided by Verizon.
Level of Service Complex case management with a provider focus is appropriate for members who either choose not to be actively involved or are unable to actively participate in their health care. Complex case management targets members with two (2) or more disease states who need assistance with care coordination, making preventive care appointments, or accessing care to address the members’ chronic health conditions or members who have had an inpatient hospital stay in the last ninety (90) days or members with high dollar claims of over fifty thousand dollars (>$50,000) in six (6) months. The focus is on working with the providers to meet the needs of the individual through communication with the PMP (if applicable), other providers, and the member’s natural support system. The goal is to help members gain optimum health or improved functional capability, in the right setting and in a cost-effective manner. Complex case management with provider focus is the active coordination by the Contractor of care and services between providers while navigating the extensive systems and resources required for the member. It involves comprehensive assessment, determination of available benefits, development and implementation of a complex case management plan directed at the chronic health conditions. At a minimum, the Contractor must provide complex case management services for members discharged from an inpatient psychiatric, drug overdose, or substance abuse hospitalization, for no fewer than ninety (90) calendar days following that inpatient hospitalization discharge. The Contractor must also provide complex case management services for any member at risk for inpatient psychiatric or substance abuse re -hospitalization. Care managers must contact members during an inpatient hospitalization or as soon as practicable upon receiving notification of a member’s inpatient behavioral health hospitalization. The care manager must work with the hospital discharge planner, provider case manager and/or natural supports (i.e. family) to ensure that an outpatient follow-up appointment is scheduled to occur no later than seven (7) calendar days following the inpatient behavioral health hospitalization discharge and transportation is not a barrier to attending the appointment. Complex case management with provider focus includes all of the services and benefits from disease management and care management. In addition,
Warranty Service In-home 07/13