Wrap up Sample Clauses

Wrap up. The wrap up is the overall conclusion on the individual contribution, the conduct and the development of the employee. Each of the three topics must be discussed in the wrap up. The wrap up must be formulated carefully: it should reflect the relationship between performance and evaluation/remuneration. Once a year, the employee presents a proposal for the wrap up. The manager can add to and comment on the wrap up formulated by the employee. The wrap up must be finalized by the manager on January 31 at the latest, as part of which the manager awards a score to the employee’s performance. There are three possible scores for performance: • Exceptionally good year • Successful year • Improvement required In determining the score, the following is also weighed, in addition to the evaluation of general performance: • whether the long-term customer interest has been satisfied; • whether the Rabobank Code of Conduct has been complied with; • whether the employee is aware of potential risks and dilemmas that are connected with his performance, treats these conscientiously and thoroughly weighs up (commercial) goals versus risks; • feedback on the performance of the employee. Additional requirements apply to the documentation for certain groups of employees, including Identified Staff, monitoring positions and employees who are within the scope of the Xxxxxx Xxxx. Those requirements are laid down in the Group Remuneration Policy. Among other things, this means that they are obliged to record annual objectives in advance and include in the wrap up the extent to which those objectives were achieved. Rabobank is a bank in a state of flux. Developments within the organization such as, for example, working in self-organizing teams and Agile working may prompt adjustments to GROW! Labor unions are helping to flesh out those developments. The parties to the CLA will jointly carry out a study which will examine the options for separating GROW! and the annual individual salary adjustment. The study will in any event include the following components: • What would GROW! be like without wrap up/assessment • What would be an appropriate remuneration methodology which is not connected to an assessment? • Examination of options where employees can be recognized and appreciated in a flexible way and at appropriate moments by colleagues and their manager, where possible taking account of the different groups of employees and their needs. Until 2013 arrangements were in place in the ...
Wrap up. In the event of any termination or expiration hereunder, the Parties mutually agree in good faith to (i) promptly cooperate in winding down all Collaboration activities and completing all assignment-related activities contemplated by Section 4.3, and (ii) destroy or return to each other all Confidential Information in one Party’s possession or control that is owned solely by the other Party and not licensed to such one Party with rights that survive termination or expiration of this Agreement, and, if requested in writing by the other Party, provide a written certificate confirming compliance with this clause (ii) within sixty (60) days of termination or expiration.
Wrap up. Review, Roles and Access, Create Architecture diagram, as well and artifacts from the discovery phase, Identify areas for remediation. And includes the following assumptions:
Wrap up. The diverse and complex issues discussed succinctly above require an interdisciplinary and holistic approach to water management as climatic and socio-economic pressures change in the future. The project will promote a set of methodological approaches aimed at addressing these key issues and will prepare a decision-making framework for mountain water management. Short-term solutions to current and future problems of water resource management include, at least from a technological point of view, the construction of reservoirs to buffer the effects of increasing drought, although it is recognized that artificial lakes can also result in negative environmental impacts; there is also a reduction in the social acceptability related to the construction of new dams in many areas. Longer-term solutions require addressing the issues of greenhouse-gas emissions, beyond the 2012 targets imposed by the Kyoto Protocol. Changing land use in catchment areas may also be a means of adapting to the negative consequences of water availability and quality in many mountain regions in a changing climate. While the main focus is on the European case, its strengths and weaknesses are best assessed in a comparative framework. Response strategies are thus studied by contrasting the Europe Alps, with their relatively high level of economic development and robust institutional structure, with Central Asia (Xxxxxxxxxxx,et al. 2007, 2008)where poverty and latent conflict compromise effective water management. This approach permits an evaluation of a range of policy alternatives and may provide some positive recommendations to avoid conflict in a volatile region. B1.3. S/T methodology and associated work plan B1.3.1. Overall strategy and general description Climatic change Other socio-economic drivers
Wrap up conclusions Annex 1
Wrap up. Final thoughts and lessons learned. - Recommendations from your side.
Wrap up. Bodily injury” or “property damagearising out of any project in which the insured participated for which a “Wrap-up or Owner Controlled Insurance Plan” was provided.
Wrap up. Facilitator Instructions
Wrap up. Much of the management stuff is for iteration 2. It would be nice to see the reason why many records suddenly fail due to an update. NS then asked which requirements should be prioritised and described for iteration 1.
Wrap up. 11.5.1 In lieu of the insurance requirements set forth in Paragraphs 11.1. through 11.3 hereof, Owner shall have the right to purchase "Wrap-Up" insurance for the Project to protect the interest of Owner, Contractor, any separate contractor and all Subcontractors. In such event, the Contract Sum shall be reduced to reflect the total amount included therein to compensate Contractor and all Subcontractors for the insurance coverage which would have been required under Paragraph 11.1 hereof.