Term and Termination Musterklauseln
Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date You first accept this Agreement in the Service and extend for an initial period of one (1) year following the initial activation date of Your Service account by Apple. Thereafter, subject to Your compliance with the terms of this Agreement, the term of this Agreement will automatically renew for successive one (1) year terms, unless sooner terminated in accordance with this Agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement for its convenience, for any reason or no reason, effective 30 days after providing the other party with written notice of its intent to terminate. If You fail, or Apple suspects that You have failed, to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement, Apple, at its sole discretion, without notice to You may: (a) terminate this Agreement and/or Your account; and/or (b) suspend or preclude access to the Service (or any part thereof). Apple reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the Service (or any part or content thereof) at any time without notice to You, and Apple will not be liable to You or to any third-party should it exercise such rights. Apple may also terminate this Agreement, or suspend Your rights to use the Services, if You fail to accept any new Agreement terms as described in Section 4. You acknowledge and agree that You may not be able to access the Service upon expiration or termination of this Agreement and that Apple reserves the right to suspend access to or delete data or information that You, Your Administrators, Authorized Users, Permitted Entities, or Permitted Users have stored through Your use of the Service. You should review the Documentation prior to using any part of the Service and make appropriate back-ups of Your data and information. Apple will not be liable or responsible to You or to any third party should it exercise such rights or for any damages that may result or arise out of any such termination or suspension. The following provisions shall survive the termination of this Agreement: Section 1, the second sentence of Section 2.9, Section 2.10, the second sentence of Section 2.11, Section 3, Section 5, the second paragraph of Section 6, and Sections 7, 8, 9, and 10.
Term and Termination. 6.1 The term of the license is contingent upon the type of license as set forth in the offer from HEIDENHAIN. If a user purchases the “Rental license,” then the term of the license will be renewed by one year upon expiration of the minimum term of the license and upon expiration of every renewal period unless one of the parties terminates the license in writing with three months’ notice to the end of the respective term of the license.
6.2 HEIDENHAIN may, in writing, discontinue a license type or a license module with
6.3 If the user culpably breaches one or more provisions of this license agreement, then HEIDENHAIN may terminate this agreement without notice.
6.4 Upon termination of this agreement, the right of use of the provided software expires. The user shall return all provided original data carriers, backups, dongles, or other copies of the software stored on separate data carriers, along with the provided program documentation, to HEIDENHAIN and shall delete the software copies installed on the user’s system. Upon request, the user shall confirm in writing and furnish proof in suitable form to HEIDENHAIN that all requested items have been duly returned and all requested data have been duly deleted. The termination of the license does not affect the right of the user to use products that were created and/or further distributed in conjunction with the software.
Term and Termination. 14.1 This Agreement is effective upon the User’s creation of a User account and shall be of unlimited duration, notwithstanding the subsequent provisions.
14.2 User may decide to terminate the Agreement at any time, without cause, upon 5 (five) days prior written notice to FREE NOW.
14.3 FREE NOW reserves the right to terminate the Agreement and deactivate the User account immediately in case the User incurs in material breach of this Agreement or any other legal obligations, or if FREE NOW has the good faith belief that such termination and deactivation is necessary to protect the safety of the FREE NOW platform, other Users and drivers or third parties, provided that in any of the previous events, the User is given prior notice of the actual or potential deactivation and an opportunity to correct the failure within 5 (five) days, to FREE NOW’s satisfaction.
14.4 It is understood that the termination of the Agreement also terminates the use of Pay by App and any other service related to the Application and/or the FREE NOW Platform at the same time.
Term and Termination. (a) Customer may terminate this Agreement for convenience at any time subject to a 30-days’ notice period to the end of the calendar month.
(b) Service Provider may terminate this Agreement for convenience at any time subject to a 90-days’ notice period to the end of the calendar month.
(c) In addition to the termination rights according to 7(a) (Term and termination), Service Provider may terminate this Agreement for good cause, effective upon written notice to Customer, if Customer breaches the obligations as stipulated in Platform Usage Guidelines and/or 11 (Compliance).
Term and Termination. 16.1 Subject to Section 16.2, this Agreement has a fixed term and shall terminate 15 years after the date of this Agreement.
16.2 The Agreement shall, with respect to all Parties, terminate automatically without the necessity of a notice of termination upon closing and settlement of an initial public offering of the shares in the Company on a recognized stock exchange.
16.3 In case of a public offering of shares or surrogates of shares in the Company (e.g. American Depositary Receipts, “ADRs”), the Shareholders among themselves shall participate in the public offering pro rata to their shareholding at the time of the public offering with respect to selling their existing shares (including a share sale in case of an exercise of a Greenshoe option). However, this “pro rata principle” shall not apply in case of lock up periods required by applicable security laws or requested by the sponsoring banks from certain shareholders. Furthermore, the “pro rata principle” only applies with respect to the first listing of the shares of the Company on a stock exchange but not to any subsequent sales of shares of the Shareholders after the listing has taken place.
16.4 In the event the currently envisaged initial public offering and listing of the Company’s shares on a recognized stock exchange does not take place until 31 December 2014, the Financial Investors may, in their sole and absolute discretion (freies Ermessen), request from the other Shareholders the amendment of the Company’s articles of association into the form in which the articles of association of Voxeljet Technology GmbH existed on the day of passing the shareholders’ resolution on the merger of Voxeljet Technology GmbH into the Company (the “Existing Articles”), allowing for such amendments to the Existing Articles which are necessary to reflect the rules and regulations applicable to a German stock company. The Parties shall take any measures necessary, including the exercise of their voting rights as Shareholders of the Company and/or powers as Management or managing directors of the Company, and take any steps and make any declarations that may be necessary or helpful in order to effect the measures set forth in this Section 16.3.
Term and Termination. This Agreement shall commence upon the Effective Date and continue in effect until terminated as provided herein. Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason or no reason on the later of that date: (i) which is thirty (30) days following written notice of termination or (ii) upon which all Fee Schedules attached hereto have expired. Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to the other party if the other party breaches any of its material obligations under this Agreement. Expiration or termination of this Agreement will not affect: a) Customer’s rights, restrictions or obligations in respect of the license to any Content paid for by Customer hereunder, provided that Customer has not breached a material term hereof with respect to such Content; or b) Customer’s obligation to pay Shutterstock for any Content downloaded prior to the expiration or other termination of this Agreement. 8.
Term and Termination. Term The contractual relationship between Xxxxxx and the customer exists indefinitely. This contract expires with the death of the customer. Termination by the customer The customer may terminate the contractual relationship at any time without notice. Upon termination of the contract, all privileges granted to the client on the basis of this contractual relationship with respect to the custodian bank and other integrated service entfällt die Befreiung zur Zahlung von Bankentgelten an die Depotbank für die Depotführung; die Höhe der vom Kunden zu entrichtenden Bankentgelte richtet sich dann ausschließlich nach den Vereinbarungen zwischen dem Kunden und der Depotbank.
Term and Termination. Term The contractual relationship between Xxxxxx and the customer exists indefinitely. This contract expires with the death of the customer. Termination by the customer The customer may terminate the contractual relationship at any time without notice. Upon termination of the contract, all privileges granted to the customer on the basis of this contractual relationship with respect to the custodian bank and other integrated service providers shall lapse. In particular, the exemption from the payment of banking fees to the Custodian Bank for the management of the custody account shall cease to apply; the amount of the banking fees to be paid by the Customer shall then be based exclusively on the agreements between the Customer and the Custodian Bank.
Term and Termination. 15.1. The contract enters into force upon acceptance of these terms and conditions by registering on the ROQ Platform or logging into the ROQ Cockpit and runs for an indefinite period of time, unless otherwise defined in the Order Form for individual services. The contract may be terminated at any time but ends at the earliest upon expiration of the last individual contract (see Section 15.2).
15.2. The ROQ Cloud Services have the contract term specified in the Order Forms and are automatically extended by the term specified in the Order Form if they are not cancelled at least 3 months in advance. For other services, either party may terminate an ongoing contract with six weeks' notice to the end of the month in the case of at least annual billing or four weeks' notice to the end of the month in the case of billing during the year.
15.3. ROQ may, at its sole discretion, modify or discontinue any existing free offer with two weeks' notice.
15.4. The right of both parties to extraordinary termination for good cause shall remain unaffected. Good cause shall be deemed to exist in particular if:
a) the customer is in default with the payment of the agreed remuneration for two consecutive dates despite a written reminder or the customer is in default with the payment of the remuneration in an amount corresponding to the remuneration for two months in a period extending over more than two dates;
b) the Customer is insolvent or insolvency proceedings have been opened over his assets or the application for the opening of insolvency proceedings has been rejected due to lack of assets; however, after the application for the opening of insolvency proceedings over the Customer's assets, ROQ may not terminate the contract due to a delay in the payment of remuneration that occurred in the period prior to the application for the opening of insolvency proceedings or due to a deterioration in the Customer's financial circumstances;
c) the Customer violates essential contractual obligations, in particular the contractual obligation to observe the law when using the Provider's contractual services, and does not immediately remedy this violation even after ROQ has issued a written warning or notified the Customer that the content will be blocked. Sperrung der Inhalte durch ROQ nicht unverzüglich abstellt.
d) wenn die vereinbarte Verfügbarkeit im Jahresmittel um mehr als sechs Tage unterschritten wurde. Dieses Kündigungsrecht besteht nicht innerhalb der ersten 12 Monate der Ver...
Term and Termination. 9.1 Unless expressly agreed otherwise in the contract, acomm will provide the agreed services indefinitely from the time of availability initially for a minimum contract term of 24 (twenty-four) months. Ordinary termination by both contracting parties is possible with a notice period of 3 (three) months at the end of the minimum term of the contract. If no termination occurs within this period, the term of the contract is extended by another year, respectively.
9.2 The right of ordinary termination is excluded for the contractually agreed minimum term, but for at least 24 (twenty-four) months.
9.3 The right to extraordinary termination without notice remains unaffected.
9.4 Jede Kündigung hat schriftlich zu erfolgen