Examples of CALL-INS in a sentence
For the present action, EPA will issue such Data Call- Ins as are required by FFDCA section 408(b)(2)(E) and authorized under FFDCA section 408(f)(1).
The EPA has recently issued "Data Call In's" for a number of pesticide registrations for which the Agency has determined that it has insufficient data to support registration.
Some label changes to enhance worker safety were imposed by this document and several Data Call Ins were issued to support continued registration.
During each shift briefing, as well as during the shift, employees may indicate their willingness to work voluntary overtime on the following shift for any unexpected openings (i.e. Call Ins, Medical Trips, or Hospital Watches).
Some 600delegates from over 40 countries met up for 4 days to celebrate cycling.Velo-city Global 2014 Adelaide encompassed some of the hottest topics in the cycling world such as the evolution of cycling infrastructure and parking and drew experiences from the biggest cycling cities of the world.
All Call Ins are within the remit of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and as such only members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee may Call In decisions.
Call Ins Any supplemental hours of work offered to an Employee over and above the Employee’s agreed to routine block of scheduled hours Scheduled Hours Those planned hours of work assigned to a position in a specific physical location.
Elgin for Living April to Call Ins Any supplemental hours of work offered to an employee over and above the employee’s agreed to routine block of scheduled hours Scheduled Hours Those planned hours of work assigned to a position in a specific physical location within the block.
A separate premium of one and one half (1 1/2) hours at straight time rate, will be paid for Call Ins over and above the minimum established in this Article.
This shall be established as a Project Rule and it shall be the Supervisor's responsibility to verify the returning time with any employee working in excess of 16 hours or returning between shifts on "Call Ins" to ascertain that the employee does receive the eight (8) hours off or is paid correctly.