Call-Ins Sample Clauses
Call-Ins. (i) The Employee shall be paid for at least four hours at overtime rates.
(ii) When called by phone, $9.00 for use of phone plus half of one hour at ordinary time rates of pay, both subject to attending work.
(iii) When called by taxi half of one hour at ordinary time rates of pay subject to attending work.
(iv) Should a call-in commence or continue eight hours before the Employee’s rostered shift commencement the rest period prescribed in clause 8.4(a) shall apply.
(v) If a call in is less than 3 hours and finishes prior to eight hours before the Employee’s rostered shift commencement the rest period prescribed in clause 8.4(a) shall not apply.
(vi) If a call in finishes 2 hours or less before the Employee’s rostered shift commencement the Employee will continue to work into their normal working hours.
Call-Ins. The parties agree the call-in shifts will be offered on the following basis:
i) First to regular part-time employees on a rotational seniority basis;
ii) Next to casual part-time employees on a rotational seniority basis; It is understood that the Employer will bypass employees on the call-in list for whom working the shift would result in the payment of overtime premium or a scheduling premium penalty or in the violation of a scheduling provision of the collective agreement.
Call-Ins. In the event an employee is to be called in to work hours that he has not been scheduled to work, any employee may be called for any shift, provided that at the end of the particular week, the comparative number of hours of part-time employees is consistent with the seniority and availability of others in the department.
Call-Ins. (a) Part-time regular Youth Workers shall be called in to work in descending order of seniority in the event of an absence of a full or part-time Regular Youth Worker to which the Job Posting and layoff provisions of the collective agreement are not applicable, provided that the call-in does not require the Employer to pay the regular Youth Worker an overtime or call- back premium under Article 22. Part-time regular Youth Workers shall not be called in if they have already worked eighty (80) hours in a bi-weekly pay period.
(b) If a regular part-time employee is not available or refuses a call-in, the next most senior employee shall be called.
(c) If no regular part-timer has taken the shift after following these procedures, on-call Youth Workers shall be called in descending order of seniority using the same procedure described above, provided that the call-in does not require the employer to pay the on-call worker an overtime or call-back premium under Art. 22. Two (2) shifts shall be offered at a time to an on-call Youth Worker if more than one (1) shift is available.
(d) The Employer will call the most senior person on the on-call list first and confirm with the first positive response.
(a) A probationary on-call employee who refuses three (3) consecutive requests to report to work may be removed from the on-call list.
(b) An on-call employee who has completed their probationary period who refuses three (3) consecutive requests to work may be removed from the on-call list subject to her right to file a grievance for unjust discharge.
(c) An on-call employee who has reasonable justification for refusing three (3) or more consecutive shifts shall be removed from the on-call list in any event, if the employee has not worked any shifts in any three (3) month period in which the three (3) or more refusal occurred. The Employer may extend this period.
(a) Temporary vacancies expected to last less than twenty (20) days shall be considered to be call-ins and shall be filled in accordance with Article 21.
(b) Temporary vacancies expected to last twenty (20) days or more but not more than three (3) months shall be filled in accordance with Article 16.03 (b) and 16.03 (c).
Call-Ins. Each time an employee is called to resume work outside of his/her regular work hours the employee shall be compensated for not less than two hours of work, at the appropriate rate. Commutation time is not included and will not be compensated.
Call-Ins. For call-ins, predominant trade required, will be called.
Call-Ins. If employees are called in by the Employer outside their normal working hours, for an interview for any purpose other than completing an Accident Report, they shall be paid at straight-time rates for the time of such interview. A minimum payment of one hour shall apply. The Employer agrees to be flexible in the times that a call-in is scheduled and will, as far as it is practicable, accommodate Employees’ reasonable requests for appointment times to deal with legitimate employer/employee business. The Employer reserves the right to schedule appointments at its convenience where the circumstances of the business require.
Call-Ins. Where it is necessary to call in additional employees to replace employees absent due to sickness or accident, the Employer shall contact available employees (subject to their restrictions) to work additional hours, in order of seniority, consistent with Section 13.01.
Call-Ins. Call-in shifts shall be offered on a rotational basis in order of seniority to those Employees on the call-in list who are available at the applicable straight time wage rate before using non-bargaining unit Employees or agency replacements.
Call-Ins. In order to assign shifts that become vacant after a work schedule is posted, or while the work schedule is in effect, the Employer shall rely on the call-in protocol, described here:
a. The Employer shall maintain a list of employees for the purpose of call-ins which will be available to the Union for inspection. A separate call-in list shall be maintained for each department, namely: Nursing, Dietary, Xxxx;
b. Full-time, part-time and casual employees shall be listed on each call-in list for department(s) in which they hold regularly scheduled shifts, in order of their seniority;
c. Each successive shift shall be offered on a rotational basis, beginning with the person listed below the last person to accept a call, and so on, until the staff shortage is filled. The Employer shall by-pass an employee who is already scheduled to work the same day, or who would become eligible for overtime rates of pay for the call-in;
d. An employee who is not home, who does not answer, takes a call-in, or who is already scheduled to work shall not be called again until her name comes up again in the rotation;
e. If no employees are available in the department in which the shortage occurs, the Employer shall then offer the shift to employees on the call-in list in other departments, provided they are qualified to perform the available work;
f. If the shift remains unfilled, the Employer may elect to offer work to employees who would earn an overtime premium for the work, and who were bypassed for the offer to work, beginning with the most senior of those employees.