COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Interm...
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COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. COM 2 Persuasion in Rhetorical Persp transfers as COMM 302 Rhetorical Theory COM 20 Intro to Communication Theory transfers as COMM 203 Communication Theory COM 3 Argumentation & Debate transfers as COMM 340 Argumentation and Advocacy COM 6 Dynamics of Small Group Comm transfers as COMM 230 Small Group Communication CSC 11 Comp Arch & Org: Assembly transfers as CS 360 Computer Architecture & Org CSC 17A Prog Con & Methodology II: C++ transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSC 5 CSC 5 Prog Con & Methodology I: C++ Prog Con & Methodology I: C++ transfers as GE GE GE GE CS 120 CS 120 ENGR 120 ENGR 120 Intro to Computer Science I Intro to Computer Science I Intro to Computer Science I Intro to Computer Science I CSC 7 Discrete Structures transfers as CS 160 ENGR 160 Discrete Structures Discrete Structures XXX 12 Kinesiology for Pilates/Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D19 Conditioning for Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D21 Ballet, Beginning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D22 Ballet, Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D23 Ballet, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D31 Hip-Hop Dance, Beginning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D32 Jazz, Beginning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D33 Jazz, Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D34 Jazz, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D37 Modern Dance, Beginning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D38 Modern Dance, Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D39 Modern Dance, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D43 Tap, Beginning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D44 Tap, Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D45 Tap, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D46 Pilates Mat Work transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D47 Pilates, Beginning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D49 Pilates, Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D50 Pilates for Dancers transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXX D51 Pilates, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life EAR 20 Child Development transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev ECO 7 Principles of Macroeconomics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 7H Honors Principles of Macroecon transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 8 Principles of Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECO 8H Hono...
COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. ENGL 1 College Composition transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 16 Masterpieces of Western World transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 2 Critical Think & Writing Liter transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature ENGL 30 Survey of American Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 31 Survey of American Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 33 Survey of African American Lit transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 35 Latino/a Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 36 Multi-Ethnic Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 40 Survey of English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL 41 Survey of English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGL 46 American Sign Language I transfers as GE ASL 101 American Sign Language I ENGL 47 American Sign Language II transfers as GE ASL 102 American Sign Language II FRNC 1 First Semester French transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FRNC 2 Second Semester French transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II GEOG 4 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 1 Physical Geology transfers as PHYC 125 Earth Science Concepts & Appli GEOL 1 GEOL 2 Physical Geology Physical Geology Lab transfers as GE GE PHYC 130 Earth Science Earth Science Lab HIST 17 History of United States transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 17H Honors History of the US to 18 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 18 History of United States from transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 2 World History to 1750 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 28 African American History to 18 transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 2H Honors World History to 1750 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 3 Modern World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 3H Honors Modern World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 4 Hist of West Civ to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 5 Hist of West Civ Since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 5H Honors History of Western Civi transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HUDV 70 Lifespan of Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development KINE 001A Adapted Aquatics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 001D Adapted Weight Training transfers...
COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. ART 2 History of Ancient Art (Prehis transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 3 History of Medieval, Renaissan transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 4 History of Modern Art (1800 to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts BUS 001A Financial Accounting transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I CHEM 001A General Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I COMM 45 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication ENGL 001A Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 001B Composition and Reading transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature HEED 1 Exploring Health Issues transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HIST 002B History of European Civilizati transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 007A History of US to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 007B History of US Since 1865 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 MATH 13 Intro to Statistics transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 16A Calculus for Business & the Li transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MUSI 001A Musicianship transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts
COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II
COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. SPA 2H Honors Spanish 2 transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPA 3 Spanish 3 transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPA 4 Spanish 4 transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPE 1 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication SPE 10A Forensics transfers as COMM 116 Intercollegiate Forensics SPE 1H Honors Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication TEL 12 History of American Film transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film THE 3 Intro to the Theater transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater
COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. SPA 4 Spanish 4 transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPE 1 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication SPE 10A Forensics transfers as COMM 116 Intercollegiate Forensics SPE 1H Honors Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication TEL 12 History of American Film transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film THE 3 Intro to the Theater transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater
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COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. ART 1 Intro to Art History transfers as GE ART 150 Introduction to Art ART 2 History of Ancient Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 3 History of Medieval Ren, Xxxxx transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 4 History of Modern Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ATHL 1 Intercollegiate Women's Basket transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 30 Intercollegiate Men's Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 59 Intercollegiate Track & Field transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 6 Intercollegiate Men's Basketba transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 66 Intercolleg Men & Women's CC transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life
COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. ACCT 1L Princ of Accounting-Financial transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I ACCT 2L Princ of Accounting-Managerial transfers as ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II AG 45L Principles of Animal Science transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences ART 1A History of Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 1B History of Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 1C History of Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 4A Drawing and Composition transfers as GE ART 145 Drawing I ART 5 Art Appreciation transfers as GE ART 150 Introduction to Art ASTRO 1L Intro to Astronomy with Lab transfers as GE PHYC 140 Introduction to Astronomy
COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. ANTHR 1 ANTHR 1L Intro Physical Anthropology Physical Anthropology Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory ART 1 Intro to Art History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 4 History of Modern Art (1800 to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts
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