Dirty Work definition
Examples of Dirty Work in a sentence
The aforesaid premium payment will not be made in addition to any premium paid pursuant to the provision of Article 22, Dirty Work, of the current labor agreement between the parties hereto.
The Site Allowance compensates Employees for all special factors and/or disabilities on a project and is paid in lieu of the following Special Rates in the Award – Confined Space, Wet Work, Dirty Work, Second-hand Timber and Fumes.
The aforesaid premium payment will not be made in addition to any premium paid pursuant to the provision of Article 22, Dirty Work, of this Agreement.
This payment is not in lieu of the Unusually Dirty Work Allowance as provided for in clause 4.8. A worker may qualify for both the boiler operating allowance and the dirty work payment on the same day if he/she performs unusually dirty work.
To be eligible under (f) or (g) above, the Waterworks Superintendent must give approval for the Dirty Work Bonus to apply prior to any work being initiated, such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.