Examples of Health care expenditure in a sentence
Health care expenditure has been soaring in all industrialized countries.
Health care expenditure and health outcomes in sub-Saharan African countries.
Health care expenditure and the burden of disease due to asthma in Australia.
Health care expenditure by financing scheme [HLTH_SHA11_HF custom_342850].
Health care expenditure accounts for 7.5 per cent of the GDP with approximately three quarters (5.5 per cent) corresponding to public expenditure and a quarter (2.1 per cent) to private expenditure (see Table 1).
Health care expenditure does not necessarily fall by the amounts we report here, but resources valued at their average cost are made available for the benefit of others.
Health care expenditure, health status and national productivity in Nigeria (1999–2012) Journal of Economics and International Finance.
Figure 2: Health care expenditure in PolandSource: Zdrowie i ochrona zdrowia w 2013 r., Health and health care in 2013 Statistical information and tables, GUS (2014).
Health care expenditure in the Is- lamic Republic of Iran versus other high spending countries.
Health care expenditure is important relative to total income, around 11% for insured and 13% for uninsured.