Intentional Acts definition

Intentional Acts. We will not cover loss or damage caused by your intentional damage or destruction of property covered under this policy. Intentional damage to the iPad is not covered and will result in the user being assessed the full value of the iPad and may result in discipline consistent with damaging of school property. Corrosion & Rust: We will not cover loss or damage caused by or resulting from corrosion, rust or changes in humidity or temperature.
Intentional Acts. The agreement will not cover loss or damage caused by your intentional damage or destruction of property covered under this agreement. Students will be responsible for the full cost of the Chromebook if it is determined there has been intentional damage and may result in discipline consistent with damaging of school property, including but not limited to the student losing their privilege of using school technology. Discipline is at the discretion of building administration.
Intentional Acts. We will not cover loss or damage caused by your intentional damage or destruction of property covered under this policy. Intentional damage to the Chromebook is not covered and will result in the user being assessed the full value of the Chromebook and may result in discipline consistent with damaging of school property. Corrosion & Rust: We will not cover loss or damage caused by or resulting from corrosion, rust or changes in humidity or temperature.

Examples of Intentional Acts in a sentence

  • Covered Damage does not include, and the Covered Guest remains liable for, the following: • Damages caused by Intentional Acts of a Covered Guest • Damages caused by gross negligence or willful and wanton conduct.

  • Fraudulent, Dishonest, Criminal, Malicious or Wilful or Intentional Acts any actual or alleged: a.

  • Intentional Acts: Bodily injury or property damage expected or intended from the standpoint of the insured.

  • Covered Damage does not include, and and the Covered Guest remains liable for, the following: • Damages caused by Intentional Acts of a Covered Guest • Damages caused by gross negligence or willful and wanton conduct.

  • Notwithstanding Exclusion 5.6 (Fraud, Dishonesty or Intentional Acts) We agree to provide indemnity to the Insured against loss of money, negotiable instruments, bearer bonds or coupons, stamps, bank or currency notes belonging to the Insured or for which the Insured is legally liable where any such loss is sustained in consequence of any dishonest or fraudulent act or omission of any Insured.

  • We agree to indemnify the Insured against civil liability for compensation (including claimants’ costs, fees and expenses awarded against or recoverable from the Insured) arising from any Claim made against that Insured, which would otherwise be excluded by reason of Exclusion 5.6 (Fraud, Dishonesty or Intentional Acts).

  • Notwithstanding Exclusion 5.7 (Fraud, Dishonesty or Intentional Acts) We agree to provide indemnity to the Insured against loss of money, negotiable instruments, bearer bonds or coupons, stamps, bank or currency notes belonging to the Insured or for which the Insured is legally liable where any such loss is sustained in consequence of any dishonest or fraudulent act or omission of any Insured.

  • Article 22 (Gross Negligence or Intentional Acts) 1 Where due to the gross negligence or intentional act of a member there is a breach concerning information sharing or its use, or where other damages are suffered as a result of that gross negligence or intentional act, based upon mediation by a Board member(s) the providing member and the using member shall settle that dispute.

  • We agree to indemnify the Insured against civil liability for compensation (including claimants’ costs, fees and expenses awarded against or recoverable from the Insured) arising from any Claim made against that Insured, which would otherwise be excluded by reason of Exclusion 5.7 (Fraud, Dishonesty or Intentional Acts).

  • Section 604 Negligence and Intentional Acts Nothing herein contained shall be construed to render the Company liable for or obligated to indemnify the City, its agents, or employees, for the negligence or intentional acts of the City, its Council members, its Board, its agents or employees, or a permittee of the City.

More Definitions of Intentional Acts

Intentional Acts refers to the individual’s choice to engage in the act rather than the ultimate impact of the action(s). Behavior Expressions Harassment, intimidation, bullying or retaliation can take many forms including but not limited to slurs, rumors, jokes, innuendos, demeaning comments, drawings, cartoons, pranks, gestures, physical attacks, threats, or other written, oral, physical or electronic messages or images. This policy is not intended to prohibit expression of religious, philosophical, or political views, provided that the expression does not substantially disrupt the educational environment. Many behaviors that do not rise to the level of harassment, intimidation or bullying may still be prohibited by other district policies or building, classroom or program rules.
Intentional Acts refers to the individual’s choice to engage in the act whether or not the impact or results were intended.
Intentional Acts. The employee is responsible to reimburse the agency for any costs or expenses due to intentional injury to person or property performed with or to the vehicle while the vehicle is in the care of the employee.
Intentional Acts refers to the individual’s choice to engage in the act rather than the ultimate impact of the action(s). This policy in not intended to prohibit expression of religious, philosophical, or political views, provided that the expression does not substantially disrupt the education environment. Many behaviors that do not rise to the level of harassment, intimidation, or bullying may still be prohibited by other policies, rules, or regulations. Counseling, corrective discipline, and/or referral to law enforcement will be used to change the behavior of the perpetrator and remediate the impact on the victim. False reports or retaliation for harassment, intimidation, or bullying also constitutes violations of this policy. The Director of the Hunterdon County Division of Parks & Recreation is authorized to direct the development and implementation of the procedures addressing the elements of this policy, consistent with the complaint. (over) Hunterdon County Division of Parks & Recreation Summer Nature Program/ Recreation Camp Behavior Agreement Parents/guardians: Please take a moment to review the following agreement with your camper. Signify that you both understand and agree to each statement by initialing the line. This form must be returned with the Camper Health Record and payment in ordered to be processed. I will arrive and remain at SNP/ Recreation Camp with a positive attitude, open to meeting new people and trying new activities. I will work with my counselors and fellow campers towards creating an environment that is safe and welcoming for each of us. I understand that intentionally harming or bullying another camper, either physically or emotionally, is grounds for dismissal from SNP/ Recreation Camp. I understand that although I may be able to solve some conflicts on my own, the counselors are always ready to listen and assist if there is a problem. I understand that my counselors and all of the staff need and want to help but can only do so if I am willing to share any concerns that I have with them. I will remain with my counselor and partake in the activities of my session as required. I will use appropriate language and understand that the use of excessive, deliberate, profane language will not be accepted. I will leave my cell phone and other electronic devices at home. I understand that if there is an emergency the staff will be happy to allow me to use the phone and will pass on any urgent messages from home. I will be respectful of the propert...
Intentional Acts. The Program will not cover a loss caused by intentional damage or destruction of property covered under this policy. ● Dishonest Acts: The Program will not cover any loss caused by dishonesty or illegal acts. CUES will make the determination if a damaged device is to be repaired or if it is to be replaced. The District administrator and technology director will make the determination if the circumstances of the damage or loss are covered through the Program and those determinations are final. Parent/Guardian Device Protection Election I make the following election with respect to the Device Protection Program: Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement and Signature I have read or had explained to me and understand the Technology Use Responsibilities, the Student Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Guidelines, the Student Code of Conduct, and the Device Protection Program. I agree to comply with and to ensure that my student complies with the terms and conditions stated in the Technology Use Responsibilities, the Student Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Guidelines, and the Student Code of Conduct. I will make every effort to ensure that my student will comply with the terms and conditions herein. I grant permission for my child to have access to and use the described District issued technology. By signing this document I agree to abide by the conditions listed above and assume responsibility for the care and proper use of District issued technology. I understand that should I or my student fail to honor all the terms herein, access to the technology, the Internet, and other electronic media may be denied in the future. Furthermore, my student may be subject to disciplinary action outlined in the CUES School System Student Code of Conduct. I hereby release and hold harmless the CUES School System, its officers, board members, employees, and agents, and any entity affiliated with the District, from and against any and all liability, loss, expense, or claim for injury or damages that my student or I may incur arising out of the use of a District student device. Parent/Guardian Name (please print): Date: Parent/Guardian Signature: Acuerdo de Información de Tecnología Estudiantil El sistema escolar CUES le proporcionará a su estudiante un dispositivo tecnológico para el año escolar 2022-2023. Como padre o tutor legal del estudiante inscrito, debe reconocer las responsabilidades de uso de la tecnología que se enumeran a continuación. Para indicar que ha leído y comprendid...
Intentional Acts. We will not cover loss or damage caused by your intentional damage or destruction of property covered under this policy. Theft From An Unattended Vehicle: We will not cover loss or damage that is caused by or resulting from theft from an unattended vehicle except when it is securely locked, its windows are fully closed, and there is visible evidence that entry into the vehicle was forced. Theft Without a Police Report: We will not cover loss or damage that is caused by or resulting from a theft without a police report being provided. We will also not cover any more than one theft per policy period. Unexplained Loss or Mysterious Disappearance: We will not cover loss or damage caused by your inability to locate an item of property unless a reasonable explanation as to what might have happened supports that the property was stolen. If your property was stolen, you are required to notify the local police immediately as well as the Auburn Public Schools within 72 hours of its disappearance. This policy does not provide coverage if you fail to notify the police. What to Do if You Have a Loss If you have a loss to property covered by this policy, you must:

Related to Intentional Acts

  • Acts means the Companies Acts (as defined in section 2 of the Companies Act 2006), in so far as they apply to the Company;

  • Serious Misconduct means any misconduct identified as a ground for termination in the Motorola Code of Business Conduct, or the human resources policies, or other written policies or procedures.

  • Serious emotional disturbance means a diagnosable mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder affecting a minor that exists or has existed during the past year for a period of time sufficient to meet diagnostic criteria specified in the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association and approved by the department and that has resulted in functional impairment that substantially interferes with or limits the minor's role or functioning in family, school, or community activities. The following disorders are included only if they occur in conjunction with another diagnosable serious emotional disturbance:

  • Emotional disturbance means a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a student’s educational performance:

  • Willful and Material Breach means a material breach that is a consequence of an act undertaken by the breaching party or the failure by the breaching party to take an act it is required to take under this Agreement, with knowledge that the taking of or failure to take such act would, or would reasonably be expected to, result in, constitute or cause a breach of this Agreement.

  • Moral turpitude means conduct that is wrong in itself even if no statute were to prohibit the conduct; and