Examples of Key Milestones in a sentence
Key Milestones are used for evaluating performance on the Project as described in the Agreement.
DFO As per Key Milestones and Timelines for the Environmental Assessment and Aboriginal Consultation in the associated Project Agreement.
To the extent they do not materially adversely affect costs or the achievement of Key Milestones on or prior to the scheduled completion dates for such Key Milestones, as set forth in the Project Schedule, such programs shall include: (i) minimizing the impacts of noise and dust at and around the Project Site; and (ii) using local Labor and other resources whenever possible, to the extent such Labor is qualified and cost competitive.
ATTACHMENT #2 TO [*] PRODUCT PROJECT STATEMENT STATEMENT OF WORK (“SOW”) This Attachment #2 describes Key Milestones, deliverables and required dates throughout the Project.
Transition Plan - Key Milestones ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Month Communication Sales, Marketing and Tech Customer Service Manufacturing/ Distribution Service (SMTS) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apr '02 -4/30: Definitive Agreement finalized and signed by RBX and Nomaco parties.