Leaves definition
Examples of Leaves in a sentence
Leaves of absence in excess of thirty (30) continuous calendar days will not count towards the eighteen (18) months period noted above.
The Employer will also identify job classification (where the bargaining unit includes classifications, employees paid less than RNs) and status (i.e. full-time, part-time) of the employees, all terminations, newly hired employees (including start date, where the existing system allows for the information without cost), and employees on Leaves of Absence.
Leaves requested for the purpose of pursuing further formal nursing education will be given priority.
The Employer will also identify job classification (where the bargaining unit includes classifications, employees paid less than RNs) and status (i.e., full-time, part-time) of the employees, all terminations, newly hired employees (including start date, where the existing system allows for the information without cost), and employees on Leaves of Absence.
The parties agree that the issue of Short Term Paid Leaves had been addressed at the Central Table and the provisions shall remain status quo to provisions in current local collective agreements.