Production Support definition

Production Support consists of assistance with installation, application testing, usage, problem diagnosis and bug fixes for Software used for Production Purposes during specific Red Hat life cycle phases (as referenced in Section 1.7 above). Production Support does not include assistance with code development, system design, network design, architectural design, optimizations, tuning recommendations, development or implementation of security rules or policies, third party software made available with Red Hat Software (listed at, supplementary RHN channels and/or preview technologies. La "Asistencia de Producción" consta de asistencia técnica para la instalación, la aplicación de testeo, el uso, el diagnóstico de problemas y la corrección de defectos de Software utilizado para Fines de Producción durante las fases específicas del ciclo de vida Red Hat (según constan en la Sección 1.7 más arriba). La Asistencia de Producción no incluye asistencia para el desarrollo de códigos, diseño del sistema, diseño de red, diseño arquitectónico, optimizaciones, recomendaciones de ajustes, desarrollo o implementación de normas o políticas de seguridad o para el software de terceros disponibles con el software de Red Hat (se enumeran en, canales RHN suplementarios y/o tecnologías de vista previa. To access and use Support, you must provide Red Hat with sufficient information to validate your entitlement to the relevant Support. The scope of the Support is based on the level (for example, Self-support, Standard or Premium) and type of Subscription Services you purchased. Certain Support is provided only during Red Hat’s local standard business hours. Para acceder y utilizar los servicios de Asistencia, debe proporcionarle a Red Hat información suficiente como para validar su derecho a obtener la asistencia relevante. El alcance de los servicios de Asistencia se basa en el nivel (por ejemplo, Autoasistencia, Estándar o Premium) y el tipo de Servicios de Suscripción que adquirió. Determinada Asistencia es proporcionada únicamente durante el horario comercial estándar local de Red Hat.
Production Support consists of assistance with installation, application testing, usage, problem diagnosis and bug fixes for Software used for Production Purposes during specific Red Hat life cycle phases (as referenced in Section
Production Support consists of assistance with installation, application testing, usage, problem diagnosis and bug fixes for Software used for Production Purposes during specific Red Hat life cycle phases (as referenced in Section 1.7 above). Production Support does not include assistance with code development, system design, network design, architectural design, optimizations, tuning recommendations, development or implementation of security rules or policies, third party software made available with Red Hat Software (listed at, supplementary RHN channels or preview technologies. To access and use Support, you must provide Red Hat with sufficient information to validate your entitlement to the relevant Support. The scope of the Support is based on the level (for example, Self-support, Standard or Premium) and type of Subscription Services you purchased. Certain Support is provided only during Red Hat’s local standard business hours.

Examples of Production Support in a sentence

  • Red Hat only provides Production Support for the Red Hat Products and does not provide any Production Support for any underlying infrastructure or for any third party products that may be running on any servers or virtual machines.

  • Production Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop subscriptions is limited to web-based support only for your helpdesk support personnel.

  • Red Hat does not provide Production Support or Development Support for Red Hat Enterprise Developer Suite.

  • Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio Portfolio Edition also includes one entitlement to a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Software Subscription, with built-in development tools and access to Software Maintenance, but no Development or Production Support.

  • Note that not all Production Support options are available for all Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Subscriptions, configurations or customers.

More Definitions of Production Support

Production Support means support for the Product in a production environment.
Production Support means support services for Custom Software and Systems in production which are not covered under an Amdocs warranty in a Services Order. For avoidance of doubt, Work performed by Amdocs in Production Support is itself subject to the OnGoing Support Services warranty provisions herein.
Production Support consists of assistance with installation, application testing, usage, problem diagnosis and bug fixes for the Software used for Production Purposes during specific Red Hat life cycle phases (as referenced in Section 1.7 above). Production Support does not include assistance with code development, system design, network design, architectural design, optimizations, tuning recommendations, development or implementation of security rules or policies, third party software made available with Red Hat Software (listed at, supplementary RHN channels or preview technologies. O “Suporte à Produção” consiste na assistência para instalação, testes de aplicativos, uso, diagnóstico de problemas e correção de bugs para o Software usado para Fins de Produção xxxxxxx xxx fase específica do ciclo de vida da Red Hat (como mencionado na Seção 1.7 acima). O Suporte à Produção não inclui assistência para o desenvolvimento de códigos, design de sistemas, design de rede, design arquitetônico, otimizações, recomendações de ajuste, desenvolvimento ou implementação de regras ou políticas de segurança, softwares de terceiros disponíveis com o Software da Red Hat (relacionados no, canais complementares RHN ou tecnologias de visualização. To access and use Support, you must provide Red Hat with sufficient information to validate your entitlement to the relevant Support. The scope of the Support is based on the level (for example, Self-support, Standard or Premium) and type of Subscription Services you purchased. Certain Support is provided only during Red Hat’s local standard business hours. Para acessar e usar o Suporte, é preciso fornecer à Red Hat informações suficientes para validar o seu direito ao Suporte relevante. O âmbito do Suporte é baseado no nível (por exemplo, Self-Support, Standard ou Premium) e no tipo de Serviço de Subscrição adquirido. Alguns Suportes são oferecidos apenas durante o horário comercial padrão local da Red Hat.
Production Support shall have the meaning provided in Section ------------------ 13.1 of this Agreement.
Production Support consists of assistance with installation, application testing, usage, problem diagnosis and bug fixes for the Software used for Production Purposes during specific Red Hat life cycle phases (as referenced in Section 1.7 above). Production Support does not include assistance with code development, system design, network design, architectural design, optimizations, tuning recommendations, development or implementation of security rules or policies, third party software made available with Red Hat Software (listed at, supplementary RHN channels and/or preview technologies. Il "Supporto alla Produzione" consiste xxxx'assistenza per quanto riguarda l'installazione, i test delle applicazioni, l'utilizzo, la diagnosi ed l'eliminazione di difetti del Software utilizzato per finalità di produzione durante fasi specifiche del ciclo di vita di Red Hat (vedi sezione 1.7 soprastante). Il Supporto alla Produzione non include assistenza per sviluppo di codici, progettazione del sistema, progettazione della rete, progettazione dell'architettura, ottimizzazioni, indicazioni sulla configurazione, sviluppo o implementazione delle regole o delle policy di sicurezza, software xx xxxxx resi disponibili con Software Red Hat (elencati al sito web, canali RHN supplementari e/o tecnologie di anteprima. To access and use Support, you must provide Red Hat with sufficient information to validate your entitlement to the relevant Support. The scope of the Support is based on the level (for example, Self-support, Standard or Premium) and type of Subscription Services you purchased. Certain Support is provided only during Red Hat’s local standard business hours. Per accedere al Supporto e utilizzarlo, il Cliente deve fornire a Red Hat informazioni sufficienti a convalidare la propria conformità ai requisiti del Supporto in oggetto. L'ambito del Supporto è strutturato in base al livello (per esempio, Auto- supporto, Standard o Premium) e al tipo di Servizi in Abbonamento acquistati. Alcune forme di Supporto vengono fornite solo durante l'orario lavorativo di Red Hat.
Production Support. Support Services provided for Software used in a production environment or otherwise for any production purposes.
Production Support consists of assistance with installation, application testing, usage, problem diagnosis and bug fixes for Products used for Production Purposes during specific Splendid Data life cycle phases (as referenced in Section 1.5 above). Production Support does not include assistance with code development, system design, network design, architectural design, optimizations, tuning recommendations, development or implementation of security rules or policies, third party software made available with Splendid Data Product.