Evaluation of Teaching. 1. The purpose of evaluation is to assess teacher competence and reinforce quality education.
2. A teacher should normally be reported on during the year of the initial appointment to the District, once every five years thereafter, or upon request of the teacher, Superintendent or Administrator.
3. All reports on the work of a teacher shall be formal written reports.
4. At least thirty (30) days prior to commencing observations, the evaluator shall meet with the teacher and invite agreement on the purpose and the time span of the evaluation and the criteria and standards to be applied. At least five (5) days prior to commencing observations, the evaluator will discuss the schedule of observations with the teacher. (The criteria shall be those stated in Local Appendix A.)
5. The evaluation of a teacher shall not be based on aspects of the learning situation over which the teacher does not have both responsibility and control.
6. Each report shall normally be based on not less than three (3) or more than six (6) personal observations which reflect the teacher's assignment. The process shall normally not exceed two (2) months. The report shall be filed by May 31 of that year unless the teacher agrees on a later date.
7. Involvement or non-involvement in extra-curricular activities and participation in union activities or matters not directly related to the general work of a teacher are outside the scope of evaluating and reporting on the work of a teacher.
8. Periods chosen for observation should not be at inappropriate times such as those immediately preceding or following breaks for holiday periods, when the teacher is returning to work after a protracted absence, and/or when activities are occurring within the school which substantially disrupt the normal classroom or school program. The teacher shall have the opportunity to select at least two (2) of the observation times.
9. Following each observation, the evaluator shall normally discuss with the teacher their observations and impressions. Such observations and impressions shall, where practicable, be further provided to the teacher in the form of a written commentary within forty-eight (48) hours of the observation.
10. Each formal report by the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendents, and Administrator including principals, vice principals and directors of instruction shall be based on the most recent observations and assessments and not on those used in previous reports. In the case where a teacher...
Evaluation of Teaching. For teaching faculty, the evaluation shall include an appraisal of student learning including achievement of learning for at least one course in each semester (including achievement of learning objectives), colleague assessment and, for each course taught, student ratings. Evaluations of teaching effectiveness shall not rely solely upon student ratings. The collection of student ratings shall be prescribed so that the anonymity, security, completeness, and integrity of the student responses are preserved. If the process of collection is not specified in the bylaws, it shall be under the direction of the department head in consultation with the appropriate departmental faculty committee. The final student ratings shall be collected not earlier than the final week of the class nor later than the end of the final exam week. With the exception of distance education courses as defined in 6.9, student ratings shall normally be conducted during a regularly scheduled class period. Such ratings may be collected manually or electronically. The department head shall direct the creation of summary analyses of the student ratings as deemed necessary for consideration by the department evaluation committee. The summary analysis shall be included as part of the evaluation materials. Faculty access to student rating materials will be prevented until after grades for the course have been submitted and the time period for posting grades has concluded. For the purpose of maintaining the quality of the honors program, faculty who teach in the honors program will be evaluated similar to faculty who have a joint appointment (5.
1.6.1). Honors program faculty members not applying for tenure or promotion will receive an annual teaching evaluation from the honors board and honors program director not later than January 24. For this purpose, course evaluations from students in the honors course taught by the faculty member will be provided to the honors board and the honors program director. The evaluations from the honors board and the honors program director will be given to the home department of the faculty member on or before February 1 for an annual evaluation, or September 15 if applying for tenure or promotion. It is the responsibility of the faculty member applying for promotion or tenure to inform the honors program director of their intentions at the beginning of the fall semester. The home department will use this evaluation when writing part III...
Evaluation of Teaching. 13.14.1 Members of the bargaining unit will be expected to participate in required student evaluations of teaching.
Evaluation of Teaching. 23.1 Teacher supervision and evaluation processes will be consistent with the Summative Evaluation Process as described in "A Guide For Supervision and Evaluation in School District No. 57 (Prince Xxxxxx) Revised: 1990" for the life of the agreement or a shorter period upon mutual agreement.
23.2 A joint committee shall review existing evaluation practices on an on-going basis.
23.3 The Board will make a current copy of "A Guide For Supervision and Evaluation in School District No. 57 (Prince Xxxxxx) Revised: 1990" available in the library of each school. In addition, a copy of the guide will be provided to each teacher on whom an evaluative report is about to be written.
Evaluation of Teaching. 1. The Board and the Teachers‘ Union agree that teachers, school-based administrators and district administrators will be involved as supervisors in an on-going, effective and positive process of supervision leading to the improvement of instruction in the district. Teachers possess skills and understanding which would make them effective supervisors for their colleagues. Recognizing that self-motivation is the key, the main goals of supervision are the improvement of instruction through self-direction, self-analysis, and the enhancement of a supportive educational environment. When colleagues enter into a process of supervision a relationship of mutual trust should exist. The district will work toward the implementation of Clinical Supervision as the model of Supervision of Instruction to be used in the schools. Schools, with district support, will be encouraged to develop in-service programs that will provide the staff members with the skills and knowledge necessary to understand and practice Clinical Supervision. To enhance their supervisory skills teachers will receive appropriate professional development and become available as supervisors. Representatives of the Board and the Professional Development Committee of the Union will continue discussions to develop further and add to established criteria (personnel and process) in the Clinical Supervision Model.
Evaluation of Teaching. For the term of the Agreement, evaluation may be undertaken for those teachers:
a. who are new to the district; or
b. who are requesting a report; or
c. where competence or the learning situation is a concern.
Evaluation of Teaching. 1. The Association and Board encourage teachers and administrators to develop a variety of positive and effective strategies for maintaining a high level of instruction and supervision. We believe that students are best served when a high quality of classroom instruction and teaching performance is provided and maintained, and when positive encouragement of and adequate assistance for teaching performance is provided. To this end it is agreed that there shall be a system of formal information collection and evaluation and developed plans of assistance when required as provided for in this article.
2. The parties intend that the provisions of this article shall apply to all reports written on the evaluation of a teacher and no supplementary written or oral reports contrary to the intent of the reports shall be made.
3. The report shall provide an assessment of the work of the teacher and the learning situation in the teacher's class or classes during the current school year.
a. Involvement or non-involvement in extra curricular activities, participation in union activities or matters not directly related to teaching duties are outside the scope of evaluating and reporting on the work of a teacher.
4. Evaluations shall be conducted on the following basis:
a. At least 20 school days prior to commencing observations, the evaluator shall meet with the teacher and discuss the purposes of the evaluation, the time span, schedule of observations and criteria to be applied.
b. A teacher evaluation may be conducted at any time but it is expected that a teacher new to the District will be evaluated in his/her first year of employment. Subject to Article C.22 Dismissal for Less Than Satisfactory Performance, a report on other teachers shall normally be written not more than once every five
Evaluation of Teaching. E.26.1 The purpose of supervision and evaluation is to promote and reinforce good instruction. In the first month of the school year, each Principal, in consultation with school staff members, shall submit to the Board, a school plan for the supervision of teaching performance. Although each school plan will be unique, each should contain:
a. A statement of objectives for the year;
b. A statement of characteristics of good teaching;
c. An evaluative model and process for the school;
d. A list of the teachers who will be receiving written evaluations.
E.26.2 In accordance with the School Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c.412 with amendments, formal evaluations of teachers are required. While there may be flexibility within the process of report writing for significant variations, there shall be the following elements common to all reports written on teachers:
a. The procedure by which teachers are to be evaluated must be predetermined and clearly stated and explained;
b. The evaluative model developed for each school shall be followed;
c. Each report shall be based on not less than three (3) or more than six (6) personal observations which reflect the teacher’s assignment;
d. Periods chosen for observation shall not be at abnormal or inappropriate times and the teacher shall have the opportunity to select two (2) observation times.
e. The content of a teaching report shall be a specific, objective description of teaching performance. Judgments shall be adequately substantiated.
f. A series of classroom visitations shall include three (3) phases with dates and times recorded. These are:
i. Pre-report conference: The teacher and the report writer shall discuss the expectations of both parties with regard to the process of evaluation before report-related classroom observation takes place.
Evaluation of Teaching. For teaching faculty, the evaluation shall include an appraisal of student learning including achievement of learning objectives required in 6.2.1, colleague assessment and for each course taught student ratings. Evaluations of teaching effectiveness shall not rely solely upon student ratings. The collection of student ratings shall be prescribed so that the anonymity, security, completeness, and integrity of the student responses are preserved. If the process of collection is not specified in the bylaws, it shall be under the direction of the department head in consultation with the appropriate departmental faculty committee. The final student ratings shall be collected not earlier than the final week of the class nor later than the end of the final exam week. With the exception of distance education courses as defined in 6.7, student ratings shall normally be conducted during a regularly scheduled class period. Such ratings may be collected manually or electronically. The department head shall direct the creation of such summary analyses of the student ratings as deemed necessary for consideration by the department evaluation committee. The summary analysis shall be included as part of the evaluation materials. Faculty access to student rating materials will be prevented until after grades for the course have been submitted and the time period for posting grades has concluded.
Evaluation of Teaching. All evaluation reports on teachers, including Teachers-Teaching-On-Call, shall be in writing.